Soko4MUI is inspired by the famous thinking game Sokoban.
The game makes use of the MUI library and features modern graphics and sounds.
To make solving the levels less difficult, there are options like "Undo", "Redo", "Load/Save", "Restart level" and "Jump to level".
Caution: The game might not work properly if you have got a screen height of less than 900 pixels.
Some of the levels are from D.W. Skinner ("Sasquatch" levels) and Aymeric du Peloux ("Minicosmos" levels) who allowed their free use by others as long as they are properly credited.
Version 1.2:
- Load/Save within levels now possible
- Added new level set with 20 additional, easier levels
- Fixed sound files which prevented the game to start on some systems
Version 1.1:
- Fixed little bug in .info-File