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T-Racer Demo Version
(C)1993/94 by VIRTUAL DREAMS
This game is an horizontal scrolling shoot'em up with good graphics
and very good programming. It seems to be a commercial game, but it is
"only" a shareware game. There are two type of levels, with different
features : 32 colors levels, with very smooth scroll, and parallax
levels, with an awesome parallax scroll (do you remember LionHearth ?)
This demo includes level 1.1 (the first one), level 2.1 (the third
one) and bonus stage.
The original titletrack is not included. The music you can hear is a
mere filler.
You can get the full version of the game with only 30000 italian lire.
Read the game intro text and the "README" file on the disk for further
T-Racer needs Amiga with at least 1 meg (1meg chip ram, or 512k chip
ram + 512k fast ram) and is hard disk installable.
Contents of game/demo/TRacer.dms
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