Two Worms levels: ICEBUB.3242.WRM and MELTCAP.WRM
By Richard J. Wagner
Monday 29 January 1996
Two original levels for use with the game "Worms" by Team17/Ocean
for Amiga computers. The level "Meltcap" is several floors of
metal girders perfect for Ninja Ropes, Shotguns, and the Dark uses
of Mines. The level "Icebub" features slippery ice, icicles, an
ice bubble, and floating ice cubes.
The Story of Meltcap:
In the distant future, on the planet of the worms, civilization is
progressing well. Bullet trains criss-cross the globe,
telecommunications is reshaping society, and skyscrapers decorate
the horizon. But an intensly hot, radioactive meteorite has
crashed in the arctic. The ice caps are rapidly melting, and most
cities are already underwater. A few construction workers have
become trapped on an unfinished skyscraper. Food is limited, doom
is imminent, and tempers are flaring. Unfortunately, a few crates
of weapons and ammunition were found floating in the rising waters
and were captured by the workers. You must now try to protect
yourself from your armed co-workers in the hope of somehow being
The Story of Icebubble:
Creatures of all kinds love to live on the boundaries between two
terrains. Humans are attracted to the beaches where land and sea
meet. Monkeys live in the trees where the earth meets the
sky. Bacteria live deep in the sea where sulfrous volcanic vents
spurt into cold, dark saltwater. Worms, too, are drawn to such
dynamic boundaries. These particular worms live in a place where
water meets itself in the forms of liquid, ice, and vapor. The
phases constantly rearrange as water froths, bubbles, freezes, and
melts. It's a very exciting life for a worm, but it's also very
dangerous. You see, ice is fine, but worms can't swim and worms
can't fly. And having a Bazooka aimed at one's face does not make
one feel any safer.
You have the game Worms by Team17/Ocean, right? So after
extracting ICEBUB.3242.WRM and MELTCAP.WRM from
WORMS_ICE+MELT.lha, just copy them to the TWCUSTOM drawer in your
Worms directory (if you play from a hard drive) or to a regular
floppy. If you put them on your hard drive, you can play them by
clicking the right mouse button while a level is starting and then
typing "ICEBUB" or "MELTCAP". If you put them on a floppy, you
will have to use the Change Levels Disk option under the RECORDS!
menu before starting to play. By the way, if you have more than
26 levels in your TWCUSTOM drawer then some levels might go
unrecognized by the game and you will have to play them from a
floppy. You can check which levels Worms thinks are there by
using the List Custom Levels option in the RECORDS! menu.