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Short:Remake of the old classic Nebulus
Author: roever at (Andreas Röver)
Uploader:polluks sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
Download:game/actio/towertoppler-mos.lha - View contents



Most of the installation is the normal

make install

procedure except for the global highscore. If you want this feature
then you need to call

make global_highscore

afterwards. This changes the binary owner to root:games and sets the
sticky bit for group. It also creates a directory in /usr/local/var
named toppler and a file named toppler.hsc inside this directory. The
binary will have write access to this directory and the file. But the
normal user shouldn't. (to prevent them from cheating)

The rpm will install the global highscore file for you.

If the program finds the global highscore file and has the neccessary
rights to access it, it will always use this list. Otherwise the local
file will be used. Which table is used, you can find out by looking at
the output the program writes on stdout upon startup.


The goal of the game is to reach the target door of each of the 8
towers in currently 2 missions with this little green animal. This door
is usually at the very top of the tower.

But finding the way by using elevators and walking trough a maze of
doors and platforms is not the only problem you have to solve. There
are a bunch of other creatures living on the tower that will hinder you
to reach your target by pushing you over the edge of the platforms.

The only weapon of defence you have is to throw a little snowball. But
most of the other creatures just don't care about this. So you must
avoid them.

A little submarine brings you from one tower to the next. On this way
you have the chance to get some bonus points by catching fish. All you
have to do is to catch a fish in a bubble with your torpedo and then
collect the fish.

Commandline Parameters

-f starts the game in fullscreen mode. But be careful! If the game
crashes it doesn't restore the original resolution, it stays in 640x480
pixel mode.

-s makes the game silent. If you don't have a soundcard or for another
reason get an "can't open audio" error try this option.

Options Menu

Game Options:

- Password: this menu entry allows you to define a password. The
password us used to restart a mission from a tower that is not the
first. You get a password for every third tower while you are playing

- Lives: for the tough guys you cen decrease the number of lives you
start the game

- Status on top: if you prefere the game status at the bottom of the
screen. Here is the place to switch

- Game speed: if you want faster gameplay, then this is the option for
you. This option doesn't influence the behaviour. Only the delays
between the frames is decreased. Providing you mashine does allow the
game will run faster.

Redefine Keys:

The options here allow you to redefine the keys that are important for
playing. Select the key you want to redefine. Press Enter and then the
new key you want to use. Bare in mind, that you are not overwriting the
old keys but just define an alternitive that has a lower priority than
the original keys. So you can not use "p", because this is already used
for pause.


The submenus here allow you to finely tune the looks of tower toppler.
Depending on your computers capabilities and you graphic card you can
change here between very low requirements and modest ones. I have an
celeron 366 and can play Tower Toppler with everything switched on
except for the expensive waves.

- Fullscreen: Toggle between windowed and fullscreen display.

- Alpha options toggle the usage of alpha for the different objects
that are drawn on screen. Alpha blitting requires a bit more time, so
if the game runs too slow, switch some of them off.

  - Fonts: for all the text displayed

  - Sprites: for all robots and the toppler

  - Scroller: for the underwater scroller in the bonus level

  - Shadowing: toggles if the menu uses a translucent bar and the
screen gets darker if you start the menu in the game and on some other
occasions. Shadowing takes up quite a lot of time.

- waves: here you can toggle between nonreflecting, simple and
expensive waves. Nonreflecting waves take up the lest amount of CPU
time but don't look very good. Expensive waves look quite good but
require quite a bit of CPU time.

- scroller: here you can toggle between a 2 layer scroller and the
complete (currently 3 layer) scroller. The 2 layer scroller only draws
the front and the backround layer of the underwater scroller in the
bonus level.


This toggle allows you to suppress bonus levels.  Some people don't enjoy
hunting fish as much as climbing towers, this allows them to only play the
fun part ;-).

Speed Indicator

In the normal tower climbing game there is an indicator displaying if
your computer is fast enough for the current playing mode. If you can
see a small red square in the top left corner of the game then the game
can not run as fast as it needs to. Consider the following options:

- drop game speed in the game options menu

- don't use the expensive waves, they ARE expensive in CPU time

- switch off some of the alpha options


In the menu you can select the mission you want to play next with the
left and right cursor keys.  Press space or return on the start menu
item to start the game.

The animal is controlled by the cursor keys and space (or return). Left
and Right make the animal walk. Up and down make the elevators move if
you are on one. (The elevator platforms are a little bit smaller than
the normal platforms.)  If you are in front of a door press up to enter
it.  Pressing the space key will either throw a snowball if you are
standing still or make the animal jump if you are walking.

For the Leveldesigner

The game finally has a leveleditor. Because I've been too lazy to make
new graphics for special objects all tower objects are drawn using the
existing graphics.

Because the only thing you can rely on on a keyboard are the numbers
and the letter keys I have used only these. The layout is choosen so
that keys with a similar task are next to each other and not that the
letters mean something.

Otherwise the editor is relatively simple:


h    shows a list of all keys with explanations

You can move in the list with up, down and pgup, pgdown

cursor movement:

cursor keys
page up and down: 5 rows up and down
y               half turn of the tower (for doors)
HOME            go to starting position


p    play, to test the level you are just editing
ESC  leave the editor
l    load tower
o    save tower
z    check consistency of tower

The consistency check checks if all doors are exactly 3 layers high, if
there isn't a undefined symbol in there and if there is always the
opposite platform for the elevators (without unremovable obstacles
in between). If there is something wrong with the tower, the cursor
moves to the position of the problem.


ins  inserts a row below the current position
del  deletes the current row

with these actions you must be careful because they can destroy doors.


space   clear field

q       normal pillar
a       flashing box

w       normal step
s       vanishing step        shown as flashing step
x       sliding step          shown as sideways moving step

e       elevator top station
d       elevator middle station
c       elevator top station

the elevator stations are shown by a moving platform. The platform is
moving into the direction the elevator can move. So for the bottom
stations the platform is repeatingly moving up and jumping down.

1-7     the different kinds of robots

for the eye robot the movement is shown by the movement of the robot in
the editor. The slow moving version moves half as far as the fast
moving one.

The two jumping balls can be identified by ball movement: one is
standing still. This is the one that jumps on its place until the
toppler gets near. The ball that has a sideway movement from it's
beginning on is moving in the editor too.

i       normal door
k       target door           shown as flashing door

This action always places a whole door (in 3 layers) and tries to place
a door on the opposite side, if it's empty. Doors should never be
higher then 3 layers. The clear command (' ') will always remove the
whole door but not the one on the opposite side of the tower.

The target door command doesn't place a door on the opposite side

parameter of the tower:

the parameter are always in a range of values. To allow fast
alterations of the values the difference between the old and the
changed value increases every time you go into the same direction. So
if you increase the time for the tower by pressing 'b' the first time
the value increses by one the second time by two the third time by
three and so on. This size is reset to one as soon as you change the
direction of your changes. This sounds complicated but the best thing is to
try it

b       increase time
n       decrease time

v       open palette dialog

In the palette dialog up and down change the color you want to change.
Left and Right change the value by one, PgUp and PgDown change by 10
and the numbers make the value jump to 10 equally distributed positions on the

Tower File Format

Just in case you are interested in the format of the tower file:

The format is similar to the windows configuration format. Each section
starts with its name in squarebrackets "[]". Unknown sections are
ignored. Most sections are selfexplainatory, except for the data

This section has the towerheight in its first line followed by a table
where each character represents one position on the tower. The
following table explains the characters used for the tower bitmap and
their meaning.

v  top elevator station
+  middle elevator station
^  bottom elevator station
1  freeze ball
2  jumping ball moving from the start
3  jumping ball standing and then moving to you
4  robot, up down
5  robot, up down fast
6  robot left right
7  robot left right fast
!  pillar
-  platform
b  flashing box
.  vanishng platform
>  slippery platform
<  slippery platform
#  normal door
T  target door

The demo section is also not really obvious. The numbers represent
states of the important keys. Each bit in the number corresponds to one
key. If it is set the key is pressed, otherwise not. Because Tower
Toppler is strictly deterministic and uses fixed intervalls for display
and update each line corresponds to one cycle of update and display.

I can not promise that the program will be able to load the files if
you are changing them manually, so better leave your fingers away from

Because of the ongoing development of Tower Toppler this format is
likely to change. New sections may be added, other ones deprecated. I
hope that the section format will help to achive backwards
compatibility but I promise, of course, nothing. If you have problems
loading your old tower files, send them to me and I'll do my best to
convert them.

Also, if you want to send me your missions, please do not send the
mission files, but the towers. Because the mission files are binary and
are changing as well it may be quite complicated to convert a mission
file generated with an old version of tower toppler to a new version.
But it will nearly always be possible to edit the tower files.

Mission File Format

And another paragraph for the interested ones. Here the format of the
mission files is explained.

First in the mission files is the mission name. The first byte is the
lenght of the string followed by the text itself. Then comes a
priority. This value is used to sort the missions in the game menu.
Then comes the number of towers in the mission followed by the offset
of the tower offset table (b bytes). This table contains 4 bytes for
every tower showing the starting position of the tower inside the file.
The offset table is normally at the end of the file.

Now to the towers. They are structured into sections just as the tower
file is. The section header contains 5 bytes. One shows the section
type. The other 4 the lenght in bytes of the section data. Then the
data follows. This allows the program to skip unknown sections.

The section numbers can be found in

Most of the sections are fairly simple. Except for the tower and demo.

The tower data is split into 2 parts. First a bitmap detailing which
places do contain something. For each occupied place there is a byte in
the following data. The byte details what occupies the field. Details
in the source.

The demo uses a run length encoding. One byte for the run length and
one word for the key state.

So this should help to find your way into the code, if it's neccessary.

Mission Creation

With the key m in the level editor you start creating a new mission. Be
aware that mission contain your towers in a compressed format and I
will not provide a method to extract the original tower from this to
prevent player from cheating. So keep your original tower files in case
there are bugs in your towers and you need to change things.

What follows now are a pile of questions you have to answer by keyboard

First the name of the mission. The mission creator will write a file to
your disk with the same name as the name of the mission, but you are
welcome to rename the file because the mission name is saved inside the
file too. The only thing you have to take care of is that the file has
".ttm" (tower toppler mission) as extension.

Now input all the filenames of the towers you want to add to this
mission. The limit to the number of towers is 255 but I'd suggest to
not use this many because it would take a lot of time to play through
the complete mission.

If all towers have been input enter an empty name to finish this list.
Now the file will be written and you should be able to select your new
mission in the main menu.

IMPORTANT: please check your towers, before you create a mission, for
inconsistencies, because this is not done in the created mission file.

Helpful Hints

Finally some details about the inner workings of the game that might
help design levels.

- There are never more than 4 robots on screen (including the
  horizontal spinning object)
- robots that go below the screen vanish
- robots that fall into water vanish
- the spinning object has a timeout, if this time passed it will come
  as soon as there are less then 4 robots on screen
- other the robots appear as soon as they are inside the screen and
  there are less then 4 robots on screen
- the behaviour of the robots is completely deterministic
- the cross throws you 4 layers down, the other robots much more
- the starting place on the base is always the same, it's on top of the
  2nd row on angle 0 (where the cursor is at the start HOME moves the
  cursor to this position)


datafiles (graphics, sounds), readonly

  first in local directory,
  then global (per compiler switch /usr/local/share/toppler)

local configuration file, read/write/create

  in home directory

level editor, new missions, towers read/write/create

  in home dir (/home/user/.toppler/...)

highscore file, read/write/create

  in global dir, home,


If it is necessary to sign the binary to get it to run on a device
(like handhelds or smartphones) and this signing requires a fee, you
are allowed to charge a small amount of money to get this signing fee
back. Also, you are not required to publish the code that is necessary
to communicate with the underlying device operating system. All other
changes to the game must be published under the GPL.


Email  :

Contents of game/actio/towertoppler-mos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                 5005    5025  99.6% -lh5- dbc2 Sep 17  2006
[generic]                 6261   24687  25.4% -lh5- c0fc Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/ABOUT-NLS
[generic]               118635  440001  27.0% -lh5- 094a Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/aclocal.m4
[generic]                 1658    4544  36.5% -lh5- ba61 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                 1596    3738  42.7% -lh5- 5f64 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/archi.h
[generic]                  329     532  61.8% -lh5- 252b Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/AUTHORS
[generic]                 2461    7167  34.3% -lh5- 5ef7 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  665    1145  58.1% -lh5- 9565 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/bonus.h
[generic]                 8592   20658  41.6% -lh5- f405 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/ChangeLog
[generic]                14389   45253  31.8% -lh5- 4d4e Oct  7  2012 toppler-1.1.6/config.guess
[generic]                 1234    4821  25.6% -lh5- bcff Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                 3988   14108  28.3% -lh5- 1fc1 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/config.rpath
[generic]                10697   35888  29.8% -lh5- 2ba4 Oct  7  2012 toppler-1.1.6/config.sub
[generic]                 2064    6024  34.3% -lh5- a7e4 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                 1513    4716  32.1% -lh5- cc76 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/configuration.h
[generic]               157936  664045  23.8% -lh5- 6691 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/configure
[generic]                  942    1830  51.5% -lh5- 60cf Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                12641   35147  36.0% -lh5- 7994 Oct  7  2012 toppler-1.1.6/COPYING
[generic]                 2419    8153  29.7% -lh5- 06df Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                 2581    6302  41.0% -lh5- 5a31 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/decl.h
[generic]                 6804   20899  32.6% -lh5- b57f Oct  7  2012 toppler-1.1.6/depcomp
[generic]                 1510    4569  33.0% -lh5- 32e4 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  799    1527  52.3% -lh5- 1612 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/elevators.h
[generic]                 4254   15781  27.0% -lh5- 22bd Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  975    1975  49.4% -lh5- bf1d Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/game.h
[generic]                 2387    7069  33.8% -lh5- df9a Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  272     435  62.5% -lh5- 9b26 Feb 20 12:43 toppler-1.1.6/highscore.diff
[generic]                 1197    2419  49.5% -lh5- 908f Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/highscore.h
[generic]                 5942   15744  37.7% -lh5- 85db Oct  7  2012 toppler-1.1.6/INSTALL
[generic]                 5475   13998  39.1% -lh5- 0f01 Oct  7  2012 toppler-1.1.6/install-sh
[generic]                 2153    6948  31.0% -lh5- d1c6 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                 1131    2411  46.9% -lh5- b77f Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/keyb.h
[generic]                 9591   41403  23.2% -lh5- 19c3 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                 2931    8696  33.7% -lh5- 16ae Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/level.h
[generic]                 7070   28011  25.2% -lh5- 7923 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  509     872  58.4% -lh5- 2f39 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/leveledit.h
[generic]                  705    4117  17.1% -lh5- aa50 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/levelnames.txt
[generic]                81034  282745  28.7% -lh5- ad97 Oct  7  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  477     894  53.4% -lh5- 125e Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/codeset.m4
[generic]                 7250   24257  29.9% -lh5- d92b Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/gettext.m4
[generic]                  551     983  56.1% -lh5- e33d Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/glibc21.m4
[generic]                 1376    3499  39.3% -lh5- 371f Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/iconv.m4
[generic]                  923    1909  48.3% -lh5- e667 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/intdiv0.m4
[generic]                  620    1175  52.8% -lh5- bbb0 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/inttypes-pri.m4
[generic]                  504     975  51.7% -lh5- 956a Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/inttypes.m4
[generic]                  549    1083  50.7% -lh5- b87a Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/inttypes_h.m4
[generic]                  589    1115  52.8% -lh5- f350 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/isc-posix.m4
[generic]                  679    1422  47.7% -lh5- 8e23 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/lcmessage.m4
[generic]                 1470    3248  45.3% -lh5- ea96 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/lib-ld.m4
[generic]                 5200   23451  22.2% -lh5- 6e61 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/lib-link.m4
[generic]                 1517    5101  29.7% -lh5- dbb7 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/lib-prefix.m4
[generic]                  135     221  61.1% -lh5- 04ff Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/
[generic]                 3788   11196  33.8% -lh5- 7429 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/
[generic]                 1048    2108  49.7% -lh5- f714 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/progtest.m4
[generic]                  548    1059  51.7% -lh5- 7f5a Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/stdint_h.m4
[generic]                  568    1100  51.6% -lh5- 2bb8 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/uintmax_t.m4
[generic]                  530    1024  51.8% -lh5- dd89 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/m4/ulonglong.m4
[generic]                 1564    3288  47.6% -lh5- c7e7 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  983    2845  34.6% -lh5- acdd Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                11682   45744  25.5% -lh5- 5c08 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                 6731   27106  24.8% -lh5- bcbc Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  663    1180  56.2% -lh5- 9539 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/menu.h
[generic]                 4329   15419  28.1% -lh5- de07 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                 2047    5196  39.4% -lh5- fd4e Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/menusys.h
[generic]                 3559   10346  34.4% -lh5- 47b0 Oct  7  2012 toppler-1.1.6/missing
[generic]                  380     722  52.6% -lh5- c7b6 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/mkinstalldirs
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/NEWS
[generic]                  105     217  48.4% -lh5- e1ad Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/boldquot.sed
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/ChangeLog
[generic]                 5946   11963  49.7% -lh5- f78c Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/
[generic]                 5412   19442  27.8% -lh5- 73e7 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/cs.po
[generic]                 5754   11799  48.8% -lh5- 616e Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/
[generic]                 5245   19412  27.0% -lh5- bc0d Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/de.po
[generic]                  524    1337  39.2% -lh5- 305e Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/en@boldquot.header
[generic]                  454    1203  37.7% -lh5- 02df Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/en@quot.header
[generic]                 5829   11995  48.6% -lh5- 764c Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/
[generic]                 5233   19483  26.9% -lh5- 3b86 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/eu.po
[generic]                 4237    8613  49.2% -lh5- 4902 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/
[generic]                 5566   21107  26.4% -lh5- dd00 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/fi.po
[generic]                 5987   12582  47.6% -lh5- c20d Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/
[generic]                 5334   19881  26.8% -lh5- 721c Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/fr.po
[generic]                  351     672  52.2% -lh5- 706b Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/insert-header.sin
[generic]                   23      23 100.0% -lh0- 0347 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/LINGUAS
[generic]                 2904   10335  28.1% -lh5- 4291 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/
[generic]                  583    1081  53.9% -lh5- ca94 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/Makevars
[generic]                  186     438  42.5% -lh5- 7879 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/
[generic]                 5076   10287  49.3% -lh5- f99f Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/
[generic]                 4984   18877  26.4% -lh5- 7345 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/pt.po
[generic]                   82     153  53.6% -lh5- 10c6 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/quot.sed
[generic]                  252     432  58.3% -lh5- 340f Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/remove-potcdate.sin
[generic]                 6124   12560  48.8% -lh5- e33f Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/
[generic]                 6608   22679  29.1% -lh5- 6fd1 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/ro.po
[generic]                  674    1689  39.9% -lh5- b696 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/Rules-quot
[generic]                 5454   11346  48.1% -lh5- 34c5 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/
[generic]                 5070   19169  26.4% -lh5- 123c Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/sv.po
[generic]                 3234   15524  20.8% -lh5- 8435 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/po/toppler.pot
[generic]                  731    1456  50.2% -lh5- e060 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  667    1257  53.1% -lh5- e0e9 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/points.h
[generic]                 4503   24067  18.7% -lh5- d2f2 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/qnxicon.c
[generic]                 6416   15777  40.7% -lh5- 13e5 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/README
[generic]                 3818   16174  23.6% -lh5- 8548 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  966    1996  48.4% -lh5- ab94 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/robots.h
[generic]                11349   48148  23.6% -lh5- d121 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                 1991    4948  40.2% -lh5- a294 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/screen.h
[generic]                  964    1977  48.8% -lh5- 9413 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
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[generic]                 1804    5403  33.4% -lh5- be43 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                 1162    2424  47.9% -lh5- 19a2 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/soundsys.h
[generic]                  812    1630  49.8% -lh5- 03b4 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  782    1592  49.1% -lh5- 026b Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/sprites.h
[generic]                 1119    2934  38.1% -lh5- be1e Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  556     987  56.3% -lh5- 1042 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/stars.h
[generic]               119361  281872  42.3% -lh5- f0cd Feb 20 00:45 toppler-1.1.6/toppler
[generic]                 1381    2720  50.8% -lh5- 5678 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/toppler.6
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[generic]               931957  935327  99.6% -lh5- 6af2 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/toppler.dat
[generic]                  291     402  72.4% -lh5- 1b09 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                 1158    2635  43.9% -lh5- 4f9d Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/toppler.h
[generic]                    0       0 ****** -lh0- 0000 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/toppler.hsc
[generic]                  454     454 100.0% -lh0- f7b4 Sep 17  2006 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  937    3554  26.4% -lh5- d840 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]               598654  598654 100.0% -lh0- a224 Feb 26  2011 toppler-1.1.6/toppler.ogg
[generic]                 1576    7858  20.1% -lh5- 3af6 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/toppler.qpg
[generic]                 1583    7862  20.1% -lh5- c360 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  658    1155  57.0% -lh5- 4cba Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/toppler.spec
[generic]                  657    1132  58.0% -lh5- 9669 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                 1783    5095  35.0% -lh5- 5979 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/toppler.xpm
[generic]                 1742    5122  34.0% -lh5- c76d Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/
[generic]                  790    1612  49.0% -lh5- 48fa Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/txtsys.h
[generic]                    6       6 100.0% -lh0- 7515 Dec 22  2012 toppler-1.1.6/VERSION
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