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Short:16 Replacement levels for AB3DII Dec 98
Uploader:mike mikech demon co uk
Requires:Original floppy disks or HD installation of AB3DII-The Killing Grounds
Download:game/data/AB3d2_XC.lha - View contents


This archive contains a complete set of 16 levels for Alien Breed 3d2. The 
levels and the intro-text story take the form of a (loose) sequel to Alien 
Breed 3d2. Most of the aliens and textures from the original game are used, 
but I have also resurrected some aliens from Alien Breed 3d1, created some 
new ones from the graphics released along with the source code files, and 
modified / designed some new weapons. (Fancy a mini-rocket launcher?)

I have also used Jason Frecknall's minigun. Thanks to him.


This archive requires many of the original files from AB3d2-TKG, including 
the executable itself, the original graphic files and the original aliens. 
However, it does not require all of them.

To install, unpack the archive to your hard drive wherever you want the game 
to live. 

The archive unpacks as a directory called AB3d2-XeniumCore.

Open this drawer and double click the "Install_Files" icon.

This runs a simple DOS script to copy the required files, and only the 
required files, into the AB3d2-XeniumCore directory, from either the 
original AB3d2-TKG floppy disks or from an existing hard drive installation 
of AB3d2-TKG.

The script opens a requester to choose installation from floppy or hard 

If you choose to copy the files from an existing installation a requester 
will then open for you to select the existing AB3d2-TKG directory on your 
hard drive. Please note that the script clears the assigns to TKG1: TKG2: 
SFX: and AB3: (which may have been set in your user-startup) so you cannot 
use these assigns to find the directory.

The script will then copy all the required files into the AB3d2-XeniumCore 
directory. If Aki Laukkanen's TKGPatch is present in your original 
installation it will also be copied. This patch is recommended, but you 
should not use the ENGINE option as it spoils the textures in some levels of 
the game (introducing a solid line between wall tiles that prevents them 
from blending together). The ENGINE option in itself does not make much 
difference to the speed and is off by default. The patch is available on 
Aminet if you do not have it.

If you chose to install from the original floppy disks, you will have to 
insert the relevant disks at the "Please insert volume TKG1/TKG2/SFX" 

You can now run the game by double clicking the "Start" icon. This assigns 
TKG1: TKG2: AB3: and SFX: all to the AB3d2-XeniumCore directory and opens a 
shell window in which you should type either "tkg" or "tkgpatch C2P" to run 
the game. Its probably a good idea to wait for the first window to close
before running the game.

It is possible to install this game by copying your AB3d2-TKG directory, 
renaming it as Ab3d2-XeniumCore and dumping the extracted archive over it, 
but this will result in redundant files and a bigger-than-necessary game 

The file CompleteFileList.txt is a full list of what you should end up with 
after installation.


I always thought that five save game slots was not enough. Having triumphed 
over the game you deserve the reward of then being able to play any level 
any time. That's why I wrote Save Game Manager.

Save Game Manager does the following:
* Lists the saved levels currently available in the game.
* Allows you to archive these saved levels to the directory 
* Lists the saved levels in each of the files in the archive.
* Allows you to copy an archived set of saved levels into the game, backing 
up the game's existing saved levels in an archive file called "LAST_SET".
* Allows you to launch the game (via a CLI window) or exit.

It is fairly self-explanatory to use, just double click the icon. Should the 
start game option do nothing, it is probably because the Start script's 's' 
bit has been reset by LhA. Set it with "Protect Start +s" (Install_Files 
does this anyway, so you should have no problem).

Save Game Manager does not use any assigns, just looking for "boot.dat" and 
a directory "SaveGameArchive" in the same directory as it is itself. To use 
it with the original TKG you can just put it in the TKG directory and make a 
new directory "SaveGameArchive". If you want the start game function to work 
you will also need to copy the "Start" script to that directory.


I have tried to remain faithful to the gameplay of the original alien breed 
games. Each level is designed to look impossible at first sight 
(hopefully!), but by experimentation and discovery to be completable. (Well 
*I* can do it anyway!). The emphasis is more on trying to figure out how to 
do a level, rather than just running around like a maniac and hoping for the 
best (of course trying that tactic is still worthwhile!). Where there is a 
choice of routes: experiment! Where something looks impossible, don't give 
up without trying the least likely strategy!

Level A is a simple intro level, later levels are far more sophisticated. 
Level F is a bit of a nightmare, because its so big. Takes me something like 
an hour even knowing everything - but its after this level that most of the 
new stuff is waiting for you, so persevere! You DON'T need to do a "perfect 
level" every level to get through to the end of the game, in fact if you do 
it gets a bit too easy! (hmm. actually I've played too much to know.)
I have an A1200 030@50 and tend to play in small screen 1x1, reduced 
rendering quality, switching down to 2x1 when I have to. So there you go. 
Don't turn the lighting effects off or the flare laser will be almost 

The story picks up after the destruction of the alien planet at the end of 
TKG (of course you got to the end didn't you? NB. there are no "level Os" in 
this game!). You have escaped with your life but little else, and your only 
course of action is to return to the central populated systems of the 
galaxy. There are remote outposts dotted among the fringe systems and you 
journey from one to the next - only to find them lifeless, for the Breed 
have passed before you...

If you do play through to the end of this game you will be rewarded with the 
end scrolly from TKG which doesn't make sense to my story. Unfortunately 
this text seems to be packed away in the executable somewhere so there's not 
much I can do about it.

Oh and yes - my intro texts ARE completely deranged, I know!

Andy Clitheroe & Team 17 (I would love you to play this!)
Jason Frecknall for the Minigun (Apologies for doubling it up as a 
mini-rocket launcher)
Jens Vang Petersen for his work on the Editor


You can mail me with comments etc. at

Have fun. Mike Child, December 1998.

Contents of game/data/AB3d2_XC.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                   29     420   6.9% -lh5- a73e Jul 15  1980 AB3d2-XeniumCore/boot.dat
[generic]                 3595   19511  18.4% -lh5- 762c Dec 13  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/CompleteFileList.txt
[generic]                  793     793 100.0% -lh0- a4ab Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/beholder.256pal
[generic]                 2734    2734 100.0% -lh0- f0b7 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/beholder.ptr
[generic]                18127   18127 100.0% -lh0- 26af Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/beholder.wad
[generic]                  834     834 100.0% -lh0- 8f7a Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/bigclaws.256pal
[generic]                 3674    3674 100.0% -lh0- 9ed4 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/bigclaws.ptr
[generic]                23834   23834 100.0% -lh0- 2649 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/bigclaws.wad
[generic]                  578     578 100.0% -lh0- ebc5 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/eyemonster.256pal
[generic]                 1083    1083 100.0% -lh0- 2b63 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/eyemonster.ptr
[generic]                 6516    6516 100.0% -lh0- 49ff Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/eyemonster.wad
[generic]                  866     866 100.0% -lh0- 2ff9 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/laserlamp.256pal
[generic]                   52      52 100.0% -lh0- b364 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/laserlamp.ptr
[generic]                  470     470 100.0% -lh0- 9112 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/laserlamp.wad
[generic]                  845     845 100.0% -lh0- 2e86 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/newrobot.256pal
[generic]                 6709    6709 100.0% -lh0- a9db Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/newrobot.ptr
[generic]                77037   77037 100.0% -lh0- 989e Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/newrobot.wad
[generic]                 8469    8627  98.2% -lh5- 9efe Dec 13  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/TEST.LNK
[generic]                 8110    8110 100.0% -lh0- 587e Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/Text_File
[generic]                  792     792 100.0% -lh0- b89c Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/Worm.256pal
[generic]                  431     431 100.0% -lh0- e981 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/Worm.pal
[generic]                 3902    3903 100.0% -lh5- a689 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/worm.ptr
[generic]                27318   27318 100.0% -lh0- 8787 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INCLUDES/worm.wad
[generic]                 1846    5755  32.1% -lh5- 3c4f Nov 24  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/INSTALL_FILES
[generic]                  458    1036  44.2% -lh5- 714c Nov 29  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/
[generic]                 7463    7466 100.0% -lh5- f14e Nov 28  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_A/twolev.bin
[generic]                 1380    1380 100.0% -lh0- b6b3 May  2  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_A/twolev.clips
[generic]                  405     405 100.0% -lh0- 623f Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_A/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 3179    3179 100.0% -lh0- 2817 Nov 28  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_A/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                  354     354 100.0% -lh0- 0038 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_A/
[generic]                12297   12326  99.8% -lh5- d723 Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_B/twolev.bin
[generic]                 3085    3085 100.0% -lh0- 3f42 May  2  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_B/twolev.clips
[generic]                  702     702 100.0% -lh0- ce5c Feb  4  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_B/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 5052    5052 100.0% -lh0- ac05 Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_B/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                  830     830 100.0% -lh0- 4bc4 Feb  4  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_B/
[generic]                13033   13140  99.2% -lh5- 1c2c Oct 28  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_C/twolev.bin
[generic]                 2585    2585 100.0% -lh0- d5d2 Sep 15  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_C/twolev.clips
[generic]                  670     670 100.0% -lh0- 1380 Oct 28  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_C/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 5108    5108 100.0% -lh0- 0379 Oct 28  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_C/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                  862     862 100.0% -lh0- 243f Oct 28  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_C/
[generic]                12829   12968  98.9% -lh5- 698f Oct 26  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_D/twolev.bin
[generic]                 2961    2961 100.0% -lh0- 3d5d Oct  3  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_D/twolev.clips
[generic]                  618     618 100.0% -lh0- e7ed Oct 26  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_D/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 4896    4917  99.6% -lh5- 0131 Oct 26  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_D/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                  687     687 100.0% -lh0- db00 Oct 26  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_D/
[generic]                14939   14939 100.0% -lh0- 6e17 Oct 26  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_E/twolev.bin
[generic]                 4285    4285 100.0% -lh0- 5736 Oct  4  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_E/twolev.clips
[generic]                  647     647 100.0% -lh0- 82b9 Oct 26  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_E/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 7255    7255 100.0% -lh0- a6f4 Oct 26  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_E/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                  572     572 100.0% -lh0- a2ea Oct 26  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_E/
[generic]                20366   20495  99.4% -lh5- c700 Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_F/twolev.bin
[generic]                 5873    5873 100.0% -lh0- 13ca Oct 26  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_F/twolev.clips
[generic]                 1029    1029 100.0% -lh0- 6e53 Jan 23  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_F/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 8066    8066 100.0% -lh0- 56db Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_F/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                  922     922 100.0% -lh0- 0642 Jan 23  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_F/
[generic]                16844   16856  99.9% -lh5- 23ab Oct 13  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_G/twolev.bin
[generic]                 5388    5388 100.0% -lh0- 2ea4 Oct 19  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_G/twolev.clips
[generic]                 1204    1204 100.0% -lh0- 35b1 Oct 26  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_G/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 6086    6103  99.7% -lh5- d76b Oct 13  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_G/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                 1171    1171 100.0% -lh0- 72de Oct 26  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_G/
[generic]                16541   16541 100.0% -lh0- 61af Nov 16  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_H/twolev.bin
[generic]                 3117    3117 100.0% -lh0- bdd0 Nov 16  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_H/twolev.clips
[generic]                  805     805 100.0% -lh0- 1653 Nov 16  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_H/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 5878    5890  99.8% -lh5- 3661 Nov 16  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_H/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                  813     813 100.0% -lh0- 8289 Nov 16  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_H/
[generic]                18928   18979  99.7% -lh5- c806 Nov 23  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_I/twolev.bin
[generic]                 4227    4227 100.0% -lh0- e551 Nov 16  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_I/twolev.clips
[generic]                 1136    1136 100.0% -lh0- 7536 Nov 23  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_I/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 8591    8781  97.8% -lh5- 39dc Nov 23  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_I/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                  986     986 100.0% -lh0- 49a4 Nov 23  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_I/
[generic]                17638   17691  99.7% -lh5- c2e6 Apr 16  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_J/twolev.bin
[generic]                 3280    3280 100.0% -lh0- 96cf May  3  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_J/twolev.clips
[generic]                 1137    1137 100.0% -lh0- 735f Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_J/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 7116    7116 100.0% -lh0- 5343 Apr 16  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_J/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                 1261    1261 100.0% -lh0- c500 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_J/
[generic]                16095   16172  99.5% -lh5- 55b8 Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_K/twolev.bin
[generic]                 3074    3074 100.0% -lh0- 10e7 Dec 28  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_K/twolev.clips
[generic]                  725     725 100.0% -lh0- 5d47 Dec 13  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_K/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 8053    8063  99.9% -lh5- f222 Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_K/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                  699     699 100.0% -lh0- ccb1 Dec 13  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_K/
[generic]                33933   33933 100.0% -lh0- 6b0d Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_L/twolev.bin
[generic]                 6355    6355 100.0% -lh0- 1420 May 19  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_L/twolev.clips
[generic]                 1391    1391 100.0% -lh0- c93e Dec 13  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_L/twolev.flymap
[generic]                11645   11725  99.3% -lh5- 4778 Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_L/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                 1380    1380 100.0% -lh0- 3d2d Dec 13  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_L/
[generic]                22095   22165  99.7% -lh5- bbd1 Oct 15  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_M/twolev.bin
[generic]                 4990    4990 100.0% -lh0- 7304 Mar 15  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_M/twolev.clips
[generic]                 1042    1042 100.0% -lh0- e956 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_M/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 9546    9546 100.0% -lh0- 70b2 Oct 15  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_M/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                  972     972 100.0% -lh0- dde9 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_M/
[generic]                29124   29168  99.8% -lh5- 6103 Oct 19  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_N/twolev.bin
[generic]                 7565    7565 100.0% -lh0- f8db Apr  4  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_N/twolev.clips
[generic]                 1557    1557 100.0% -lh0- d238 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_N/twolev.flymap
[generic]                11319   11319 100.0% -lh0- d2a9 Oct 19  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_N/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                 1435    1435 100.0% -lh0- 3947 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_N/
[generic]                22455   22589  99.4% -lh5- 4547 Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_O/twolev.bin
[generic]                 4730    4730 100.0% -lh0- 9183 Jun 15  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_O/twolev.clips
[generic]                 1045    1045 100.0% -lh0- 2abd Dec 13  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_O/twolev.flymap
[generic]                 8395    8395 100.0% -lh0- a123 Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_O/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                 1279    1279 100.0% -lh0- 5d81 Dec 13  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_O/
[generic]                31597   31667  99.8% -lh5- 1163 Oct 25  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_P/twolev.bin
[generic]                 6261    6261 100.0% -lh0- 5738 Oct 25  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_P/twolev.clips
[generic]                 1186    1186 100.0% -lh0- f62d Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_P/twolev.flymap
[generic]                11667   11677  99.9% -lh5- a49b Oct 25  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_P/twolev.graph.bin
[generic]                 1457    1457 100.0% -lh0- 36d9 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Levels/LEVEL_P/
[generic]                 3093    6856  45.1% -lh5- 3d4d Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/READ_ME
[generic]                  406     990  41.0% -lh5- 80c6 Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/
[generic]                 2568    2568 100.0% -lh0- 16ee Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Samples/Minigun.fib
[generic]                 7496    7496 100.0% -lh0- b701 Apr 16  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Samples/testhowl.fib
[generic]                  258     628  41.1% -lh5- 315d Nov 29  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/
[generic]                   29     420   6.9% -lh5- a73e Jul 15  1980 AB3d2-XeniumCore/SaveGameArchive/OutOfBox
[generic]                30178   59336  50.9% -lh5- c8ca Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/SaveGameManager
[generic]                  257     383  67.1% -lh5- 2ca8 Nov 29  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/
[generic]                 6134    9000  68.2% -lh5- 09b0 Sep 15  1995 AB3d2-XeniumCore/SOUNDS/flame
[generic]                 5817    8400  69.2% -lh5- 8b78 Sep 15  1995 AB3d2-XeniumCore/SOUNDS/halfwormpain
[generic]                 5042    7200  70.0% -lh5- 8bf0 Sep 15  1995 AB3d2-XeniumCore/SOUNDS/newhiss
[generic]                 2614    6148  42.5% -lh5- e91e Oct  4  1997 AB3d2-XeniumCore/SOUNDS/peow!raws
[generic]                 3100    4000  77.5% -lh5- d2e8 Sep 15  1995 AB3d2-XeniumCore/SOUNDS/whoosh
[generic]                  195     374  52.1% -lh5- 20c8 Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Start
[generic]                  792    1467  54.0% -lh5- 4d74 Dec 11  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/
[generic]                  371     371 100.0% -lh0- f0c6 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Vectobj/comscreen
[generic]                 2577    2589  99.5% -lh5- 96d0 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Vectobj/minigun
[generic]                  910     910 100.0% -lh0- 38f7 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Vectobj/plasmalance
[generic]                 1104    1104 100.0% -lh0- c2fa Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Vectobj/rig
[generic]                  255     255 100.0% -lh0- b221 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/Vectobj/togsw
[generic]                25591   25591 100.0% -lh0- cd71 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/WALLINC/01browstrsnkbab.iff.256wad
[generic]                22597   22597 100.0% -lh0- 3d8f Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/WALLINC/04brownhllegri.iff.256wad
[generic]                16025   16025 100.0% -lh0- a836 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/WALLINC/05chevrondoor.256wad
[generic]                15462   15462 100.0% -lh0- f050 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/WALLINC/06techliandeg.iff.256wad
[generic]                19394   19394 100.0% -lh0- 5150 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/WALLINC/07redhalrtsunbrd.iff.256wad
[generic]                24802   24802 100.0% -lh0- 1e74 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/WALLINC/08alienred.iff.256wad
[generic]                 7985    7993  99.9% -lh5- 43a6 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/WALLINC/12BlueStone.iff.256wad
[generic]                11709   11709 100.0% -lh0- 947e Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/WALLINC/13BIGDOORsnake.iff.256wad
[generic]                14627   14627 100.0% -lh0- 14d6 Nov 22  1998 AB3d2-XeniumCore/WALLINC/14Browns.256wad
[generic]                  556    2273  24.5% -lh5- 3034 Nov 29  1998
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       135 files  959210 1030445  93.1%            Dec 30  1998
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