84782 packages online
game/demo/FreeSpaceDemo.lha |
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Welcome to the Demo Version of Descent FreeSpace: The Great War.
The demo gives you 4 playable game-levels to get a glimpse of the
full-game. Both 68k and PPC versions are included in the demo version
(if you have powerpc.library installed the PPC version gets installed,
else the 68k version). We recommend to use the game with powerpc.library
V16.1, like included in the WarpUP V5.1 archive or the OS 3.9 Boingbag.
The system requirements of FreeSpace are as follows:
- OS 3.0 or higher
- Graphics Card required
PowerPC: 150 MHz PowerPC or higher, supported by WarpUP, no 3D Card
required (a 2D Card like Picasso IV is fine), but graphics looks
better with a 3D Card, 64 MB RAM
68k: 50 MHz 060 required, 3D Card required, 64 MB RAM. Systems using
Virtual Memory with "VMM" can do with 32 MB RAM.
The full game will be available soon at Haage&Partner Computer GmbH and all
your usual Amiga Software Dealers. Preordering is already possible (special
preorder price).
This version of the demo has all the Demo Version Updates released recently
(including Update 4) already applied.
Features only in the Full Version:
- Network Gaming
- Localized versions for three languages (demo version is only in English):
English, German and French
- Mouse/Joystick-Sensitivity Control through the FreeSpace-In-Game-GUI (in the
demo version possibly by editing the text-file Freespace.prefs)
- Support for User-Created new Missions which are available on many Websites
Contents of game/demo/FreeSpaceDemo.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 716 1570 45.6% -lh5- 6d71 Dec 3 2001 Analog_Joysticks.txt
[generic] 1195128 1195128 100.0% -lh0- f535 Dec 3 2001 bin.hpa
[generic] 1488518 1488518 100.0% -lh0- fecc Dec 3 2001 binPPC.hpa
[generic] 26706 52932 50.5% -lh5- 3681 Oct 18 2001 c/hunpack
[generic] 4389 8496 51.7% -lh5- 2174 Oct 18 2001 c/total
[generic] 23438694 23438694 100.0% -lh0- c90f Nov 9 2001 data_demo.hpa
[generic] 503 914 55.0% -lh5- 0b43 Nov 26 2001 Freespace.prefs
[generic] 4833 15524 31.1% -lh5- fcb1 Dec 9 2001 fsinst
[generic] 88905 88905 100.0% -lh0- 6a8b Nov 29 2001 gui.hpa
[generic] 30435 80836 37.7% -lh5- ebec Oct 18 2001 libs/chunkyppc.library
[generic] 71863 188352 38.2% -lh5- 2bda Oct 18 2001 libs/fsound68k.library
[generic] 80004 218112 36.7% -lh5- f337 Oct 18 2001 libs/fsoundPPC.library
[generic] 88916 224240 39.7% -lh5- ca22 Oct 18 2001 libs/wizard.library
[generic] 3935 5730 68.7% -lh5- 9321 Oct 18 2001 Install_Freespace.info
[generic] 116839 174679 66.9% -lh5- 4966 Oct 19 2001 loading_wait.pcx
[generic] 2058 6633 31.0% -lh5- 00d4 Oct 16 2001 refcard.rtf
[generic] 898 1718 52.3% -lh5- fdd9 Nov 12 2001 VMM_readme.txt
[generic] 9273 23380 39.7% -lh5- ee9b Dec 9 2001 readme.guide
[generic] 8793 21693 40.5% -lh5- c7d1 Dec 9 2001 readme.txt
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 19 files 26661406 27236054 97.9% Dec 15 2001
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