onEscapee demo v0.2a by Invictus Team and Sadeness Software
Finally here is a playable version of our game 'onEscapee'.
We tried to include as much as we can in this 'small' package :
- The first stage entirely included!
- The third stage included too, with the 16 first screens!
- Also included some new screenshots from other levels.
-> You can check the Hero's moving with and without gun,
-> also can fight with some enemies,
-> a logical game included too,
-> you can listen to the game's music,
-> check the savegame capability,
-> see how it works with your VGA monitor,
-> etc......
Anyway, if you can't download it because it's so big, you can get a *whole* preview
from coverdisks possibly in next month, so cheer up!
!! This version (and the previous also) not supports gfx-cards!!
Just to remind you what this game offer:
- Coded in pure assembly to achieve maximal performance
- Can be run on Amigas with at least M68020/AGA/2+2Megs/CD|HD
- Graphics and animations drawn by hand
- A few rendered elements like spaceship and complex figures' anims
- Many graphical effects (detailed later)
- Music is digitized, and there are several even in the same level
- Music doesn't stops when playing animations, etc.
- Cache Loading System
- Game saving to HD (if present) instead of giving a code
- 5 minutes long Intro sequence - in the full version
- Controllable by joy or keyboard or joypad and mouse!
- International: There are no texts or speeches /except some in the intro/
- International: As screen size 320x200 when playing, works well with NTSC
- Playable Levels:
- Dumping Ground
- Quarry Cave - in the full version
- Base Section - entirely only in the full version
- Demo Level:
- Underwater Part - in the full version
- Screenshots:
- Cave II
- Streets of the City
- River Part
- Special effects:
- Rain
- Reflecting puddles
- Beams of light: Standing,Flashing,Sweeping,Tracking
- Gleaming shields
- Waving lights that filter through the surface of the ocean
- Waving screen under water, rippling ocean-surface
- Number of background animations
- Many-many enemies with different level of intelligence
- Animations through the intro, during playing, when dying, etc.
- Logical games
- Labirinth-like sections
V0.2a : First release on Aminet
V0.2a, Second Edition : Directory structure error eliminated, so the patch:
game/patch/onEscapeeP.lha not needed.
Gives more accurate error report. Shouldn't crash on
gfx-board equipped machines
Sadeness Software, the publisher:
mail: Sadeness Software, 13 Russell Terrace, Mundesley, Norfolk, NR11 8LJ, UK
Invictus Team, the developer:
email: (send bug reports, ideas here)
url : (see here if a bug already encountered by someone else)
mail : Akos Divianszky, Doberdo u. 14, Debrecen, 4032, HUNGARY
Thank you for reading.
Ákos Diviánszky
Leader Programmer
Invictus Team