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Short:Temptations DEMO v1.0 Final
Uploader:S0Y <soyajhc hotmail com>
Version:1.0 final
Download:game/misc/Temptations_DEMO_Final.lha - View contents

              *                                   *
              *              WARNING              *
              *                                   *
              * SABERMAN (MONETIZED) VIDEOS DO    *
              * COMMENT/RATE THIS GAME.           *
              *                                   *
              *  IF YOU WATCH THIS GAME ON THE    *
              * ABOVE SITES, YOU RUN THE RISK OF  *
              * MATION, AS WELL AS POORLY MADE    *
              * NESS, WITHOUT MUSIC, ETC.)        *
              *                                   *
              *           BE CAREFUL!             *

      T E M P T A T I O N S   D E M O   v 1 . 0   F I N A L


            Original version (MSX): Luis López Navarro
                   Android version: pipagerardo (coder) and Nene
                                    Franz (graphics artist)
               Amiga Version (AGA): S0Y
                     Music and SFX: S0Y (music selection of audio
                                    tracks) and Fireb0y (music level 3)
                    Loading screen: S0Y
                      Icons for WB: S0Y
                       Betatesters: Ferry_A1, Fireb0y, Jjsaenz1969, Justo,
                                    AmigaFactory, Ruben, 70lk13n, Zener, 
                                    ee4gge Zoltar3.1
                             Tools: Zener (RedPill)


         - Amiga AGA / CD32 with 1 MB of FastMem

This game has versions that support the cursors/joystick and the Amiga CD32
Pad (CD32).

Keyboard (cursors/joystick):
- ESC to exit to WB
- CTRL + HELP to abort the game
- HELP to lose a life (in the case of being locked up)
- Z or joystick button for shooting

CD32 GamePad (CD32 version):
- Blue button to jump
- Red button to fire
- Back button to lose a life (in the case of being locked in)
- Yellow button + forward + back to abort the game

* WinUAE config: *
* -------------- ***********************************************************
*                                                                          *
* For the game to work correctly, it is necessary to activate the          *
* "Subpixel display emulation" option in the "Chipset" menu, in addition   *
* to selecting the "50Hz PAL" option in the "Display" menu.                *
*                                                                          *
* The rest of the configuration for the CD32 version is available on the   *
* blog through images.                                                     *
*                                                                          *
*      ******************************************************************  *
*      ******************************************************************  *
*                                                                          *

Temptations is a video game developed by Luis López Navarro and published by
Topo Soft in 1988 exclusively for MSX.

Unfortunately, it was never ported to the Commodore Amiga, the legendary
computer that reigned in the 16-bit market. After so many years, the time has
come for Commodore Amiga users to enjoy what, by many, is considered one of
the best video games made on MSX in the history of Spanish software.

The instructions for the original game read as follows:
"The first MSX program that takes full advantage of the graphical capabilities
of this sensational machine. TEMPTATIONS, the most original sin since Adam and

I made the game with RedPill, based on the graphic set of nenefranz's Android
version (improving and adding some new ones), and adding new animations. Some
sounds are also taken from that version. The music is completely original on
CD-Audio tracks (CD32). It also has an extra level, exclusive for the Amiga

I have made it based on the "feel" of the MSX version, which is the one I know
best, implementing the movements and timing of the enemies as accurately as
possible, so that the sensation/game experience is as close as possible to
that version.

This version is exclusively in Spanish, and the DEMO download will only be
available in WHDLoad for levels 1 and 5 for 60 seconds each.

The full digital version will cost 5 euros (sorry, I'm TIRED of people who
take advantage of them to make money on YouTube at the expense of free games:
my effort, time, money and desire to finish this project must also be be
valued), and will be composed of:

 - ISO with .cue + .bin format for Amiga CD32. Completely configured and ready
   to burn to a CD and start the game on the console. It will be digitally
   registered with your name or alias.

 - Rest of full versions (WHDLoad and ADF). All configured to work directly
   from the same CD. They will be digitally registered with your name or alias.

 - The CD32 emulator is included so that any Amiga AGA with FastMem can run it
   (CD/DVD drive required), and thus be able to enjoy the game with all its
   audio tracks.

 - Icons in AmigaOS 4.x format (it is necessary to install PeterK's
   icon.library on the system for correct viewing)

The physical edition (ONLY FOR SPAIN) will cost 15 euros (it will be a very
small print run of about 10 copies), which will be sent by regular mail, and
will be composed of:

 - Case with cover and back in professional quality (coated paper)
 - Instruction booklet in professional quality (coated paper)
 - Self-adhesive label for 3.5" floppy disk (photo quality)
 - Self-adhesive label on CD (photo quality)
 - Full color A4 game poster in professional quality (coated paper)
 - ONLY FOR ABU SIMBEL OWNERS: full color poster of the game Abu Simbel
   Profanation The Full Adventure in A4 in professional quality (coated paper)

All of this can be seen in more detail in my blog below.
New advances with new optimizations:

- 64 colors with AGA features (24 bit color depth, AGA fetch mode, etc.)
- 020/14MHz
- CD32 audio-tracks (CD32 full version only)
- up to 6 levels of parallax scrolling
- optimizations in speed and performance under 020/14 MHz (Zener implementations)				

About the tech:

All audio samples have been treated with the Amiga software SoundBox and
AudioMaster IV.

All graphics have been treated with the Amiga software Personal Paint and
Deluxe Paint V.

All game construction has been done with Amiga RedPill software by S0Y.

The DEMO game is TOTALLY FREE, but it has (both this demo and the full game)
a CC (Creative Commons) license NonCommercial: You may not use the material
for commercial purposes (A commercial use is one primarily intended for
commercial advantage or monetary compensation).

You can download it both on:
- Aminet
- My blog (				

To report bugs, comments, etc., you can contact me at (with subject "Temptations"):


Contents of game/misc/Temptations_DEMO_Final.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                 2951    2968  99.4% -lh5- 99f7 Feb 20  2023 Temptations-DEMO/data/c/Assign
[unknown]                 3766    6144  61.3% -lh5- 1800 Feb 20  2023 Temptations-DEMO/data/c/RTDD
[unknown]                 8724    8756  99.6% -lh5- 5146 Feb 20  2023 Temptations-DEMO/data/c/SetPatch
[unknown]                84684   84684 100.0% -lh0- 7c96 Apr  7 23:49 Temptations-DEMO/data/Game
[unknown]                 2770    7952  34.8% -lh5- 228a Apr  7 23:49 Temptations-DEMO/data/
[unknown]                 5162    8644  59.7% -lh5- 6f10 Feb 20  2023 Temptations-DEMO/data/libs/commodities.library
[unknown]                 5874    8832  66.5% -lh5- 2e4b Feb 20  2023 Temptations-DEMO/data/libs/CrM.library
[unknown]                 5259    8376  62.8% -lh5- 3989 Jan  9  1992 Temptations-DEMO/data/libs/diskfont.library
[unknown]                 2486    4280  58.1% -lh5- a4d2 Jul  6  1994 Temptations-DEMO/data/libs/mathtrans.library
[unknown]                 1798    3240  55.5% -lh5- 4fda Apr  7 23:49 Temptations-DEMO/data/res/fonts/melter/8
[unknown]                 3100    7458  41.6% -lh5- 07f2 Apr  8 16:36 Temptations-DEMO/Readme.txt
[unknown]                28627   28697  99.8% -lh5- 3a3b Apr  8 16:34 Temptations-DEMO/
[unknown]                19515   19882  98.2% -lh5- 3900 Apr  8 00:31 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/game.redpill
[unknown]                32682   32682 100.0% -lh0- 2f1d Apr  8 00:28 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/song0
[unknown]                31640   31640 100.0% -lh0- 126d Apr  8 00:29 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/song1
[unknown]                15528   15528 100.0% -lh0- 760a Apr  8 00:29 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound1
[unknown]                 6788    6788 100.0% -lh0- cce0 Apr  8 00:29 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound10
[unknown]                 6214    6214 100.0% -lh0- f3bd Apr  8 00:29 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound12
[unknown]                 5772    5772 100.0% -lh0- a344 Apr  8 00:29 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound14
[unknown]                27698   27698 100.0% -lh0- c5b1 Apr  8 00:30 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound15
[unknown]                 8700    8700 100.0% -lh0- 5a39 Apr  8 00:30 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound20
[unknown]                21322   21322 100.0% -lh0- 6b99 Apr  8 00:30 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound9
[unknown]                   27     264  10.2% -lh5- ef09 Apr  7 23:49 Temptations-DEMO/data/res/fonts/Melter.font
[unknown]                   57      57 100.0% -lh0- 526e Feb 20  2023 Temptations-DEMO/data/s/startup-sequence
[unknown]                14758   14758 100.0% -lh0- 8dc6 Apr  8 00:32 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/game.shapes
[unknown]                 2288    2288 100.0% -lh0- 4f51 Apr  8 00:32 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/level-10.rpl
[unknown]                  656     656 100.0% -lh0- d638 Apr  8 00:32 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/level-14.rpl
[unknown]                 2106    2106 100.0% -lh0- 6265 Apr  8 00:32 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/level-2.rpl
[unknown]                 1036    1036 100.0% -lh0- 0192 Apr  8 00:33 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/level-8.rpl
[unknown]                34090   34090 100.0% -lh0- 4c95 Apr  8 00:33 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/RPBgImage-18
[unknown]                 1496    1496 100.0% -lh0- 403c Apr  8 00:33 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/RPSprImage-0
[unknown]                 5432    5432 100.0% -lh0- 3772 Apr  8 00:34 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/RPSprImage-10
[unknown]                 5586    5586 100.0% -lh0- 1f0a Apr  8 00:34 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/RPSprImage-13
[unknown]                 5066    5066 100.0% -lh0- 30da Apr  8 00:34 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/RPSprImage-2
[unknown]                 6850    6850 100.0% -lh0- f2c1 Apr  8 00:35 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/tileset1.rpb
[unknown]                  414    2523  16.4% -lh5- 73ee Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/level-13.rpl
[unknown]                  147    1850   7.9% -lh5- 2a2a Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/level-9.rpl
[unknown]                   90     776  11.6% -lh5- 1383 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/rainbow10.pal
[unknown]                   85     776  11.0% -lh5- 4082 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/rainbow6.pal
[unknown]                  340    1510  22.5% -lh5- cf90 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/RPBgImage-15
[unknown]                  336    3256  10.3% -lh5- faf1 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/RPSprImage-7
[unknown]                  285    4132   6.9% -lh5- 0106 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/RPSprImage-9
[unknown]                 2709    4486  60.4% -lh5- ca58 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/tileset0.rpb
[unknown]                 1660    3390  49.0% -lh5- 66c6 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/tileset3.rpb
[unknown]                15004   15004 100.0% -lh0- f6c6 Apr  8 00:35 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/tileset5.rpb
[unknown]                 6128    6128 100.0% -lh0- c88d Apr  8 00:35 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/tileset7.rpb
[unknown]                  545    2570  21.2% -lh5- 10e1 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/level-0.rpl
[unknown]                  157    1858   8.4% -lh5- c1ec Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/level-1.rpl
[unknown]                  105     880  11.9% -lh5- 4314 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/level-15.rpl
[unknown]                  109     880  12.4% -lh5- 7f67 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/level-18.rpl
[unknown]                  268    4796   5.6% -lh5- bdff Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/RPSprImage-1
[unknown]                  916    2910  31.5% -lh5- ebc8 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound0
[unknown]                 1087    1128  96.4% -lh5- 3a44 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound2
[unknown]                  936     952  98.3% -lh5- ea86 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound3
[unknown]                  918     924  99.4% -lh5- 614c Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound4
[unknown]                  626     702  89.2% -lh5- 61be Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound5
[unknown]                 1045    1052  99.3% -lh5- ca8f Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound6
[unknown]                  514    1282  40.1% -lh5- 4fe8 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/tileset9.rpb
[unknown]                11197   11428  98.0% -lh5- d51e Apr  8 16:34
[unknown]                  222     776  28.6% -lh5- a329 Apr  7 23:49 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/game.pal
[unknown]                 2955    5482  53.9% -lh5- 4314 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/hud.rpb
[unknown]                  146    1974   7.4% -lh5- 46f8 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/level-7.rpl
[unknown]                   61     776   7.9% -lh5- fbb8 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/rainbow2.pal
[unknown]                 2157    4072  53.0% -lh5- b682 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound11
[unknown]                 2841    4188  67.8% -lh5- 1b94 Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound16
[unknown]                  946     958  98.7% -lh5- b50f Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/sound7
[unknown]                   45     297  15.2% -lh5- c4df Apr  4 21:14 Temptations-DEMO/data/data/texts.rpt
[unknown]                 3233    4584  70.5% -lh5- a2b6 Apr  7 23:49 Temptations-DEMO/Game_4MbFast.Slave
[unknown]                 3081    3250  94.8% -lh5- aabc Apr  8 16:34 Temptations-DEMO/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total        69 files  471816  537492  87.8%            Apr  9 01:08
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