84782 packages online
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Reduce your CO2. Drive a more smaller car (and no 4x4), please.
During the past, Docs Disks have been made by differents amiga groups. Most
of them contain manuals for commercial games, programs or even books.
Unfortunately, most docs disks are floppy disk with assembly menu that
don't work on high end amiga with big processors or graphic cards and often
text files are crunched.
I have spent some of my available free time to:
- Collect the floppy disks archive (planetemu, hipoonios TOSEC site).
- Decompress all disk (voodooX).
- Decompress files (opus4+xfd)
- Rename some of the files (example first 20 disks of LSD Docs disks).
- Change some names or extension (multiren).
- Create a frontend in amigaguide format for each disk and a general
frontend (d2g).
- rework the guide (cubic-IDE).
- Archive all (lha).
- All must work on all computer now.
The first goal was to kept the exact contend of the original disks.
Hope now if someone search after a manual for one of his old game now
installed with whdload, this person had now a chance to found the requested
file with this work.
The personnal goal for me was also to help whdload team members for easily
found a manual for an old or new whdload install.
All are allowed to take this work and use for their projects on internet.
- Daniel Rangel for his mail support.
- pbareges for his forum support.
- Members of the WHDLOAD Mailing List.
- TOSEC for their great work.
- Hipoonios for his great site with all TOSEC disks available.
visit the following link: http://www.hipooniosamigasite.org/
Not all the disks are available, as you have seen. If you have missing
disks, please help TOSEC.
This collection look like more or less previous ones. Apparently, each groups
take manuals from other groups to do their own docs disks. BTW, I'm sure there
are new manuals on this docs disks.
MA and GAME DOCS DISKS from Postman Man will be my last work for this idea.
mrodfr - 26/12/06.
Contents of game/hint/SCIENCE03.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2241 3845 58.3% -lh5- fb04 Dec 26 19:48 SCIENCE3.info
[generic] 1255 2379 52.8% -lh5- a630 Dec 26 20:00 SCIENCE3.readme
[generic] 13137 34622 37.9% -lh5- 6a0d Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/AmaxIIDOCS
[generic] 3336 7341 45.4% -lh5- 0a9b Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/BackToTheFutureIIDOCS
[generic] 9431 23672 39.8% -lh5- 64b8 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/BargamesDOCS
[generic] 21689 63134 34.4% -lh5- 1074 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/BattleMasterDOCS
[generic] 20806 38044 54.7% -lh5- ab82 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/BattleMasterMAP
[generic] 106121 282013 37.6% -lh5- b7da Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/BattleOfBritainDOCS
[generic] 22902 38018 60.2% -lh5- f3c3 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/BattleOfBritainPIC1
[generic] 24669 42870 57.5% -lh5- 4783 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/BattleOfBritainPIC2
[generic] 12309 21592 57.0% -lh5- abc1 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/BattleOfBritainPIC3
[generic] 1945 4689 41.5% -lh5- 2883 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/BlinkysScarySchoolDOCS
[generic] 13982 36164 38.7% -lh5- 655c Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/BSSJaneSeymourDOCS
[generic] 1792 3777 47.4% -lh5- e2a3 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/BugBashDOCS
[generic] 12893 33934 38.0% -lh5- 411f Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/CorporationDOCS
[generic] 21235 55110 38.5% -lh5- b33e Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/DragonStrikeDOCS
[generic] 370 855 43.3% -lh5- 56a8 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/DragonStrikeKEYS
[generic] 425 816 52.1% -lh5- 1b6e Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/DucktalesHINTS
[generic] 2500 8721 28.7% -lh5- 1657 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/F-19StealthFighterKEYS
[generic] 2948 9668 30.5% -lh5- 80d7 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/FalconMissionDisk2DOCS
[generic] 9277 22400 41.4% -lh5- 536b Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/GameCHEATS1
[generic] 14235 41252 34.5% -lh5- 80fd Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/GameCHEATS2
[generic] 1064 2582 41.2% -lh5- 71c6 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/InformationTEXT
[generic] 3946 9721 40.6% -lh5- 015a Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/JumpingJacksonHINTS
[generic] 6185 13607 45.5% -lh5- 3bb8 Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/KillingGameShowDOCS
[generic] 5098 11763 43.3% -lh5- 1b5a Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/LoomSOLUTION
[generic] 1084 3492 31.0% -lh5- 515d Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/M1TankPlatoonKEYS
[generic] 3432 9442 36.3% -lh5- 665f Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/MadProfessorMariartiDOCS
[generic] 6779 17671 38.4% -lh5- a4fe Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/MadProfessorMariartiSOL
[generic] 4937 10955 45.1% -lh5- 6c6a Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/MatrixMaraudersDOCS
[generic] 3856 8390 46.0% -lh5- 805a Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/NightBreedDOCS
[generic] 1394 2990 46.6% -lh5- 88db Dec 26 20:16 SCIENCE3/NucleusDOCS
[generic] 8250 19553 42.2% -lh5- 920b Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/OperationStealthDOCS
[generic] 1300 2781 46.7% -lh5- 886f Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PlexuDOCS
[generic] 12977 33195 39.1% -lh5- c0fa Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceADVJOURNAL
[generic] 13959 37235 37.5% -lh5- f4e2 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceCLUES
[generic] 1396 2906 48.0% -lh5- a61a Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceCODES
[generic] 3893 30094 12.9% -lh5- 05fa Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceCODESPIC
[generic] 26261 71965 36.5% -lh5- 0d28 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceDOCS
[generic] 17324 42917 40.4% -lh5- 995d Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceJOURENTRIES
[generic] 2366 5677 41.7% -lh5- 5d9a Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceMONSTERS
[generic] 3809 9958 38.3% -lh5- 0c3b Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceREFCARD
[generic] 12685 29416 43.1% -lh5- 38bc Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceSOLUTION
[generic] 1201 5139 23.4% -lh5- a669 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceSPELLS
[generic] 4093 10219 40.1% -lh5- fd7b Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceSTUFF
[generic] 1896 4281 44.3% -lh5- c50a Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceTAVTALES
[generic] 993 4503 22.1% -lh5- 1596 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PoolOfRadianceWEAPONLIST
[generic] 1584 3776 41.9% -lh5- 153d Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PowerPinballKEYS
[generic] 2501 6166 40.6% -lh5- 342a Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/PrinceOfPersiaSOLUTION
[generic] 15515 37040 41.9% -lh5- 9f98 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/RedStormRisingMAP
[generic] 3274 9112 35.9% -lh5- 691c Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/RedStormRisingMAP&COLKEY
[generic] 1247 5182 24.1% -lh5- 4818 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/RedStormRisingUSSubsPIC1
[generic] 995 4086 24.4% -lh5- 23b0 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/RedStormRisingUSSubsPIC2
[generic] 5026 11052 45.5% -lh5- deb1 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/RedStormRisingWarshipPIC1
[generic] 4119 9800 42.0% -lh5- 6d96 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/RedStormRisingWarshipPIC2
[generic] 3798 9666 39.3% -lh5- 36f0 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/RedStormRisingWarshipPIC3
[generic] 1657 6388 25.9% -lh5- 55c5 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/RedStormRisingWEAPONS
[generic] 64424 161219 40.0% -lh5- d20a Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/RomanceOfThe3KingdomsDOCS
[generic] 1275 6166 20.7% -lh5- 0264 Dec 26 20:10 SCIENCE3/SCIENCE3.guide
[generic] 2189 3238 67.6% -lh5- 9569 Dec 26 19:38 SCIENCE3/SCIENCE3.guide.info
[generic] 582 1174 49.6% -lh5- 966e Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/ShadowOfTheBeastIICODES
[generic] 5767 12605 45.8% -lh5- 0459 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/ShadowOfTheBeastIIDOCS
[generic] 1519 3302 46.0% -lh5- 42d4 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/ShadowOfTheBeastIIHINTS
[generic] 5693 15408 36.9% -lh5- e03c Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/ShadowOfTheBeastIISOL
[generic] 1721 4920 35.0% -lh5- 93d9 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/TimeMachineDOCS
[generic] 3033 6973 43.5% -lh5- 6805 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/UnrealDOCS
[generic] 10282 26137 39.3% -lh5- 63b8 Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/WingsDOCS
[generic] 2840 6281 45.2% -lh5- 449b Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/WorldSoccerDOCS
[generic] 1335 2718 49.1% -lh5- d52e Dec 26 20:17 SCIENCE3/YolandaDOCS
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 69 files 610052 1527777 39.9% Dec 27 17:14
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