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Short:3D-Puzzle game using MiniGL - v1.0 (68k&WarpOS)
Author: tusca at
Uploader:Jukka Varsaluoma (tusca nic fi)
Requires:Warp3D, AHI, Lucyplay.library, 68040/PPC
Download:game/think/AlyBox10.lha - View contents

What it is

The Greatest Hero of all times is back!
It's the famous... Box!
(And once again, with a weird prefix. Finns may got it.;)

AlyBox is an absurd puzzler with 3d-gfx (MiniGL/Warp3D),
16bit sound (AHI), joystick/keyboard controls and different
levels on every game! Endless fun for the whole family! Unbelievable!

This archive contains versions for both 68k and WarpOS.

And I'm not responsible for anything this game causes to your
hardware, software or to your head. Use it at your own risk.

Check also the homepage for screenshots and other stuff:


Amiga with at least 68040 (PPC is supported via WarpOS)
Working Warp3D installation
Working AHI installation
An open mind, sense of humour and good nerves

If it runs on other platforms/under emulation, please let me know.


Please note!
AlyBox is freeware, but for permission to include AlyBox on any software
collection (other than Aminet) or covercd, please contact the author.
Also the archive must remain unchanged.

Oh, and if you liked this little game, _please_ send me some feedback
(via email or form at the website)


The game can be started from icon, they are just simple scripts, open
them to editor to modify the screen/window size or other options.

You can also start the AlyBox from shell, there are two executables,
AlyBox68k and AlyBoxWOS, both have same options:

-width xxx     Width of the screen or window. (default: 640)

-height yyy    Height of the screen or window. (default: 480)

-window        Run AlyBox in a window.

-16bit         15bit or 16bit screendepth. (default: 15bit)

-double        Double or triple buffering. (default: triple)

-forcejoy      If the initialization of joystic fails, try this option.

Remember to start game from the same directory where the "dada"-directory
is located, also some stack could be necessary.


The game is really quite simple. (Oh really, what a surprise. :)
The idea is to remove all the tiles on every level (there are 4*4 levels)
before energy runs out (the cool multicolored-see-through-meter at the right).

Avoid those baaaaad and eeeevil pyramid-things, touching them reduces energy.

You will get an extra life on every 4th level.

To control the Box, use the keyboard (keys at the numpad) or joystick.
Different directions move our hero to corresponding direction. Really original.
Key "5" or firebutton moves the camera up, so a larger portion of the current
level is shown. But this also reduces energy.

The levels are unique on every game, and sometimes they can be a little
tricky (yes, I admit that) but always possible. So the game isn't the easiest one
to complete, but it's perfectly possible. It just takes some time to master Alybox. :)
And there is a unbelievable great (yes, this is sarcasm) end-of-game animation, where
the secret of AlyBox is revealed, whatever that means.

In-game keys:

esc     - quit
g       - takes a screengrab
          (goes to ram: and is named "screenshotN.ppm", where N goes from 0 to up)
8,4,6,2 - directions
5       - "firebutton"

tip: Think before moving, but when you move, move fast.


Maybe. :)


Q: Why does the game crash?
A: Make sure the Warp3D works. (Do other MiniGL-programs work?)
   Make sure there is enough gfx-mem free.
   Increasing stack might also help(?)

   There really can be hundreds of reasons...

Q: Why is it so slow on my machine?
A: Make sure the Warp3D works.
   Make sure there is enough gfx-mem free.

   In a smaller screen/window it also runs faster.
   (Fullscreen is faster that window.)

   The 68k version is quite slow on my machine (68040/25)
   but still quite playable.

Q: The joystick init fails!
A: Try to start with -forcejoy option

Q: Why box? Again?! Isn't that a little stupid?
A: It's an abstraction. Why does anything to have resemble
   something from the real world? Computer games can be
   an artform, why they have to imitate anything real?
   (and it was the easiest object to make...)

Q: The game is too hard!
A: You'll need more practise, Player-Son.

Q: Why did you do this?
A: To inspire all... err... to show that anyone can...
   err... hmhh... well... for fun, really.

Q: What about the future?
A: I have lots of great ideas, and maybe someday even time and
   energy to actualize them. Keep an eye on the website.

Thanks to

Jari Varsaluoma
Jukka Mäntylä
Dariusz Brzozowski

And finally, message for all of you:
Stop whining and start coding! :D

Contents of game/think/AlyBox10.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1364    1694  80.5% -lh5- 6414 Feb 10  2003
[generic]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- 5462 Feb  9  2003 AlyBox_1.0/68K_320x240
[generic]                 7439    8509  87.4% -lh5- b446 Feb  9  2003 AlyBox_1.0/
[generic]                   59      59 100.0% -lh0- 410b Feb  9  2003 AlyBox_1.0/68K_320x240_Window
[generic]                 7437    8509  87.4% -lh5- 1b19 Feb  9  2003 AlyBox_1.0/
[generic]                 2436    4857  50.2% -lh5- bf28 Feb 10  2003 AlyBox_1.0/AlyBox10.readme
[generic]                 1851    2787  66.4% -lh5- 6069 Feb  9  2003 AlyBox_1.0/
[generic]                89029  245044  36.3% -lh5- 67f7 Feb 10  2003 AlyBox_1.0/AlyBox68k
[generic]                98953  232320  42.6% -lh5- 3371 Feb 10  2003 AlyBox_1.0/AlyBoxWOS
[generic]                33980   49152  69.1% -lh5- fed4 Jan 24  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju0.raw
[generic]                11663   49152  23.7% -lh5- 1a3c Jan 24  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju1.raw
[generic]                11108   49152  22.6% -lh5- 82d1 Jan 27  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju10.raw
[generic]                43144   49152  87.8% -lh5- 6261 Aug  1  2002 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju11.raw
[generic]                38036   49152  77.4% -lh5- 0882 Aug  1  2002 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju12.raw
[generic]                40830   49152  83.1% -lh5- d297 Aug  1  2002 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju13.raw
[generic]                31168   49152  63.4% -lh5- 78d2 Aug  1  2002 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju14.raw
[generic]                24744   49152  50.3% -lh5- 3943 Jan 27  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju2.raw
[generic]                12940   49152  26.3% -lh5- ac06 Jan 24  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju3.raw
[generic]                 5184   49152  10.5% -lh5- 2026 Jan 24  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju4.raw
[generic]                21131   49152  43.0% -lh5- 556f Jan 24  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju5.raw
[generic]                28256   49152  57.5% -lh5- 0cf4 Jan 27  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju6.raw
[generic]                20229   49152  41.2% -lh5- 73b7 Jan 24  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju7.raw
[generic]                15050   49152  30.6% -lh5- 3b16 Jan 27  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju8.raw
[generic]                12044   49152  24.5% -lh5- 501e Jan 27  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/nulju9.raw
[generic]                16239  107728  15.1% -lh5- 9f41 Jan 29  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska0.jee
[generic]                27355  109652  24.9% -lh5- f00d Jan 29  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska1.jee
[generic]                55788   55788 100.0% -lh0- 0bf9 Feb  7  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska10.jee
[generic]                11152   12884  86.6% -lh5- 8054 Feb  8  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska11.jee
[generic]                  462     656  70.4% -lh5- fed2 Feb  7  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska12.jee
[generic]                 3381    4328  78.1% -lh5- 948e Feb  5  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska13.jee
[generic]                 6102    6932  88.0% -lh5- f59c Feb  5  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska14.jee
[generic]                58971   70028  84.2% -lh5- 4675 Feb  8  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska15.jee
[generic]                 4687    5492  85.3% -lh5- 9fae Feb  8  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska16.jee
[generic]                50213   54580  92.0% -lh5- ee18 Feb  8  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska17.jee
[generic]                97911  104588  93.6% -lh5- 3422 Feb  8  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska18.jee
[generic]               189143  233136  81.1% -lh5- 40ac Feb  8  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska19.jee
[generic]                30450   33428  91.1% -lh5- 6804 Feb  3  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska2.jee
[generic]               143962  155494  92.6% -lh5- daac Feb  8  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska20.jee
[generic]               117272  131372  89.3% -lh5- 4eef Feb  7  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska3.jee
[generic]                81360  102224  79.6% -lh5- e0cb Feb  3  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska4.jee
[generic]               165648  189336  87.5% -lh5- a5df Feb  5  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska5.jee
[generic]               176763  184108  96.0% -lh5- 2606 Feb  3  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska6.jee
[generic]               217214  229930  94.5% -lh5- 9a38 Feb  3  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska7.jee
[generic]                86330  101564  85.0% -lh5- e184 Feb  3  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska8.jee
[generic]                 9571   12556  76.2% -lh5- 0a73 Feb  3  2003 AlyBox_1.0/dada/turska9.jee
[generic]                   51      51 100.0% -lh0- 7e72 Feb  9  2003 AlyBox_1.0/Wos_640x480
[generic]                 7434    8509  87.4% -lh5- 69f5 Feb  9  2003 AlyBox_1.0/
[generic]                   59      59 100.0% -lh0- 8f81 Feb  9  2003 AlyBox_1.0/Wos_640x480_Window
[generic]                 7436    8509  87.4% -lh5- 699b Feb  9  2003 AlyBox_1.0/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        49 files 2123080 3164042  67.1%            Feb 14  2003
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