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J## by Richard Munn
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©1997-1998 RAMTronics Software
This is an early demo of a new realtime strategy game that is currently in
development. It shows the basic structure of the game, but still has many
Simply depack the three archives (exp_main, exp_gfx, exp_snd) to the same
* System Friendly.
* Runs on any Intuition screenmode (As long as it has 16+ colours).
* Graphics and sound operations handled by plug-in modules.
* Fully window based - you can resize and position the windows to suit your
* Real time gameplay - no annoying turn-based limits.
* Context sensitive mouse pointer - changes shape to remind you what it will do
when you click!
* Multi-threaded design - internally multitasking.
* ... and lots more ...
Visit http://come.to/ramtronics for the latest information, or look out for
benjymous on Irc!