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Short:Latest version superb RPG adventure
Author: ajc at
Uploader:phil ware5d demon co uk
Download:game/demo/ThDawn.lha - View contents

ThunderDawn takes the usual elements from RPG games and piles on the dark
fantasy atmospherics. The result is a rather tasty full-screen experience.
You're some kind of brave hero-archer type bloke who's been imprisoned in
a sort of monster-infested maze by a rather unpleasant force of somekind.
Ahem. Yeah, and your task is to escape by collecting a suffient amount of
Blood Crystals from the nests of a whole array of bone-rattling creatures-
hydras, phantoms, zombies, genies - you name it, ThunderDawn's got it.

This game is superb! Unlike earlier titles from the BlackDawn series your
animated character can now be seen if you prefer, I got quite lonely whilst
moving around the maze when he was switched off ;) The playing area is huge,
dark, full of strange sounds, & basically terrifying. ThunderDawn is best
played in an empty house with the lights dimmed, and the sound turned up.
But remember it's just for fun or is it??

The game as a full suite of preferances to allow you to choose the best
setup for you and your machine, games can also be saved/loaded, and it's HD
installable. ThunderDawn does not require the AGA chip set, but does need
a minimum of 2MB ram and KickStart 2 or above.

           ________  __    ____  _                           _
          / ____/ /_/ /_  / __ \(_)___ ___  ___  ____  _____(_)___  ____
         /___ \/ __/ __ \/ / / / / __ `__ \/ _ \/ __ \/ ___/ / __ \/ __ \
        ____/ / /_/ / / / /_/ / / / / / / /  __/ / / (__  ) / /_/ / / / /
       /_____/\__/_/ /_/_____/_/_/ /_/ /_/\___/_/ /_/____/_/\____/_/ /_/
              __    _
             / /   (_)_______  ____  ________ _      ______ _________
            / /   / / ___/ _ \/ __ \/ ___/ _ \ | /| / / __ `/ ___/ _ \
           / /___/ / /__/  __/ / / / /__/  __/ |/ |/ / /_/ / /  /  __/
          /_____/_/\___/\___/_/ /_/\___/\___/|__/|__/\__,_/_/   \___/

        1 Lower Mill Close
        South Yorkshire
        S63 9BY

        Tel/Fax 01709 888127

        E-Mail -

You need to add a few things before you can start to play ;)
Format a disk using FFS, install the disk and call it "ThunderDemo".
Then copy from your WorkBench disk the following files:

"Type" to the "C" directory.

Diskfont.library - Mathieeedoubbas.library - Mathtrans.library to "libs"

Bootup and enjoy ;))))

    Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
    -------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
        4080    2000 50.9% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  C/rtdd
        5664    5664  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M11.DAT
        6992    6992  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M18.DAT
        4754    4754  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M28.DAT
       10168   10168  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M30.DAT
        9096    9096  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M32.DAT
       11114   11114  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M33.DAT
       12692   12692  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M73.DAT
        3474    3474  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Misc3.DAT
        2368    2368  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Misc4.DAT
        3254    3254  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Misc5.DAT
        5888    5888  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Trees5.DAT
        4626    4626  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Trees6.DAT
        2894    2894  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/DemoLogo.DAT
       42734   42734  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/DemoMOD.DAT
       36914   36914  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/EndGame.DAT
        8248    8248  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Floor.DAT
       12162   12162  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Gore.DAT
        5812    5812  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Huds.DAT
        2734    2734  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Misc6.DAT
        4000    4000  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Mus5.DAT
       16090   16090  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Mus6.DAT
        4716    4716  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Para.DAT
         424     424  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Pointers.DAT
       10262   10262  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/R3.DAT
        9630    9630  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M1.DAT
       12330   12330  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M23.DAT
        9210    9210  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M39.DAT
       11714   11714  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M8.DAT
       11568   11568  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Mus1.DAT
        9378    9378  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/R1.DAT
       10678   10678  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/R2.DAT
        5962    5962  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Trees1.DAT
        4282    4282  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Trees2.DAT
        4158    4158  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Trees3.DAT
        3318    3318  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Trees4.DAT
        4482    4482  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Veg.DAT
       18536   18536  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Walls1.DAT
       95200   95200  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Introid.DAT
       10452   10452  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M24.DAT
        9888    9888  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M25.DAT
        9624    9624  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/M26.DAT
        1144    1144  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Misc1.DAT
        9944    9944  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Misc2.DAT
       14040   14040  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Mus2.DAT
        6702    6702  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Mus3.DAT
        9872    9872  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Mus4.DAT
       89000   89000  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Data/Samples.DAT
         232     117 49.5% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Devs/System-Configuration
         682     257 62.3% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Girl/Message
        1242     508 59.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  5thD
        1615     603 62.6% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32
        1672    1546  7.5% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32
        8808    5850 33.5% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Libs/CrM.library
       11734    5218 55.5% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Manual/ThunderDawn.DOC
        2942    2942  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Map/MapCode.D
          36      30 16.6% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  Prefs/prefs.asc
          36      36  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  S/startup-sequence
      119532  119532  0.0% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  ThunderDemo
        2273     558 75.4% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32
        1383     796 42.4% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32  ThunderDemo.readme
        1615     603 62.6% 06-Jun-96 01:49:32
    -------- ------- ----- --------- --------
      756074  738788  2.2% 06-Jun-96 01:51:42   62 files


Contents of game/demo/ThDawn.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 2000    4080  49.0% -lh5- f9f8 Jun  6  1996 C/rtdd
[generic]                 5664    5664 100.0% -lh0- 80c2 Jun  6  1996 Data/M11.DAT
[generic]                 6992    6992 100.0% -lh0- 2666 Jun  6  1996 Data/M18.DAT
[generic]                 4754    4754 100.0% -lh0- 76d3 Jun  6  1996 Data/M28.DAT
[generic]                10168   10168 100.0% -lh0- a7d4 Jun  6  1996 Data/M30.DAT
[generic]                 9096    9096 100.0% -lh0- 3917 Jun  6  1996 Data/M32.DAT
[generic]                11114   11114 100.0% -lh0- 5553 Jun  6  1996 Data/M33.DAT
[generic]                12692   12692 100.0% -lh0- ccf9 Jun  6  1996 Data/M73.DAT
[generic]                 3474    3474 100.0% -lh0- 4772 Jun  6  1996 Data/Misc3.DAT
[generic]                 2368    2368 100.0% -lh0- cb35 Jun  6  1996 Data/Misc4.DAT
[generic]                 3254    3254 100.0% -lh0- bf37 Jun  6  1996 Data/Misc5.DAT
[generic]                 5888    5888 100.0% -lh0- 1ce7 Jun  6  1996 Data/Trees5.DAT
[generic]                 4626    4626 100.0% -lh0- e95b Jun  6  1996 Data/Trees6.DAT
[generic]                 2894    2894 100.0% -lh0- a97c Jun  6  1996 Data/DemoLogo.DAT
[generic]                42734   42734 100.0% -lh0- 5d14 Jun  6  1996 Data/DemoMOD.DAT
[generic]                36914   36914 100.0% -lh0- d66e Jun  6  1996 Data/EndGame.DAT
[generic]                 8248    8248 100.0% -lh0- 1d4d Jun  6  1996 Data/Floor.DAT
[generic]                12162   12162 100.0% -lh0- 5c7c Jun  6  1996 Data/Gore.DAT
[generic]                 5812    5812 100.0% -lh0- e4a4 Jun  6  1996 Data/Huds.DAT
[generic]                 2734    2734 100.0% -lh0- dce4 Jun  6  1996 Data/Misc6.DAT
[generic]                 4000    4000 100.0% -lh0- feb4 Jun  6  1996 Data/Mus5.DAT
[generic]                16090   16090 100.0% -lh0- 4182 Jun  6  1996 Data/Mus6.DAT
[generic]                 4716    4716 100.0% -lh0- f667 Jun  6  1996 Data/Para.DAT
[generic]                  424     424 100.0% -lh0- 33ae Jun  6  1996 Data/Pointers.DAT
[generic]                10262   10262 100.0% -lh0- 3b17 Jun  6  1996 Data/R3.DAT
[generic]                 9630    9630 100.0% -lh0- f721 Jun  6  1996 Data/M1.DAT
[generic]                12330   12330 100.0% -lh0- 8a59 Jun  6  1996 Data/M23.DAT
[generic]                 9210    9210 100.0% -lh0- de09 Jun  6  1996 Data/M39.DAT
[generic]                11714   11714 100.0% -lh0- f5da Jun  6  1996 Data/M8.DAT
[generic]                11568   11568 100.0% -lh0- 9921 Jun  6  1996 Data/Mus1.DAT
[generic]                 9378    9378 100.0% -lh0- 4435 Jun  6  1996 Data/R1.DAT
[generic]                10678   10678 100.0% -lh0- 09a2 Jun  6  1996 Data/R2.DAT
[generic]                 5962    5962 100.0% -lh0- 635f Jun  6  1996 Data/Trees1.DAT
[generic]                 4282    4282 100.0% -lh0- 8dc3 Jun  6  1996 Data/Trees2.DAT
[generic]                 4158    4158 100.0% -lh0- 4e96 Jun  6  1996 Data/Trees3.DAT
[generic]                 3318    3318 100.0% -lh0- 7c44 Jun  6  1996 Data/Trees4.DAT
[generic]                 4482    4482 100.0% -lh0- c32b Jun  6  1996 Data/Veg.DAT
[generic]                18536   18536 100.0% -lh0- 849b Jun  6  1996 Data/Walls1.DAT
[generic]                95200   95200 100.0% -lh0- 2456 Jun  6  1996 Data/Introid.DAT
[generic]                10452   10452 100.0% -lh0- b311 Jun  6  1996 Data/M24.DAT
[generic]                 9888    9888 100.0% -lh0- dd8a Jun  6  1996 Data/M25.DAT
[generic]                 9624    9624 100.0% -lh0- 51d3 Jun  6  1996 Data/M26.DAT
[generic]                 1144    1144 100.0% -lh0- 3e25 Jun  6  1996 Data/Misc1.DAT
[generic]                 9944    9944 100.0% -lh0- 4ddf Jun  6  1996 Data/Misc2.DAT
[generic]                14040   14040 100.0% -lh0- 95e0 Jun  6  1996 Data/Mus2.DAT
[generic]                 6702    6702 100.0% -lh0- 6e79 Jun  6  1996 Data/Mus3.DAT
[generic]                 9872    9872 100.0% -lh0- 5a4e Jun  6  1996 Data/Mus4.DAT
[generic]                89000   89000 100.0% -lh0- 0b25 Jun  6  1996 Data/Samples.DAT
[generic]                  117     232  50.4% -lh5- f478 Jun  6  1996 Devs/System-Configuration
[generic]                  257     682  37.7% -lh5- 21ff Jun  6  1996 Girl/Message
[generic]                  508    1242  40.9% -lh5- b316 Jun  6  1996 5thD
[generic]                  603    1615  37.3% -lh5- d612 Jun  6  1996
[generic]                 1546    1672  92.5% -lh5- 2f0a Jun  6  1996
[generic]                 5850    8808  66.4% -lh5- ff93 Jun  6  1996 Libs/CrM.library
[generic]                 5218   11734  44.5% -lh5- 0ed2 Jun  6  1996 Manual/ThunderDawn.DOC
[generic]                 2942    2942 100.0% -lh0- 1f25 Jun  6  1996 Map/MapCode.D
[generic]                   30      36  83.3% -lh5- fa6d Jun  6  1996 Prefs/prefs.asc
[generic]                   36      36 100.0% -lh0- d6f4 Jun  6  1996 S/startup-sequence
[generic]               119532  119532 100.0% -lh0- b8f4 Jun  6  1996 ThunderDemo
[generic]                  558    2273  24.5% -lh5- d4f8 Jun  6  1996
[generic]                  796    1383  57.6% -lh5- 0ee1 Jun  6  1996 ThunderDemo.readme
[generic]                  603    1615  37.3% -lh5- d612 Jun  6  1996
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        62 files  738788  756074  97.7%            Jun  7  1996
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