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Psygnosis Ltd. Psygnosis Ltd.
675 Massachusetts Ave. South Harrington Building
Cambridge, MA 01239 Sefton Street, Liverpool L3 4BQ
USA United Kingdom
Order Line: (800)438-7794 Tel: +44 51 709 5755
Tech Support:(617)497-7794
A DMA Design Production DMA Design
by Scott Johnston Discovery House
Dundee Technology Park
Dundee, Scotland
Fax: 0382 562333
Hired Guns is a truly unique role From the time he was 'released'
playing/adventure game. Apart from military service - five
from sensational graphics and H years and an entire star system
outstanding playability, it away - Rorian Deevergh has
features a multi-player interface I amassed a group of people, some
which allows four players to act of whom he can even call friends,
independently on the same machine R who are collectively hunted by the
at once! authorities.
Includes an online inventory Killing for a price and without
encyclopedia, auto-mapping, over D recourse was a job in which they
1.2 Megabytes of incredible all excelled. Payment in rare
soundtracks, and more (see the metals. No questions. If you
FEATURES list below). live, that's your business.
This is a game that needs to be On the surface, this was just a
experienced. We encourage you to U normal job. The only thing that
try our free demo, which includes aroused curiosity was the
its own fully playable mini- N destination. A backwater planet
adventure offering hours of called Graveyard. The name
gameplay in itself (see the DEMO S aroused some faint disturbance in
information below). Rorian's memory. But what the
hell, so did most names he heard
o Four first-person perspective 3D views on screen
o Up to four independent players on one machine
o True 3D levels (the campaign spans 1.7 million cubic meters)
o Auto-mapping via the Guild VII Digital Terrain Processor
o Transparent water effect
o On-line encyclopedia
o Hard disk installation
Instantly switch between Hired Guns & Workbench
o Full use of available memory
o Customizable graphics
Edit the character graphics to your liking -
You can even put yourself in the game!
o Choose from a selection of 12 characters
o 1.2 Megabytes of original music and sound effects
o Various environments (outdoors, caves, hi-tech, tombs, etc.)
o At least 80 hours of playing time in the campaign game
o An extra 20 stand-alone action levels
o 24 types of enemy
o 8 Megabytes of data packed onto 5 disks
o Comprehensive literature
o Any Amiga model with at least 1MB RAM (any configuration).
o Users with 1MB CHIP RAM and an additional 512K of other
memory will experience greatly enhanced sound effects.
o Hard drive operation requires 1.5 MB RAM (1 MB CHIP memory).
$59.99 US Suggested Retail Price
The full game is available from Amiga dealers worldwide.
Hired Guns can also be ordered directly from Psygnosis.
Hired Guns is a commercial product
Copyright 1993 Psygnosis, Ltd.
A fully playable demo of Hired Guns is currently available on
ftp.wustl.edu ( and will be appearing shortly on
all Aminet sites.
The Hired Guns Demo is Copyright 1991-1993 DMA Design and
may be freely distributed, provided that the contents of the
archive are not modified in any way.
This announcement by:
Daniel Robbins, psygtech@psygnosis.com
Tech Support Representative
& Telecommunications Liason
for Psygnosis (US office)
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