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PuzzleBOBS - Demo Update Version 752 / Ländermodus
Dies ist ein Update zum PuzzelBOBS Demo Archive,
vorrausgesetzt wird Update O1!
Hierbei handelt es sich um Bugfixes!
Fehlerbehebung unter Picasso 96 und Emulatoren wie WinUAE!
Wir wünschen Ihnen mit dieser Demoversion viel Spaß!!!
Die Demoversion finden Sie unter http://www.funtime-world.de/puzzlebobs/index.html
sowie die Bestellmöglichkeit!
PuzzleBOBS - DemoUpdate Version 752 / Countrymodus
This is an update of PuzzleBOBS demo archive. You need to download the Demo
archive itself (3.5MB) and install the PuzzleBOBS first update before use
this. Download them in the previous page.
Many thanks to Lovera Marco of Amiga Page for the bugs report.
Version 752
- Fixxed a bug entering the hiscore name playing on window mode which caused
bad renderings of graphics.
- Disabled the CPU_CHIP and CPU_FAST options on CGX screen modes. This
because on CGX the bitmap structure contains values not representing really
the gfx plane data alignament. So for example BitMap->bm_BytesPerRows or
BitMap->bm_Planes (see developer autodocs) can not be used directly as on
Picasso96 or Amiga own gfx.library. For this reason my CPU function doesn't
work. I left the option because in future may be possible use them, but
because it can cause problems now, i disabled the options on CGX screen
modes starting from this PuzzleBOBS revision (v0.750). The options are
still present for Picasso96 and Amiga standard (AGA,ECS,OCS) screen modes.
In future probably it will be enabled again depending the users.
- Rewritten the random sort function (generally used to sort bobs colours
and in many other circumstances). Before revision v0.750 it was done
reading directly the CHIP CUSTOM address memory $dff006 (VHPOSR). Now uses
the Timer.device GetSysTime() function. The problem on WINUAE (as on other
emulators) and on certain Picasso96 setups should be now fixxed.
The Demoversion and the order form is available under
Distribution / Contact / Developer
Distribution: Fun Time World - http://www.funtime-world.de/puzzlebobs/index.html
Contact: Sebastian B. - FunTime@t-online.de
Distribution: Vertrieb: GTI Grenville Trading International GmbH
Contact: Richard Small
Carl-Zeiss-Str. 9
79761 Waldshut-Tiengen
Support: Amiga Arena - http://www.online-club.de/~ARENA/
Contact: Olaf K. - olaf.koebnik@online-club.de
Developer: Nexus Development - http://space.tin.it/computer/emacesar
Contact: Emanuele C. - emacesa@tin.it
Contents of game/demo/PBDemoUp02.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 3714 6385 58.2% -lh5- 766a Mar 18 2002 PBDemoUpdate02.info
[generic] 1710 3883 44.0% -lh5- 82df Dec 28 2001 PBDemoUpdate02/FAQ_DE
[generic] 1465 1690 86.7% -lh5- b8cc Mar 18 2002 PBDemoUpdate02/FAQ_DE.info
[generic] 1470 3303 44.5% -lh5- 2a25 Dec 28 2001 PBDemoUpdate02/FAQ_EN
[generic] 1470 1706 86.2% -lh5- 0209 Mar 18 2002 PBDemoUpdate02/FAQ_EN.info
[generic] 1448 3121 46.4% -lh5- 196a Mar 18 2002 PBDemoUpdate02/Info
[generic] 1102 1636 67.4% -lh5- c3bb Mar 18 2002 PBDemoUpdate02/Info.info
[generic] 81091 215860 37.6% -lh5- 39c4 Mar 15 2002 PBDemoUpdate02/PuzzleBOBS.exe
[generic] 607 1394 43.5% -lh5- 3f5f Mar 10 2002 PBDemoUpdate02/PuzzleBOBS_Install
[generic] 2685 5997 44.8% -lh5- bb5f Mar 18 2002 PBDemoUpdate02/Update_Demo.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 10 files 96762 244975 39.5% Mar 24 2002
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