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Download:game/demo/WingCommander.lha - View contents

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
     525     149 71.6% 29-Aug-92 23:43:48 +RunDemo
    6060    5861  3.2% 06-Aug-92 11:26:42 +wbcolour
    1952    1861  4.6% 06-Aug-92 11:27:02 +Challenge
    2164    2078  3.9% 06-Aug-92 11:26:46 +Death
    1928    1846  4.2% 06-Aug-92 11:27:02 +Empire
    6260    6019  3.8% 06-Aug-92 11:27:00 +Evil
    4768    4592  3.6% 06-Aug-92 11:26:44 +Landing
  176952  115664 34.6% 06-Aug-92 11:27:00 +Launch
    2152    2062  4.1% 06-Aug-92 11:26:46 +Logo
  133392   55401 58.4% 06-Aug-92 11:27:12 +Title
    1154     894 22.5% 06-Aug-92 11:27:14 +Challenge.Justin
   12018    7284 39.3% 06-Aug-92 11:27:36 +CS_Brief.Justin
     291     282  3.0% 06-Aug-92 11:27:26 +Damage.Text.Justin
   15989   13243 17.1% 06-Aug-92 11:27:32 +Damaged.Stuff.Justin
    7799    5873 24.6% 06-Aug-92 11:27:52 +Dock.Stuff.Justin
    2214    1808 18.3% 06-Aug-92 11:27:14 +Empire.Justin
    1298    1002 22.8% 06-Aug-92 11:27:40 +Evil.Justin
   18153   14349 20.9% 06-Aug-92 11:27:24 +Explode-1.Justin
   18843   15043 20.1% 06-Aug-92 11:28:04 +Explode-2.Justin
   18650   14513 22.1% 06-Aug-92 11:27:28 +Explode-3.Justin
   19093   15272 20.0% 06-Aug-92 11:27:22 +Explode-4.Justin
   18588   14677 21.0% 06-Aug-92 11:28:02 +Explode-5.Justin
   17527   13594 22.4% 06-Aug-92 11:27:54 +Explode-6.Justin
   17479   13240 24.2% 06-Aug-92 11:27:46 +Explode-7.Justin
    4550    3305 27.3% 06-Aug-92 11:27:38 +Explode-8.Justin
    1127     861 23.6% 06-Aug-92 11:27:34 +Fate.Justin
    6336    1739 72.5% 06-Aug-92 11:27:50 +Floor.Justin
    6712    5889 12.2% 06-Aug-92 11:27:36 +Hanger.Left.Justin
    7305    6428 12.0% 06-Aug-92 11:27:42 +Hanger.Right.Justin
   13475   11278 16.3% 06-Aug-92 11:27:42 +Hanger.Stuff.Justin
    2358    1643 30.3% 06-Aug-92 11:27:16 +Heads.Justin
    7499    6265 16.4% 06-Aug-92 11:27:44 +Land.Left.Justin
    6385    5425 15.0% 06-Aug-92 11:27:56 +Land.Right.Justin
   16398   11666 28.8% 06-Aug-92 11:27:48 +Landing.Strip.Justin
   26606   18530 30.3% 06-Aug-92 11:27:58 +LandShip.Justin
    4462    3183 28.6% 06-Aug-92 11:28:00 +Legs.Justin
    9950    7484 24.7% 06-Aug-92 11:27:38 +LS_Brief.Justin
   25270   18582 26.4% 06-Aug-92 11:27:30 +Mechanic.Justin
   21680   20106  7.2% 06-Aug-92 11:27:18 +Mindscape.Logo.Justin
    9698    7009 27.7% 06-Aug-92 11:27:20 +Mouths.Eyes2.Justin
    1208     937 22.4% 06-Aug-92 11:28:02 +Needs.Justin
   14056    9792 30.3% 06-Aug-92 11:27:32 +Salute.Justin
   10743    7860 26.8% 06-Aug-92 11:27:52 +Stand.Justin
   13660    9958 27.1% 06-Aug-92 11:27:26 +Torsos.Justin
     696     491 29.4% 06-Aug-92 11:28:00 +Until.Justin
    7997    3697 53.7% 06-Aug-92 11:27:48 +Wall.Left.Justin
    9631    3737 61.1% 06-Aug-92 11:27:16 +Wall.Right.Justin
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  733051  492472 32.8% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00   47 files

Contents of game/demo/WingCommander.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  149     525  28.4% -lh5- 02c5 Aug 29  1992 wingcommander-demo/RunDemo
[generic]                 5861    6060  96.7% -lh5- 4951 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wbcolour
[generic]                 1861    1952  95.3% -lh5- 1533 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/code/Challenge
[generic]                 2078    2164  96.0% -lh5- 7284 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/code/Death
[generic]                 1846    1928  95.7% -lh5- 8fda Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/code/Empire
[generic]                 6019    6260  96.2% -lh5- 074c Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/code/Evil
[generic]                 4592    4768  96.3% -lh5- 622d Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/code/Landing
[generic]               115664  176952  65.4% -lh5- f71c Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/code/Launch
[generic]                 2062    2152  95.8% -lh5- e6e0 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/code/Logo
[generic]                55401  133392  41.5% -lh5- aa21 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/code/Title
[generic]                  894    1154  77.5% -lh5- cb6f Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Challenge.Justin
[generic]                 7284   12018  60.6% -lh5- 31c9 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/CS_Brief.Justin
[generic]                  282     291  96.9% -lh5- 68d1 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Damage.Text.Justin
[generic]                13243   15989  82.8% -lh5- d361 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Damaged.Stuff.Justin
[generic]                 5873    7799  75.3% -lh5- 6622 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Dock.Stuff.Justin
[generic]                 1808    2214  81.7% -lh5- 9217 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Empire.Justin
[generic]                 1002    1298  77.2% -lh5- c278 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Evil.Justin
[generic]                14349   18153  79.0% -lh5- 7ed1 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Explode-1.Justin
[generic]                15043   18843  79.8% -lh5- 7248 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Explode-2.Justin
[generic]                14513   18650  77.8% -lh5- 5604 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Explode-3.Justin
[generic]                15272   19093  80.0% -lh5- 5165 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Explode-4.Justin
[generic]                14677   18588  79.0% -lh5- c831 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Explode-5.Justin
[generic]                13594   17527  77.6% -lh5- 723e Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Explode-6.Justin
[generic]                13240   17479  75.7% -lh5- 2a9e Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Explode-7.Justin
[generic]                 3305    4550  72.6% -lh5- 7c96 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Explode-8.Justin
[generic]                  861    1127  76.4% -lh5- d4d1 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Fate.Justin
[generic]                 1739    6336  27.4% -lh5- 5a5a Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Floor.Justin
[generic]                 5889    6712  87.7% -lh5- 2d44 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Hanger.Left.Justin
[generic]                 6428    7305  88.0% -lh5- 805a Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Hanger.Right.Justin
[generic]                11278   13475  83.7% -lh5- c5ef Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Hanger.Stuff.Justin
[generic]                 1643    2358  69.7% -lh5- ee2a Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Heads.Justin
[generic]                 6265    7499  83.5% -lh5- c410 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Land.Left.Justin
[generic]                 5425    6385  85.0% -lh5- 08db Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Land.Right.Justin
[generic]                11666   16398  71.1% -lh5- ca5a Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Landing.Strip.Justin
[generic]                18530   26606  69.6% -lh5- 0628 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/LandShip.Justin
[generic]                 3183    4462  71.3% -lh5- 2ea4 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Legs.Justin
[generic]                 7484    9950  75.2% -lh5- f1d5 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/LS_Brief.Justin
[generic]                18582   25270  73.5% -lh5- 0e93 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Mechanic.Justin
[generic]                20106   21680  92.7% -lh5- 30da Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Mindscape.Logo.Justin
[generic]                 7009    9698  72.3% -lh5- 6385 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Mouths.Eyes2.Justin
[generic]                  937    1208  77.6% -lh5- ec78 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Needs.Justin
[generic]                 9792   14056  69.7% -lh5- bf04 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Salute.Justin
[generic]                 7860   10743  73.2% -lh5- 107d Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Stand.Justin
[generic]                 9958   13660  72.9% -lh5- 052b Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Torsos.Justin
[generic]                  491     696  70.5% -lh5- a2f5 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Until.Justin
[generic]                 3697    7997  46.2% -lh5- 9755 Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Wall.Left.Justin
[generic]                 3737    9631  38.8% -lh5- 021b Aug  6  1992 wingcommander-demo/wingpreview/graphics/Wall.Right.Justin
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        47 files  492472  733051  67.2%            Sep  2  1995
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