Requires: 1MB A500(+) or better.
Kickstart 2.0x and Workbench 2.0x or better.
Also ANY poor or faulty television or monitor to be tested.
A second Monitor or TV (B/W or Colour) in one of the other
ports is essential for general viewing.
The mouse.
An external floppy disk drive is required.
HDD is optional.
All 16 colour OCS/ECS/AGA/RTG modes.
~ReqTools.library~ IS required in the LIBS: drawer
~Display~, ~More~ MUST be in the SAME drawer as the propram.
~palette.prefs~ MUST be in the ENV:Sys drawer.
(Also connecting cables for basic sound checks if required.)
A special MS Windows(TM) version now added.
Version: 0.98.94
Distribution: Freeware, (GPL, see below).
Issued under the GPL Licence terms and conditions.
This tool is a dedicated pattern generator to test ALL types of video
displays. It is fully backwards compatible so as to include almost
every type of AMIGA that has been produced so long as it has AMIGA
OS2.0x or greater.
It has been tested on a standard A500+, A600 and A1200 from OS2.0x to
OS3.1x, also various AMIGAs to A4000 with graphics cards to OS3.9x.
(Also tested on an old style A500 with 0.5MB upgrade, running the
A500+ emulator and Workbench 2.05.)
It has had extensive testing on Amiga Forever 5 and WinUAE using
the ~uaegfx~ modes to OS3.1x, and tested on Amithlon using OS3.9x.
NOTE:- Machines with OCS and ECS chipsets are limited to PAL and
NTSC, TV, CVBS and SOME OLD monitor modes only.
AGA and RTG modes capable of doing ANY PC video format possible to
6400x4800 in only 16 colours using WinUAE ~uaegfx~ modes.
Now added a dedicated MS Windows(TM) version to the archive, see below.
It is in English at the moment but is being translated to Polish
and German for future uploading.
HTML and Guide versions are to be a future upload also.
A PC Pattern Generator has been included for Windows 9x and above.
This is (C)SJS TV Services LTD, 2004.
It has been added to this archive with the owners express permission.
Many thanks to Stu for letting me do so.
VERY IMPORTANT, before attempting to start the software,
read the D-B-M document first...
(C)2004 PureAmiga, PPAmiga, PA, Dev Team.
(Original (C)2004 B.Walker, G0LCU.)
A very useful site for AMIGA related technical information is:-
(C) Anthony Hoffman.