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Short:Gloom 3 - The Director\'s Cut Preview
Author: gazy at
Uploader:Gareth Murfin (gazy globalnet co uk)
Download:game/demo/G3DCpreview.lha - View contents

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                  /  \ /                                    \ /  \
                 |    X   -> A·l·p·h·a· S·o·f·t·w·a·r·e <-   X    |
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  Gloom 3 - The Director's Cut Preview Slideshow
  By Gareth Murfin

  This is a slideshow of screenshots from the up and coming Amiga title By Alpha
  Software, Gloom 3 - The Director's Cut (G3DC). G3DC is still in an early stage
  of development but these screen shots show how it appears at the moment, and
  are a good indication of what the final game will look like.

  G3DC is a completely new game and not just a re-vamp of Gloom 3 - Ultimate Gloom.
  Many, many improvements have been made to make sure this is the best Gloom game
  yet, and to hopefully compete with Amiga Doom & Quake for low end Amiga user's
  who can't play Quake/Doom at a playable rate. G3DC is still a great buy for all
  Amiga owners with its 020/030/040/060 & GFX card enhanced routines.

  A few new features in G3DC include :

  - 50 New levels with enhanced level design
  - All new GFX & SFX created by Professionals (this time!)
  - 11 new characters each with 48 frames of animation (as oppose to g3's 16!)
  - Full Multitasking on Amiga's with 5 Meg+ (Play in any screenmode!)
  - New Shadow & Lighting effects (experience the game not just play it!)
  - New enemy Artificial Intelligence (enemies hide, then attack you from behind)
  - 60 Meg FMV full screen intro with actors! (on 030 11 Meg)
  - 60 Meg FMV out-takes (see the actor bloopers!)
  - 30 Meg of Alpha Freeware releases (save's you having to download them!)
  - G3DC Desktop package + Screen saver (give your WB a G3DC theme)
  - Fully Interactive Monroeville Mall (Walk the set of Dawn of the dead)
  - Audio tracks from the award winning 'William Morton' (Live performances!)
  - Artwork from the award winning 'Jason Jordache'
  - 'GloomHack' provides a 33% speed increase on all Amiga's with 5 Meg+

  Plus, LOTS, LOTS more! (any suggestions to

  G3DC is a CD-ROM release and already consists of more than 150 meg of pure
  quality, piraters will NOT even get a taster of the real thing.

  The Intro slideshow

  The introduction slide show is a few grabs from the full motion video introduction
  which has full speech and music and plays at a staggering 19fps even on an 030 AGA
  Amiga. The introduction lasts around 7 minutes and uses over 70 meg on the CD-ROM.
  These grabs are *exactly* what the introduction will look like in the final game,
  except they appear slightly worse as individual frames rather than streaming video.

  For more information...
  eMail .........
  URL ...........
  IRC ........... Sprynet.Us.Galaxynet.Org #AmIRC 6667

  For snail mail address see Alpha Software's entry in CU Amiga's 'User Groups'
  section each month.

  Look out for forthcoming previews in The UK's top Amiga magazines.

Contents of game/demo/G3DCpreview.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  861    1636  52.6% -lh5- 8809 Apr 28  1998
[generic]                  430     962  44.7% -lh5- 716b Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/Intro-Preview
[generic]                  956    3026  31.6% -lh5- 5348 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/
[generic]                  425     943  45.1% -lh5- f318 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/Preview
[generic]                  958    3026  31.7% -lh5- 7589 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/
[generic]                 1564    3210  48.7% -lh5- 9b67 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ReadMe
[generic]                  534    3027  17.6% -lh5- fa62 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/
[generic]                50738   86406  58.7% -lh5- 47cd Mar  7  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/game/G3DC1.IFF
[generic]                46392   89638  51.8% -lh5- 6a28 Mar  7  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/game/G3DC10.IFF
[generic]                53388   89024  60.0% -lh5- d4ab Mar  7  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/game/G3DC11.IFF
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[generic]                59385   84930  69.9% -lh5- 515d Mar  7  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/game/G3DC9.IFF
[generic]                12797   26508  48.3% -lh5- d372 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv1.iff
[generic]                14323   33968  42.2% -lh5- 08fc Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv2.iff
[generic]                21224   46028  46.1% -lh5- bc70 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv3.iff
[generic]                17425   39406  44.2% -lh5- 677c Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv4.iff
[generic]                19266   42396  45.4% -lh5- c0fd Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv5.iff
[generic]                22032   46790  47.1% -lh5- 9002 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv6.iff
[generic]                20429   44318  46.1% -lh5- 9010 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv7.iff
[generic]                17507   38842  45.1% -lh5- bdba Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv8.iff
[generic]                16331   35732  45.7% -lh5- d623 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv9.iff
[generic]                21704   47376  45.8% -lh5- e796 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv9a.iff
[generic]                18200   40630  44.8% -lh5- 24d0 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv9b.iff
[generic]                21243   45562  46.6% -lh5- 13df Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv9c.iff
[generic]                22309   47522  46.9% -lh5- 8fd0 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv9d.iff
[generic]                22136   46850  47.2% -lh5- 0560 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv9e.iff
[generic]                22818   48178  47.4% -lh5- e018 Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv9f.iff
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[generic]                19733   45298  43.6% -lh5- 55fe Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv9h.iff
[generic]                19516   45106  43.3% -lh5- 231a Apr 28  1998 G3DC-SS/ScreenShots/intro/fmv9i.iff
[generic]               262775  377858  69.5% -lh5- 0348 Feb 16  1998 G3DC-SS/stuff/
[generic]                51103  100464  50.9% -lh5- 96ce Oct 11  1997 G3DC-SS/stuff/MultiPlayer
[generic]                  137     155  88.4% -lh5- f45a Feb  5  1998 G3DC-SS/stuff/quit.rexx
[generic]                 1679    2364  71.0% -lh5- 2949 Jul  6  1994 G3DC-SS/stuff/RexxMast
[generic]                50147   88944  56.4% -lh5- c5c3 Feb 12  1998 G3DC-SS/stuff/VT
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        49 files 1728884 3012759  57.4%            Apr 29  1998
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