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Version 5.02 [300+ cheats for 100 Playstation games]
Playstation Guide is a Amigaguide / Multiview collection of Sony PSX
cheats only . This Guide is in English unlike the other guide
which is in German. I will update this guide whenever possible.
This guide contains NO Walkthroughs or Solutions.
And thus is substansally smaller otherwize is the same as Playstat.Lha
The Author hold no responsiblity for any damage caused by this guide.
Like you brain exploding from to much info or losing all your hair. The
information is provided as is. Which may or may not be entirely accurate
and knowing myself probably not.
The Author hold the right to make mistakes, errors and swear.
And NO you may not modify the damm thing 4 now.
Will NOT extract to it's own directory
Amigaguide and library NOT included!
Unarced Sized:(110K)
Total Files: 1
Other Stuff by me
MTGPG.lha - Magic the Gathering players guide
Playstat.lha - Playstation Cheats FAQs Amigaguide
PSX.lha - Playstation cheats Amigaguide
BWMaps.lha - Bloodwar Extra Maps
Contents of game/hint/psxplus.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 545 916 59.5% -lh5- 733d May 20 1996 playre~1.txt
[generic] 30828 92464 33.3% -lh5- a4ff May 20 1996 playst~1.txt
[generic] 39639 118231 33.5% -lh5- d60d May 20 1996 playst~2.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 3 files 71012 211611 33.6% Jul 24 1997
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