PairsNG is a board game like Shanghai, which runs on Workbench!
- 3D-Interface
- sound (over AHI)
- CGFX/P96 compatible
- three different skill modes/board sizes
- loading mode for additional stone sets
- Item fields with contain positive or negative actions
System requirements:
- 8 MB of free Fast Ram
- Graphicscard, running CybergraphX or Picasso 96 software
- Acceleration board with own RAM recommended, 68030 for minimum
- Screen resolution with 15-Bit depth for minimum
- Screenmode of 1024*768 recommended (all modes playable)
- 640*480 : only Beginner-Mode playable
- 800*600 : only Beginner+Normal modes playable
- AmigaOS 3.0 (only tested under OS 3.5)
- AHI for sound
Try it !
Improvements since latest official release V2.03:
* new stoneset "Tiny Toons" with 24 different pics
* additional sounds
* first clicked stone can be highlighted (switchable)
* activated the wait window while loading new stone sets (user mode)
* PairsNG works under MorphOS now
* bugfixes & optimizations