This archive contains a new collection of Worms Levels, from Nicron
Productions. I am making loads of great Worms levels for you to destroy
with Banana Bombs and Air Strikes! To gain these new levels just write to
me at the address below, enclosing an S.A.E and disk, you will recive the
Nicron Productions catalogue disk with details of the Worms levels and how
to puchase them.
The levels:
This level is on some girders, you will have no problems falling into the
sea because there are no gaps to fall in - Yet!! Watch out for fake Mines
and Worms, admire the guns.
This level is great. It is full of girders and a nice grinder!! If you
falldown, however you (may) be saved by little rocks in the water. Watch
out for trick floors and walls in the sky!?
As the name suggeses this level is in a tunnel which is in the middle of a
war, grave yards and guns are in this level, not to mention little tunnels
and girders build to block the enemy. Watch out for fake worms, mines and
grave stones!! And theres no use using Air Strikes here!
They thought it could never be done, but we have, an invisable Worms
Level with a few platforms and a few more holes, watch out with your
weapons, they may hit the floor!
Raised platforms supported by green poles! Look out for fake Worms, but
they are not hard to spot, watch the fake mines and weapon drops, and blow
up your friends.
Ideal for thoses people who are sick of my levels and wan`t to make their
own, a template is what they need, load it into DPaint and follow the
in-vision instructions. Or, load it up in Worms and you get a quite
playable level, but not much in graphics, a few letters and curved lines.
Nicron Productions is a P.D company who makes their own P.D games, for
a full catalogue disk informing you of ALL the Nicron Productions,
including this program, send a disk and S.A.E to me at:-
Lee Hesselden
8 Plough Green
PL12 4JZ
Or you can E-Mail me for more information:-