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game/misc/TimeBomb_V1.0.lha |
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This game is similar to an old C64 game called Gridtrap in which you have
to diffuse a number of time-bomb's before they blow you up, obviously!
You score points by :-
o Reaching the bombs and diffusing them.
o Collecting bonus flags.
o Clearing the bomb's quickly.
If the above sounds easy, i'd better tell you about the hazards you will
encounter on the way to the bomb's :-
o Skull & Crossbones.
o Collapseible floor.
o A mean time limit, which gets progressively meaner!
Each level of the game consists of 10 grids which must be cleared of bombs
before the time limit is up. You diffuse the bombs by moving your player on
to the same square as the bomb. You collect flags in the same manner. Once
you step of a piece of the floor (which is a series of tiles) it collapses
and you cannot go back the way you came. So you need to plan your route
If you find yourself in a seemingly helpless situation, you can slide to
floor around horizontally. You do this by holding down the fire button and
either left or right to slide the floor tiles in that direction. You will
move with the floor.
Bombs, bonus Flags and holes in the floor will wrap around from edge to
edge. You, however, cannot go past the edge of the grid.
A bonus life is awarded every 50000 points and if you manage to get a high
score you may enter you name in the high score table.
The mouse button on the title screen toggles the music+FX or FX only.
Good luck!
Suggestions and flames are welcomed - I need some inspiration to make this
game better!
The author can be reached via email on ian@iwilson.demon.co.uk or Fido
Contents of game/misc/TimeBomb_V1.0.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 220108 307368 71.6% -lh5- 6cf4 May 11 1995 TimeBomb
[generic] 887 1775 50.0% -lh5- 93f3 Sep 5 1995 TimeBomb.doc
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 2 files 220995 309143 71.5% Sep 6 1995
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