Exodus - The Last War is the srategic game plaing in the futuristic world
on the distant and unknown galaxy at the real time.
Purpose of the game is victory one of few races. If you want to victory
you must be care about good economy progress by the ledge exploitation.
For assembly credits you must build factories and fighting squads.
Full description you can find in final version.
Computer Amiga 1200, 2000, 3000 or 4000 in configuration:
CPU 68030, 16 MB Fast RAM, AGA, HD, CD-ROM, or better.
This game will be attend graphics cards. Production in PPC version
will be deppend from salling game on "old Motorolas".
- game on the full screen (in Low Res (320x256) or High Res Laced (640x512),
- good speed:
on 040/40 MHz in Low Res - 25 fps, in High Res Laced - 7 fps.
In chary refresh (it have not an effect for graphic quality)
in Low Res - to 35 fps,
in High Res Laced - to 25 fps.
- 256 colors,
- max. to 32 buildings for first race and max. to 32 buildings for second race.
max. to 32 units for first race and max. to 32 units for second race, and it
is to 128 species units in the game. Units quantity is dependence from
operating memory. If the game will be edition at 32 MB RAM, then the quantity
of buildings and units will be more, and graphic will be better (more races,
animals, plants).
- land units, sea units and air units,
- multiplayer option (null modem),
- optimized code for 68060,
- good and clear graphic,
- interactiv enviroment of the game,
- high AI of computer,
- the sound from Paula or musics cards (AHI).
If You want to buy this game with 25 % rabate, You should send us 5 $
or if You live in Poland - 10 PLN. This money we need for production of
this game.
Our account:
Powszechna Kasa Oszczëdnoôci Bank Païstwowy Darîowo - POLAND
nr 10202876-19914-270-41,
or address:
Mariusz Samson, ul. Podzamcze 4/15, 76-150 Darîowo - POLAND.