These are demos for a graphics (game) development system, the GameSmith
Development System.
Bithead Technologies sent me these demos. Some were apparently written by
GDS users, while others were written by John Enright himself. I have no
email address for anyone but John, though, so I list him as author in all
Except for providing this (seperate) .readme, all files are as they were
sent to me on two disks.
Below, are a few lines written by John (I assume) that describe the
specific demo.
Very simple program which loads and plays any sound sample file.
Probably one of the best, if not THE best sample player around. Handles
echo (samples with a loop portion), stereo, raw files (play any file as a
sound sample), and will load and play samples from Fast RAM! CLI arguments
allow you to create your own special effects.
Two versions are included: one which allocates the Amiga sound channels in a
friendly manner, and another that simply goes straight to the hardware.
Works on all Amigas under all operating systems.