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Short:Christmas game
Download:game/actio/SantaAndRudolp.lha - View contents

============================= Archive contents =============================

Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    6440    6083  5.5% 02-Sep-92 12:44:46 +America1.Bin
    7108    6788  4.5% 02-Sep-92 12:44:46 +America2.Bin
    5320    4888  8.1% 02-Sep-92 12:44:46 +America3.Bin
    3824    3642  4.7% 02-Sep-92 12:44:48 +AmericaSky.Bin
     564     257 54.4% 02-Sep-92 12:49:18 +Credits
     689     288 58.2% 06-Mar-92 18:44:50
    6736    6491  3.6% 02-Sep-92 12:44:50 +Egypt1.Bin
   10100    9730  3.6% 02-Sep-92 12:44:54 +Egypt2.Bin
   17016   16380  3.7% 02-Sep-92 12:44:58 +Egypt3.Bin
    2056    1975  3.9% 02-Sep-92 12:44:58 +EgyptSky.Bin
     264      24 90.9% 02-Sep-92 12:29:32 +Pica.font
    5268    2497 52.6% 02-Sep-92 12:29:32 +32
    5205    2020 61.1% 02-Sep-92 12:48:14 +Instructions
     689     290 57.9% 06-Mar-92 18:44:36
   28188   27753  1.5% 02-Sep-92 12:45:02 +JingleBells.Abk
    4912    4780  2.6% 02-Sep-92 12:45:04 +Jungle1.Bin
    8208    7989  2.6% 02-Sep-92 12:45:04 +Jungle2.Bin
   10548   10169  3.5% 02-Sep-92 12:45:08 +Jungle3.Bin
    5128    4937  3.7% 02-Sep-92 12:45:08 +JungleSky.Bin
    4176    4015  3.8% 02-Sep-92 12:45:10 +Lap1.Bin
    4832    4588  5.0% 02-Sep-92 12:45:12 +Lap2.Bin
    3872    3534  8.7% 02-Sep-92 12:45:14 +Lap3.Bin
    3300    3168  4.0% 02-Sep-92 12:45:14 +LapSky.Bin
   18776   18505  1.4% 02-Sep-92 12:45:20 +MrSandMan.Abk
   11384    6827 40.0% 02-Sep-92 12:40:34 +PMore
   76680   46153 39.8% 02-Sep-92 12:36:38 +Promotion
     670     191 71.4% 02-Sep-92 12:32:22
   28100   27690  1.4% 02-Sep-92 12:45:24 +Rudolph.Abk
    7852    7513  4.3% 02-Sep-92 12:45:26 +Sandman1.Bin
    8660    8292  4.2% 02-Sep-92 12:45:28 +Sandman2.Bin
  118680   62467 47.3% 02-Sep-92 12:40:50 +Santa&Rudolph
      88      85  3.4% 02-Sep-92 15:07:38 +santa_and_rudolph
   27460   25895  5.6% 02-Sep-92 12:45:32 +SantaBobs.abk
    4880    4701  3.6% 02-Sep-92 12:45:34 +SantaIcons.Abk
   68932   50465 26.7% 02-Sep-92 12:33:06 +SantaSounds.Abk
    1240    1205  2.8% 02-Sep-92 12:45:44 +SantaTitleMerge.Abk
   16004   15744  1.6% 02-Sep-92 12:45:48 +SantaTitlePic.Abk
    2664    2534  4.8% 02-Sep-92 12:45:44 +Zob1.Bin
    3272    3088  5.6% 02-Sep-92 12:45:50 +Zob2.Bin
    3556    3217  9.5% 02-Sep-92 12:45:52 +Zob3.Bin
    3700    3546  4.1% 02-Sep-92 12:45:54 +ZobSky.Bin
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
  547041  420404 23.1% 02-Sep-95 00:00:00   41 files

Contents of game/actio/SantaAndRudolp.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 6083    6440  94.5% -lh5- 8c3e Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/America1.Bin
[generic]                 6788    7108  95.5% -lh5- 4872 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/America2.Bin
[generic]                 4888    5320  91.9% -lh5- 35c0 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/America3.Bin
[generic]                 3642    3824  95.2% -lh5- 3dc0 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/AmericaSky.Bin
[generic]                  257     564  45.6% -lh5- 0e64 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Credits
[generic]                  288     689  41.8% -lh5- 0725 Mar  6  1992 SantaAndRudolp/
[generic]                 6491    6736  96.4% -lh5- ba8a Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Egypt1.Bin
[generic]                 9730   10100  96.3% -lh5- e1b2 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Egypt2.Bin
[generic]                16380   17016  96.3% -lh5- 02c2 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Egypt3.Bin
[generic]                 1975    2056  96.1% -lh5- b3ac Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/EgyptSky.Bin
[generic]                   24     264   9.1% -lh5- ac0a Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/fonts/Pica.font
[generic]                 2497    5268  47.4% -lh5- 4b8d Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/fonts/Pica/32
[generic]                 2020    5205  38.8% -lh5- c73d Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Instructions
[generic]                  290     689  42.1% -lh5- 233f Mar  6  1992 SantaAndRudolp/
[generic]                27753   28188  98.5% -lh5- 1805 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/JingleBells.Abk
[generic]                 4780    4912  97.3% -lh5- 5d73 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Jungle1.Bin
[generic]                 7989    8208  97.3% -lh5- 2fbc Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Jungle2.Bin
[generic]                10169   10548  96.4% -lh5- a24c Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Jungle3.Bin
[generic]                 4937    5128  96.3% -lh5- 4b80 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/JungleSky.Bin
[generic]                 4015    4176  96.1% -lh5- 2bed Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Lap1.Bin
[generic]                 4588    4832  95.0% -lh5- a852 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Lap2.Bin
[generic]                 3534    3872  91.3% -lh5- 3c95 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Lap3.Bin
[generic]                 3168    3300  96.0% -lh5- c00d Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/LapSky.Bin
[generic]                18505   18776  98.6% -lh5- 243a Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/MrSandMan.Abk
[generic]                 6827   11384  60.0% -lh5- be6b Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/PMore
[generic]                46153   76680  60.2% -lh5- a49c Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Promotion
[generic]                  191     670  28.5% -lh5- 34d0 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/
[generic]                27690   28100  98.5% -lh5- 109e Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Rudolph.Abk
[generic]                 7513    7852  95.7% -lh5- 61d5 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Sandman1.Bin
[generic]                 8292    8660  95.8% -lh5- 2ea0 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Sandman2.Bin
[generic]                62467  118680  52.6% -lh5- f298 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Santa&Rudolph
[generic]                   85      88  96.6% -lh5- cc62 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/santa_and_rudolph
[generic]                25895   27460  94.3% -lh5- f62d Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/SantaBobs.abk
[generic]                 4701    4880  96.3% -lh5- fdc8 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/SantaIcons.Abk
[generic]                50465   68932  73.2% -lh5- f4dd Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/SantaSounds.Abk
[generic]                 1205    1240  97.2% -lh5- 589a Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/SantaTitleMerge.Abk
[generic]                15744   16004  98.4% -lh5- 34c8 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/SantaTitlePic.Abk
[generic]                 2534    2664  95.1% -lh5- f6f9 Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Zob1.Bin
[generic]                 3088    3272  94.4% -lh5- 344f Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Zob2.Bin
[generic]                 3217    3556  90.5% -lh5- e9ab Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/Zob3.Bin
[generic]                 3546    3700  95.8% -lh5- 567a Sep  2  1992 SantaAndRudolp/ZobSky.Bin
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        41 files  420404  547041  76.9%            Sep  2  1995
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