84782 packages online
game/think/MatchBall_OS4.lha |
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Matchball is a little puzzle game (written in C++, using the Simple DirectMedia
Layer) by Marco Kraus.
You have to click to remove all adjacent balls with the same color and reach as
many points as possible. Sounds easy, but beware, this game is extremely
Matchball has full rendered backgrounds and translucent balls, supports
different ballschemes, different levels, music and fx, a setup menu and a
complete highscore system for each level.
OS4 Port information:
0.33 is out but it wasnt stable so i degraded to 0.32.
There is a few glitches in this version aswell but nothing that will ruin the
gameplay or fun.
Known Problems:
Highscore table is abit out of sync (TTF font ontop of bitmap)
ChangeLog ===========
Version 0.32 (21-02-2002)
- added seed for better (timebased and true) random
- added border around setupbox and changed color
- animated clicked okay button in settup menue
- added compatibility check for gcc and stdlib (ios_base/ios)
- added rand() support for gcc 2.95 and older stdlib
Version 0.31 (19-02-2002)
- highscorebox: seperated font_rect, shadowbox und dest_rect (relative
- also added versioninfo in setupscreen
- highscore boxcolor now definied with Map_RGB
- highscore inputbox boder reduced to 1px
- added keyrepeat to highscore-inputbox
- letter-positioning now TyueType in highscore-inputbox
- cleaned up inputbox-code
Version 0.30 (18-02-2002)
- highscores can now be saved and loaded
- added defaulthighscores
- added matchball direcotry (~/.matchball)
- replaced credits-sound MP3 with an IT.
- added UN*X-manpage
- defined setupdirectory
- replaced antiquated headers
- cleared up headers
- made code more ISO-C++ compatible
- made unistd-access() compatible with msvc
- improved settings-parser-code (for-loop out-of-range check)
Version 0.27 (20-11-2002)
- added setup-save/load functionality for linux and win32
- fixed typo in FX
- added atexit()-switches for linux and win32
- fixed configure problems
Version 0.26 (03-11-2002)
- fixed: sound stopped after leaving setup
- fixed: no sound in intro
- print versioninformation to menutitle and mainmenu
- added okay&save button in setup menu
- time optimized ball-highlighting
- fixed: delighted if outter playfield
- fixed: increased font-height for score-refresh (win32)
Version 0.25 (28-10-2002)
- fixed sound when switched off and reactivated
- fixed : NONO-Sound only played once
- made shiny-balls more shiny (thanks Felix S.)
- clearer ball-collapse (refill with BG) for themes with alpha-channel
- time-optimized some rect-updates (now flickerfree drawing of balls)
- fixed loop in MenueMusic.it (thanks Felix L.)
- added ball-highlighting
- added current-balls (the highlighted balls)
- added possible score of highlighted balls (current score)
- fixed: "clean"-theme is now marked correctly
- fixed: startup flickering while loading menue-entries
- changed ball-theme names gernerally to lowercase
- increaed time and total score size and rearranged positions
Version 0.24 (24-10-2002)
- put intro and menu to separate files
- print points of last click
- reduced clearbonus: now 500 pts.
- added setup-functions
- put more defines in global configure
- added credits-backgroundsound
Version 0.23 (21-10-2002)
- added errorhandling while loading pics
- fixed some header problems while compilation
- improved credits page
- improved menue-navigation and fonts
- added menue-background music (thanks Felix L.)
- added game-background music (thanks Felix L.)
- added game-icon (thanks Felix L.)
- added some more ball-sets (thanks Linny and Felix S.)
Version 0.22 (19-10-2002)
- added some fancy fx (thanks Felix S. and Steffi)
- ported to windows (thanks Felix L.)
- fixed finished bug (finished after one click)
- atexit() kicked for compatibility reasons
Version 0.21 (17-10-2002)
- cleaned up headers
- replaced BFont with SDL_ttf and free GNU TT fonts
( in cause of problems with the win32 port )
Version 0.20 (16-10-2002)
- added main-menue with selection
- added fancy about-and-credit splash
- replaced SDL_Delays with wait_until_anykey-functions
Version 0.19 (16-10-2002)
- added documentation
- added "field clear or finished" function
- added finish-screen
- added bonus points for cleared field
- prints complete point results at the end
Version 0.18 (15-10-2002)
- first public release
- better sdl-init (see docs in your homedir,marco!)
- case sensitive highscore-input
- improve performance and load speed
- little faster fx (shorten nono.wav)
- add a "boing"-sound to jumping sunbeam logo
- improve credits page (scrolling)
- fix that strange ghost-shadow bug
- add fullscreen-switch
- timer countdown and timer-bonus
- i18n
Contents of game/think/MatchBall_OS4.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 175 215 81.4% -lh5- c5f0 Feb 16 2003 Matchball_OS4/.matchballrc
[generic] 433 787 55.0% -lh5- 1278 Feb 19 2003 Matchball_OS4/AUTHORS
[generic] 1846 2060 89.6% -lh5- f954 Nov 20 10:20 Matchball_OS4/AUTHORS.info
[generic] 1594 4059 39.3% -lh5- 8e2d Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/ChangeLog
[generic] 1848 2060 89.7% -lh5- d9f7 Nov 20 10:20 Matchball_OS4/ChangeLog.info
[generic] 7015 18009 39.0% -lh5- e98e Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/COPYING
[generic] 34 34 100.0% -lh0- 1316 Nov 20 10:18 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallOS4.exe
[generic] 10702 12218 87.6% -lh5- 9a16 Nov 20 10:20 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallOS4.exe.info
[generic] 993271 2358016 42.1% -lh5- ecf0 Nov 20 10:07 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/Matchball_OS4
[generic] 291 994 29.3% -lh5- 4c60 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/templates/header_template
[generic] 561 937 59.9% -lh5- 6d8c Feb 19 2003 Matchball_OS4/README
[generic] 1975 2422 81.5% -lh5- fc38 Nov 20 10:20 Matchball_OS4/README.info
[generic] 249 371 67.1% -lh5- 4712 Feb 20 2003 Matchball_OS4/TODO
[generic] 1850 2060 89.8% -lh5- 7cdd Nov 20 10:20 Matchball_OS4/TODO.info
[generic] 304 560 54.3% -lh5- 2080 Nov 20 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/matchball.lsm
[generic] 630 1129 55.8% -lh5- 38f4 Feb 17 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/matchball.man
[generic] 57705 60393 95.5% -lh5- f7b4 Jan 1 2000 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/sounds/CreditsMusic.it
[generic] 163959 189331 86.6% -lh5- ee32 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/sounds/GameMusic.it
[generic] 31354 32314 97.0% -lh5- 7820 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/sounds/gameover.wav
[generic] 4467 6156 72.6% -lh5- e0ed Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/sounds/kickoff.wav
[generic] 65338 73786 88.6% -lh5- 6f34 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/sounds/MenueMusic.it
[generic] 15499 16576 93.5% -lh5- 9840 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/sounds/nono.wav
[generic] 291 994 29.3% -lh5- 4c60 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/templates/cpp_template
[generic] 254 254 100.0% -lh0- 3636 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/smiley/ball1.png
[generic] 1202 1211 99.3% -lh5- 375a Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/smiley/ball2.png
[generic] 409 445 91.9% -lh5- 0dc5 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/smiley/ball3.png
[generic] 254 254 100.0% -lh0- 02a2 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/smiley/ball4.png
[generic] 407 445 91.5% -lh5- 35f3 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/smiley/ball5.png
[generic] 3463 3463 100.0% -lh0- aff8 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/woody/ball5.png
[generic] 352141 661444 53.2% -lh5- febc Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/fonts/FreeSerif.ttf
[generic] 147850 278648 53.1% -lh5- ed99 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/fonts/FreeSerifBold.ttf
[generic] 2129 2129 100.0% -lh0- dff1 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/shiny/ball3.png
[generic] 2214 2214 100.0% -lh0- 6909 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/shiny/ball4.png
[generic] 2196 2196 100.0% -lh0- 55f9 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/shiny/ball5.png
[generic] 2032 2032 100.0% -lh0- 9efd Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/shiny/ball6.png
[generic] 3753 3753 100.0% -lh0- 8bed Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/woody/ball1.png
[generic] 3436 3436 100.0% -lh0- fb17 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/woody/ball2.png
[generic] 3398 3398 100.0% -lh0- 997e Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/woody/ball3.png
[generic] 3088 3088 100.0% -lh0- 0361 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/woody/ball4.png
[generic] 2410 2410 100.0% -lh0- 0408 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/clear/ball1.png
[generic] 2405 2405 100.0% -lh0- bea9 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/clear/ball2.png
[generic] 2293 2293 100.0% -lh0- 2caf Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/clear/ball3.png
[generic] 2210 2210 100.0% -lh0- 3410 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/clear/ball4.png
[generic] 2243 2243 100.0% -lh0- 2eaf Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/clear/ball5.png
[generic] 1590 1590 100.0% -lh0- f87c Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/marked.png
[generic] 2103 2103 100.0% -lh0- 8328 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/shiny/ball1.png
[generic] 2119 2119 100.0% -lh0- f0f7 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/balls/shiny/ball2.png
[generic] 1935 12471 15.5% -lh5- 038a Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/.deps/highscore.Po
[generic] 1924 12429 15.5% -lh5- 6d33 Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/.deps/intro.Po
[generic] 1968 12518 15.7% -lh5- 1021 Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/.deps/main.Po
[generic] 2017 12749 15.8% -lh5- 2306 Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/.deps/matchball.all_cpp.Po
[generic] 1949 12497 15.6% -lh5- 6bbb Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/.deps/matchball.Po
[generic] 1925 12429 15.5% -lh5- 8514 Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/.deps/menue.Po
[generic] 1928 12448 15.5% -lh5- e2d6 Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/.deps/RenderFont.Po
[generic] 1923 12442 15.5% -lh5- 5bce Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/.deps/settings.Po
[generic] 175 215 81.4% -lh5- c5f0 Feb 16 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/matchballrc
[generic] 14001 16175 86.6% -lh5- 2474 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/pics/FinishPic.png
[generic] 43950 43950 100.0% -lh0- 70c6 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/pics/GamePic.jpg
[generic] 7739 9415 82.2% -lh5- a3be Feb 17 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/pics/HighscorePic.png
[generic] 2128 3126 68.1% -lh5- 726c Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/pics/icon.bmp
[generic] 2155 3262 66.1% -lh5- 2beb Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/pics/icon.ico
[generic] 44122 44122 100.0% -lh0- 67b4 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/pics/MenuePic.jpg
[generic] 4836 4836 100.0% -lh0- 9ef2 Feb 20 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/pics/okay-inverse.png
[generic] 4366 4366 100.0% -lh0- 4226 Feb 20 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/pics/okay.png
[generic] 23481 23481 100.0% -lh0- b494 Nov 12 2002 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/pics/SunbeamPic.jpg
[generic] 10957 12253 89.4% -lh5- 52fc Nov 20 10:20 Matchball_OS4.info
[generic] 220 279 78.9% -lh5- 3448 Nov 20 10:05 Matchball_OS4/.matchball/highscore.4
[generic] 3580 10240 35.0% -lh5- bcb9 Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/docs/en/Makefile
[generic] 67 128 52.3% -lh5- 0cad Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/docs/en/Makefile.am
[generic] 3404 9935 34.3% -lh5- 26dc Feb 20 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/docs/en/Makefile.in
[generic] 3576 10213 35.0% -lh5- 33c8 Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/docs/Makefile
[generic] 67 128 52.3% -lh5- 0cad Feb 21 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/docs/Makefile.am
[generic] 3400 9911 34.3% -lh5- fe2a Feb 20 2003 Matchball_OS4/MatchBallRelease/docs/Makefile.in
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 73 files 2094783 4077282 51.4% Nov 20 15:29
Page generated in 0.02 seconds |
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