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Short:New Samples for Worms DC
Author: Magic at W-Specht.Rhein-Ruhr.De
Uploader:Magic W-Specht Rhein-Ruhr De
Download:game/data/wrm-dc-sam.lha - View contents

Deutsch (German)
Hier sind einige Samples für das neue Spiel "WORMS THE DIRCTORS CUT".
Viele Samples sind in Deutsch ...
Darunter sind auch einige Altbekannte, die schonmal im Aminet
veröffentlicht wurden. Da aber fast alle Samples im neuen Game auch neue
Namen bekommen haben, braucht sich nun niemand mehr die Mühe zu machen, die
Samples zu vergleichen und per Hand umzubenennen (zumal fast alle Samples
mit dem Packer "Crunchmania" gepackt wurden und so nicht ohne Weiteres
abgespielt werden können.
Natürlich sind auch einige "brandneue" Samples von mir dazugekommen :-)
Installation :
Man muß nicht die alten Samples überschreiben, es geht auch anders :
Im Verzeichnis TWSAMPLES befindet sich das Verzeichnis DEFAULT, worin sich
alle mitgelieferten Samples von "WORMS THE DIRCTORS CUT" befinden.
In TWSAMPLES erzeugt man nun einfach ein neues Verzeichnis (z.B.
MeineSamples) und kopiert jetzt die Sounds aus diesem Archiv hinein.
Wenn man dann "WORMS THE DIRCTORS CUT" startet, kann man im Menü "Records"
(bis zur Options-Seite vorklicken) unter dem Menüpunkt "Samples" das eigene
Verzeichnis einstellen. Dann einmal auf "Load Samples" klicken und die
eigenen Sounds befinden sich im Speicher und werden auch für das Spiel
Wichtig: Es sollte genug Chip-Ram frei sein, da manche Samples (Old
Woman) schon recht lang sind ...
E-Mail: Magic@W-Specht.Rhein-Ruhr.De
Fido  : Michael Ufer@2:249/999
Here are some new Samples for the game "WORMS THE DIRCTORS CUT".
Many samples are in german ...
Some samples may be "well known", because the have already been sent to the
Aminet. But because all Samples in the new game have been given new names,
now there will be no need for you, to compare and rename the old samples by
hand. (Most Samples in "WORMS THE DIRCTORS CUT" are also crunched with the
packer "Crunchmania". This makes it difficult to play them with a
But of course there are also some "brandnew" samples, made by me :-)
You don't have to replace the original Samples :
There is a subdirectory named "DEFAULT" in the directory "TWSAMPLES". There
you can find the original Sounds of the Game. Now create a new
subdirectory in "TWSAMPLES" (e.g. MySamples). Then copy all samples from
this archive to this new subdirectory.
Now start the game "WORMS THE DIRCTORS CUT" and klick on the menu
"Records". Continue by klicking on "Next", until you see the options-menu.
Then choose your sample-directory by clicking on the menu-item "samples".
Now click on "load samples" and the new sounds will be loaded into memory
and also used in the game.
Important: Make sure you have enough Chip-Memory free, because some samples
need a lot of space (Old woman).
E-Mail: Magic@W-Specht.Rhein-Ruhr.De
Fido  : Michael Ufer@2:249/999

Contents of game/data/wrm-dc-sam.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                50697   65204  77.8% -lh5- bc9a Mar  1  1996 WORM-SAMS/AirStrike
[generic]                 6466    8448  76.5% -lh5- 7722 Oct 27  1980 WORM-SAMS/Baa
[generic]                 4362    4842  90.1% -lh5- 2c22 Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Bazooka
[generic]                22372   29180  76.7% -lh5- c7d0 Mar  3  1996 WORM-SAMS/BlowTorch
[generic]                27667   31482  87.9% -lh5- 3ef3 Jun 16  1996 WORM-SAMS/Boring.1
[generic]                10754   13194  81.5% -lh5- e22e Jan 27  1980 WORM-SAMS/Bungee.1
[generic]                 7805    9834  79.4% -lh5- f6ff Sep  6  1996 WORM-SAMS/ByeBye.1
[generic]                 9720   11642  83.5% -lh5- 02ac Sep  6  1996 WORM-SAMS/Byebye.2
[generic]                 1124    3004  37.4% -lh5- c565 Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Communicator
[generic]                 8507   12088  70.4% -lh5- 8330 Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Coward.1
[generic]                 6525   11810  55.2% -lh5- 7105 Mar  3  1996 WORM-SAMS/Drill
[generic]                 7952   11568  68.7% -lh5- 93ac Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Excellent.1
[generic]                11847   18994  62.4% -lh5- de25 Feb 24  1996 WORM-SAMS/Explosion
[generic]                 6452   13037  49.5% -lh5- 0086 Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/ExplosionUW
[generic]                13805   16328  84.5% -lh5- ac45 Jan 28  1980 WORM-SAMS/Fall.1
[generic]                33899   43370  78.2% -lh5- adde Aug  1  1996 WORM-SAMS/Fatality.1
[generic]                 5767    8564  67.3% -lh5- 8491 Jun 16  1996 WORM-SAMS/Fire.1
[generic]                17201   29004  59.3% -lh5- ced7 Sep  6  1996 WORM-SAMS/Fire.2
[generic]                16210   35106  46.2% -lh5- 1a86 Sep  6  1996 WORM-SAMS/FirstBlood.1
[generic]                12107   19652  61.6% -lh5- ab8c Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Flawless.1
[generic]                 6203   12799  48.5% -lh5- e549 Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Fuse
[generic]                13132   21228  61.9% -lh5- 994f Sep  6  1996 WORM-SAMS/Grenade
[generic]                 9104   12416  73.3% -lh5- cbe3 Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Hello.1
[generic]                10420   15002  69.5% -lh5- a24c Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Hello.2
[generic]                 8737   11534  75.7% -lh5- feeb Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Hurry.1
[generic]                 5637    6800  82.9% -lh5- 6311 Aug 10  1980 WORM-SAMS/Jump.1
[generic]                 2841    3308  85.9% -lh5- dfc8 Aug 10  1980 WORM-SAMS/Jump.2
[generic]                13805   16328  84.5% -lh5- ac45 Jan 28  1980 WORM-SAMS/Kamikaze
[generic]                30956   37286  83.0% -lh5- 2c5c Jun 16  1996 WORM-SAMS/Laugh.1
[generic]                  989    2017  49.0% -lh5- 5d63 Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Mine
[generic]                 7832   11112  70.5% -lh5- 0bdf Jun 16  1996 WORM-SAMS/Missed.1
[generic]                69289   85524  81.0% -lh5- bd02 Apr 10  1997 WORM-SAMS/OldWoman.1
[generic]                 1160    1374  84.4% -lh5- a32f Jun 16  1996 WORM-SAMS/oooff.1
[generic]                 1091    1764  61.8% -lh5- f0c7 Jun 16  1996 WORM-SAMS/oooff.2
[generic]                 1153    1656  69.6% -lh5- dd7e Jun 16  1996 WORM-SAMS/oooff.3
[generic]                 4608    5394  85.4% -lh5- 60c0 Jun 16  1996 WORM-SAMS/oooww.1
[generic]                 4897    5328  91.9% -lh5- c60d Jun 16  1996 WORM-SAMS/oooww.2
[generic]                 1069    1306  81.9% -lh5- 3f73 Jun 16  1996 WORM-SAMS/oooww.3
[generic]                 7992    9894  80.8% -lh5- b0a1 Apr 14  1997 WORM-SAMS/Perfect.1
[generic]                11256   14428  78.0% -lh5- ea3b Jun 16  1996 WORM-SAMS/Punch
[generic]                 2394    4922  48.6% -lh5- 2b90 Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Reload
[generic]                 8193   13649  60.0% -lh5- de28 Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Revenge.1
[generic]                 4856    6416  75.7% -lh5- c958 Sep  6  1996 WORM-SAMS/Salute.1
[generic]                10217   14484  70.5% -lh5- fb0a Mar  3  1996 WORM-SAMS/ShotGun
[generic]                 8177   10488  78.0% -lh5- 1cb3 Sep  6  1996 WORM-SAMS/Stupid.1
[generic]                11667   16204  72.0% -lh5- 917c Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Sulk.1
[generic]                15749   21286  74.0% -lh5- b7be Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/TakeCover.1
[generic]                11561   19892  58.1% -lh5- 36dd Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/TakeCover.2
[generic]                36696   46160  79.5% -lh5- 5216 Mar  4  1996 WORM-SAMS/Teleport
[generic]                 9778   14916  65.6% -lh5- 5ad4 Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Threat.1
[generic]                21580   24116  89.5% -lh5- b9ff Mar  9  1996 WORM-SAMS/Threat.2
[generic]                14520   22985  63.2% -lh5- c63b Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Threat.3
[generic]                11484   18366  62.5% -lh5- 617b Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Traitor.1
[generic]                 8574   12632  67.9% -lh5- 10fa Nov 15  1995 WORM-SAMS/Traitor.2
[generic]                 7219    9100  79.3% -lh5- 3726 Jun 16  1996 WORM-SAMS/Twang
[generic]                 1363    3185  42.8% -lh5- 1c93 Apr 15  1997 WORMS-DC-.Readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        56 files  677438  931650  72.7%            Apr 25  1997
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