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Short:ANAIIS USB Stack Release 1.25
Author:Gilles Pelletier
Uploader:gilles pelletier live fr (Gilles Pelletier)
Version:1.25 (10-Mar-2025)
Requires:USB uhc124 chip compatible card or another supported usb hardware
Download:driver/other/anaiis.lha - View contents

ANAIIS, acronym for Another Native Amiga IO Interface Stack, is a software
solution that brings the possibilities of the Universal Serial Bus (USB) to
the Amiga.

Supported hardware:
  ZorroII E3B Highway
  clockport E3B Subway
  clockport Alinea Subway 2021
  ZorroII Freeway,
  clockport Freeway
  A600/A1200 Gayle clockport 

At minimum, you need:
- an Amiga 68000 at 7.09MHz (PAL or 7.16MHz in NTSC ;) )
- a supported hardware
- some RAM (100 Ko for a mouse and a keyboard) 
- should operate from WB1.1 to AmigaOS4.0 (680x0 cpu required).

ANAIIS, Another acronym with hidden parts:
Native because it is all written in C language (some parts are in Assembly).
Amiga because this computer worths this kind of program.
Input/Output because it works for mice, keyboards, thumbs and printers.
Interface because it translates usb transactions into Intuition events.
Stack because this kind of program is called like that.

ANAIIS controls internaly :
- (9,0,0) alias hub
- (3,1,1) alias keyboard (boot keyboard)
- (3,1,2) alias mouse (boot mouse)
- (3,0,0) at boot time, to avoid enumeration failures

and externaly:
- (7,1,1), (7,1,2) alias printer (uni and bi-directional)
- (8,6,80) alias massstorage (bulk only with embedded scsi commands)
           SATA disk, sticks, keys, thumbs, card readers...
- (8,2,80) CD/DVD
- (3,0,0) PlayHID or specific usbfd drivers
- all external program by using a Sirion like API
  * any interface driver for Sirion 1.3 (except hub.usbfd, you guess why)
  * pl2303 vendor=0x067b 1659 product=0x2303 8963...

A graphic user interface is given to control the stack (Anaiis).

You can also control it via a CLI command:
  * usbctrl start
  * usbctrl refresh
  * usbctrl reset (really dangerous)
  * usbctrl stop

Place the usbrefresh icon in the WBStartup drawer.
When the Workbench is ready, it will load the .usbfd drivers present in the system disk.
Remove unused .usbfd drivers, they take up memory space.

You can send files to printer with the usbprint <file> command.
A redirection helper translates parallel.device unit 0 into ieee1284.device.
You only need a compatible printer driver to print via standard system.
(i.e. Deskjet560C for HPSC2210, or a PCL compatible driver)

For games, demos or some tools, you must keep original mouse and keyboard.
ANAIIS translates usb transactions into system events, so programs that
kill the exec and use hardware directly won't work.
ANAIIS can be set resident.

Tested with success with Brilliance, Deluxe Paint, Aegis Sonix, Ced 
(I wrote this text with it :) ) most of well written Workbench tools.
The Settlers, Indy4 (and the fate of Atlantis) work fine...

It is possible to plug and unplug devices without reseting the stack.
But be careful with disks, you must unmount them before unplug.

Requirement & Installation
See Install.readme file.

- Improve gui.
- Improve speed and reactivity.

Known Bugs
- gui crashes on 68000 + ucode and utf_8 catalogs

V1.25 09-Mar-2025 Make FAT95 or CrossDOSFileSystem great again
      16-Feb-2025 Add colors
      29-Jan-2025 Wood snake version
      19-Jan-2025 Update statistics on refresh
      18-Jan-2025 Fix class, subclass, protocol, altsetting, interfacenum
      18-Jan-2025 Duff device for Subway (not really fast, but not really slow)
      13-Jan-2025 Blink keyboard leds before ending
      12-Jan-2025 Fix ghost vendor:product for .usbfd drivers
      11-Jan-2025 Fix massive splash screen
      10-Jan-2025 Fix Weak binding for WB1.3
      03-Jan-2025 Use FindIName() instead of FindName() for .usbfd driver names
      30-Dec-2024 rMassstorage.usbfd and massive share the same code (and bugs)

V1.24 25-Nov-2024 Revoke weak binding interfaces on refresh
      30-Sep-2024 Fix massive for fat95
      22-Sep-2024 Fix APB_FindUSBFDInternal
      13-Aug-2024 Fix WriteJoyPort
      31-Jul-2024 Fix load for specific vendor:product fd driver
      01-Jul-2024 Subway should be faster...
      23-Jun-2024 Fix Massive TD_64 (scsi.io_Actual value never copied into io_Actual)
      17-Jun-2024 Traces
      12-Jun-2024 TD_EJECT
      05-May-2024 Fix unmount on 3.1 and upper versions (lock/unlock DOSBase issues)
      23-Apr-2024 Fix Massive for most usb keys
      04-Mar-2024 Fix hub with more than 4 ports
      18-Feb-2024 Add LoadRDBFS option for massive (crashy thing)
      12-Feb-2024 Wood dragon version
      09-Feb-2024 StartDrivers changes
      07-Fev-2024 remove c.o for massive (bug with output, keeping the cli open with WB1.3)
      27-Nov-2023 CDFS/AmiCDFS
      26-Aug-2023 CD/DVD

V1.23 31-Jul-2023 Install script for FD and fdclasses
      30-Jul-2023 Automatic activation of FD drivers
      29-Jul-2023 TheMouse is ok, TheGamepad still not
      17-jul-2023 Hub status and port status
      13-Jul-2023 Fix assembly Subway code
      10-Jul-2023 FD drivers
      21-Jun-2023 A600/A1200 Gayle clockport (not tested)
      14-May-2023 Fix load/update/save prefs
      23-Apr-2023 NTSC mode
      13-Apr-2023 Another mouse with epsize at 8
      13-Mar-2023 Fix a guru#3 on 68000 at start
      27-Feb-2023 callfunction, an adempt to load Sirion 1.3 drivers
      26-Feb-2023 rMouse.usbfd driver
      30-Jan-2023 First call of a Sirion 1.3 function: bootmouse.usbfd
      16-Jan-2023 Water rabbit version

V1.22 27-Nov-2022 Install script updates
      20-Nov-2022 HID PlayHID fixes
      07-Nov-2022 Install script (WB 1.3 and up)
      01-Nov-2022 Freeway clockport detection (Subway, Subway 2021, and FreewayCP)
      29-Oct-2022 Readme fixes
      28-Oct-2022 Mouse with epsize at 8
      23-Oct-2022 Freeway detection
      19-Sep-2022 CrossDosFileSystem SuperFloppy mode
      05-May-2022 Adapt massive to work with sirion 1.3
      15-Feb-2022 Bump rev, cleanup
      30-Jan-2022 Water tiger version
      16-Jan-2022 Add clockport addresses ($d88001,$d8c001,$d84001)

V1.21 31-Jul-2021 Reactivate traces 
      23-May-2021 SAS/C 6.58 makefile (suppress optimizations)
      21-May-2021 Subway 2021 (you read it "Subway 2021")
      20-May-2021 Bump rev + experimental things
      12-Feb-2021 Metal ox version

V1.20 11-Nov-2020 Pangolin version (never released)

V1.19 31-May-2020 DumpX

V1.18 18-Dec-2018 Bump rev
      10-Sep-2018 NSD commands
      24-Apr-2018 68080 detection
      27-Dec-2017 PeekQualifier for WB 1.x

V1.12 14-May-2017 Fix FFS unmount
      11-Apr-2017 remove unused strings
                  resident 80368 -> 61496 bytes 
                  usbstart 79844 -> 61708 bytes
      26-Mar-2017 try to mount an already mounted partition (by changing the first letter)
      20-Mar-2017 Bump rev

V1.11 09-Mar-2016 ObtainSemaphoreShared and AttemptSemaphoreShared
      05-Mar-2016 Save prefs guru fixed
      03-Mar-2016 Load usbhcd in a more compatible way...
      03-Feb-2016 cli window still open on WB 1.x
      20-Mar-2015 Tests
      01-Jan-2015 Issues...
      30-Dec-2014 Unmount issues...
      29-Dec-2014 Bump rev

V1.10 10-Feb-2014 Add XSurf (0x1212:0x0017) clockport(s) detection
      08-Jan-2014 Fix internal function pointers
      21-Dec-2013 Expansion.library
      09-Dec-2013 Fix issue with input and lowlevel.library (right and left click)
      08-Dec-2013 Bump rev

V1.09 10-Oct-2013 Reset proof !
      29-Sep-2013 Tests
      26-Sep-2013 Fix info_13 (unit name and volume name)
      25-Sep-2013 Fix colors for 2.04 and menus
      21-Sep-2013 Fix massive for 1.2 (mount DOS)
      19-Sep-2013 Bump rev

V1.08 06-Apr-2013 Fix reset for Highway (sometimes don't start)
                  Add usbctrl command (usbctrl start will launch anaiisresident.library)
      24-Mar-2013 Lights numlock led at start (keyboard)
      18-Feb-2013 Fix USBEPGetDescriptor
      11-Feb-2013 Wheel up and wheel down are inverted
      04-Feb-2013 Bump rev

V1.07 02-Feb-2013 Function Driver names
                  Advanced mode...
      27-Jan-2013 Cosmetic changes
                  Add libusbx support for WinUAE/Windows
      12-Jan-2013 Fix iConfig and iInterface unicode strings
      05-Jan-2013 Add usbctrl command (usbstop and usbreset in a single command)
      02-Jan-2013 Remove the spanish catalog (after a complaint to the Aminet
                  Lo siento por las pequeñas y los pequeños usuarios de ANAIIS.
                  Para consolarla, le añadí otros idiomas.
                  Be careful 'Advanced mode' freeze all stuff... you have been warned
      27-Dec-2012 Fix guru 4 (deluxe paint IV, about...)
      16-Dec-2012 Ajust enumeration timing (too fast now)
      15-Dec-2012 Rewrite all core for Subway in 680x0 assembly 
      08-Dec-2012 Rewrite all core for Highway in 680x0 assembly
                  Remove some unused functions
                  Bump rev

V1.06 11-Nov-2012 Fix issues with PFS3 all in one.
      16-Oct-2012 Add utf_8 and compose for ucode.
      08-Oct-2012 Swap alt and amiga keys
                  Add for the brave translators :)
      22-Sep-2012 Add catalogs (with translation bugs... :) )
      15-Sep-2012 Avail flush can remove anaiis libraries (it's bad!)
      18-Aug-2012 Add install menu
      05-Aug-2012 Bump rev
      18-Jul-2012 Add libusb support for WinUAE

V1.05 28-May-2012 Fix Massive detection delay. Now massive can be launched
                  before the stack
      27-May-2012 Fix Highway and subway detection
      20-May-2012 Open icon.library only when it's necessary
      15-Apr-2012 Fix delay recovery into massive
      13-Apr-2012 Fix lowlevel into input stuff
      04-Mar-2012 Test program for lowlevel_ext (rumble)
      21-Feb-2012 info_13 for c:info replacement

V1.04 18-Feb-2012 Fix SetAddress (gimme more chance)
      16-Feb-2012 Fix hub display on gui (spaghetti form...)
      14-Feb-2012 Fix Massive
      29-Jan-2012 Cosmetic changes on interfaces (info & detach)
      25-Jan-2012 Fix potential bug on windows
      24-Jan-2012 Fix notifications (bad message)
      08-Jan-2012 Fix Mount/Unmount with WB1.3
      04-Jan-2012 Subway detection at 0x00d80001, 0x00d90001 (A604)
      01-Jan-2012 Fix hasardeous thing with timeout/partial BULK IN request
                  Bump rev

V1.03 25-Dec-2011 PTP don't work at all...
      11-Dec-2011 Fix Taskpri (now, mouse and massstorage can mix transactions)
      28-Nov-2011 Fix DumpX gui (edit/cursor/save/tests)
      26-Nov-2011 Fix (BULK IN/BULK OUT/INT) thumbs.
      19-Nov-2011 Ignore automount set to false partitions
      11-Nov-2011 Command line for massive was disabled...
      09-Nov-2011 Add a semaphore in massive, to prevent damages.
      06-Nov-2011 NAK issue (not an error, but normal busy device)
      19-Oct-2011 MaxTransfer and Mask.
                  Wait delay.

V1.02 28-Sep-2011 Detach notification from GUI 
      22-Sep-2011 USBGetStackAttrs was wrong (A0 instead A1)
      24-Aug-2011 Add SFS... (not working with 68000)
      02-Aug-2011 Add RDB partition decoding and mount/unmount
      26-Jul-2011 Fix usbscsi.device and FFS crashes
      17-Jul-2011 Cosmetics in DumpX

V1.01 15-May-2011 Fix Massive, mount goes nearly fine
      14-May-2011 Changes in uhc124 core
      15-Apr-2011 Fix Function and Interface dependence (claim & declaim)
      08-Apr-2011 Fix Massive 4GB startup (sometimes fails)
                  Add menus in DumpX.
      29-Mar-2011 Add 64 bit routines (Add, Sub, LShift, RShift, Divu, Mulu).

V1.00 18-Mar-2011 Fix Anaiis hangup (notify never removed)
                  Fix ieee1284.device, now it prints!
                  Fix Massive, now all keys should work (up to 4GB)
                  Be patient, a 4GB key takes 5 minutes to mount ;(, but after,
                  you can copy! (fat95 limitation?)
                  Bump rev

V0.99 07-Mar-2011 Fix port 4 detection, fix grap of hubs removal
                  Massive can mount/unmount devices and the speed has passed
                  from 3500B/s to 6500B/s
                  Too lazy to bump the revision ;)
      06-Feb-2011 Massive !
      09-Jan-2011 Fix speed issue (keyboard wont SetAddress).
      17-Nov-2010 Stack issue (CLI only, set stack 8000 before launching).
      02-Nov-2010 Cosmetics in GUI.
      14-May-2010 GUI now works with WB1.1.
      11-Apr-2010 Mighty crash when closing fixed.
      23-Mar-2010 GUI improvement (fusion of usbstat + anaiis)
      07-Mar-2010 Remove all demo code (all is in demo.usbhcd now)
      27-Feb-2010 DoIO for usbhcd interface.
      21-Feb-2010 Reduce code, Anaiis gui goes from usbstat now
      18-Feb-2010 Can load external drivers (#?.hcd or #?.usbhcd)
      04-Feb-2010 Bump rev

V0.98 15-Oct-2009 registers everywhere (Thanks Cosmos)
      15-Jun-2009 GUI improvement (sliders + values)
      22-Apr-2009 playHID improvement (HID decoding!? still in progress...)
      18-Mar-2009 playHID fixes, hope it works better (Thanks Cammy)
      15-Mar-2009 usbstat fixes (Thanks Raziel for testing it on OS4.1)
      13-Mar-2009 Localization in french (the file was missing...)
      22-Feb-2009 Bump rev, plug and unplug working fine with notification.

V0.97 15-Feb-2009 Fix lowlevel.library keyboard, dead keys.
      07-Feb-2009 Fix some desastrous bugs in 1.1 and 1.3
                  Fix USBEPGetDescriptorA
      05-Feb-2009 anaiisprivate.library
      21-Dec-2008 ieee1284.device is now fully compliant with USBSysBase.
      14-Dec-2008 Safer traces
                  (remove references to DOSBase, simple tasks like devices
                  don't call DOSBase API)
      30-Nov-2008 Less size.
      20-Nov-2008 Keyboard led report and printing are now working correctly.
                  capslock, numlock, scrolllock=>help.
      11-Nov-2008 Remove maybe hub crashes, now build complete interfaces.
      31-Oct-2008 Remove possible endless wait (speed up the mouse!).
      20-Oct-2008 Notification now working.
      05-Oct-2008 usbresource.library or anaiisresource.library.
      21-Sep-2008 Add semaphore protection, printing is desactivated.
      18-Sep-2008 Early version...
      26-Jul-2008 Cosmetic changes
      20-Apr-2008 Localization
      15-Mar-2008 PANDORA (usbsys.device or anaiis.device)
      14-Feb-2008 Boost core code (registers use, global optimizer)
                  Device vector is now anaiis.device.

V0.96 10-Feb-2008 Fix Highway ugly bug, due to a wrong and looooong code
                  generation. Silly compiler and lazy coder...
      21-Jan-2008 OS4.0 Mousewheel? what!? Yes for Subway and OS4.O under
                  68000 emulation.
                  Core modification, standard message structure for future use.

V0.95 13-Jan-2008 Add Host+manufacturer+product+offset for clockport
                  base address.

V0.94 23-Dec-2007 Fix Subway detection that sometimes fails.
                  Many thanks for the brave beta testers!
      18-Dec-2007 some little GUI improvement.

V0.93 15-Dec-2007 Subway now works with ANAIIS!
      12-Dec-2007 Merge code for Highway and Subway.
      02-Dec-2007 Printing doesn't work...

V0.92 18-Nov-2007 Most hub will work now. I have implemented 2.0 mode, but
                  old 1.1 style doesn't work. Now it fixed.
      23-May-2007 Additional code to simply manage mousewheel. ANAIIS will
                  send 0x7a for up, 0x7b for down, 0x7c for left and 0x7d for
                  right, as keyboard events. Strange for a mouse!
                  Strange multiselection: Qualifiers key was wrong on repeat
                  state, but good on key up and key down.
                  I use inputdev tool (Robert A. Peck 1985) to check that.
                  Now you can move cursor with keyboard keys:
                  lalt+window key         = lalt+lamiga  = left click.
                  ralt+context menu       = ralt+ramiga  = right click.
                  window key+cursor up    = lamiga+up    = mouse move up.
                  window key+cursor down  = lamiga+down  = mouse move down.
                  window key+cursor left  = lamiga+left  = mouse move left.
                  window key+cursor right = lamiga+right = mouse move right.

V0.91 13-May-2007 WB1.3: suppress ugly console windows.

V0.90 09-May-2007 First working release.

V0.10 10-Jun-2006 Mouse!!

Contact address
Any mail, comments, suggestions, documentations are welcome!

Please send a mail with the title "ANAIIS" at the following mail address
gilles dot pelletier at live dot fr

Enjoy USB on old classic Amiga.
And remember: Only Amiga makes it possible!

Contents of driver/other/anaiis.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[Amiga]                     65      66  98.5% -lh5- 8b53 Mar 10 19:04 Anaiis/.info
[Amiga]                   2165    4743  45.6% -lh5- 2b35 Dec  9 20:19 Anaiis/
[Amiga]                   6858   16810  40.8% -lh5- 5dcf Mar 10 19:19 Anaiis/Anaiis.readme
[Amiga]                   3297    8351  39.5% -lh5- 0643 Mar 10 14:51 Anaiis/anaiis_scsi.readme
[Amiga]                    334     900  37.1% -lh5- 8935 Mar 10 19:20 Anaiis/
[Amiga]                    119     170  70.0% -lh5- 9d90 Mar 10 19:05 Anaiis/bin/.info
[Amiga]                  46589   92924  50.1% -lh5- c0e2 Feb 16 19:09 Anaiis/bin/Anaiis
[Amiga]                    364     572  63.6% -lh5- f889 Mar 10 19:20 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                  38466   76324  50.4% -lh5- 8caf Feb 17 19:45 Anaiis/bin/anaiisresident.library
[Amiga]                   1462    2730  53.6% -lh5- 8048 Dec 14 19:34 Anaiis/bin/catalogs/czech/anaiis.catalog
[Amiga]                   1486    2798  53.1% -lh5- 683f Sep 29  2013 Anaiis/bin/catalogs/czech/anaiis_utf8.catalog
[Amiga]                   1389    2680  51.8% -lh5- 89a6 Dec 14 19:34 Anaiis/bin/catalogs/deutsch/anaiis.catalog
[Amiga]                   1621    3216  50.4% -lh5- 5104 Dec 14 19:34 Anaiis/bin/catalogs/espa?ol/anaiis.catalog
[Amiga]                   1461    2886  50.6% -lh5- b7bf Dec 14 19:34 Anaiis/bin/catalogs/esperanto/anaiis.catalog
[Amiga]                   1388    2758  50.3% -lh5- 727a Dec 14 19:34 Anaiis/bin/catalogs/fran?ais/anaiis.catalog
[Amiga]                   1419    2822  50.3% -lh5- 5011 Dec 14 19:34 Anaiis/bin/catalogs/fran?ais/anaiis_utf8.catalog
[Amiga]                   2020    4638  43.6% -lh5- 3245 Dec 14 19:34 Anaiis/bin/catalogs/greek/anaiis_utf8.catalog
[Amiga]                   1453    2922  49.7% -lh5- 4c3e Dec 14 19:34 Anaiis/bin/catalogs/italiano/anaiis.catalog
[Amiga]                   1379    2656  51.9% -lh5- 75e9 Dec 14 19:34 Anaiis/bin/catalogs/nederlands/anaiis.catalog
[Amiga]                   1364    2716  50.2% -lh5- a784 Sep 29  2013 Anaiis/bin/catalogs/tagalog/anaiis.catalog
[Amiga]                    210     806  26.1% -lh5- 4a8f Nov  4 19:06 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                    205     806  25.4% -lh5- 431a Feb  2 19:06 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                    211     806  26.2% -lh5- cbed Feb  2 19:06 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                   3920    6496  60.3% -lh5- 704d Mar 11  2013 Anaiis/bin/ieee1284.device
[Amiga]                   7589   11600  65.4% -lh5- f275 Dec 27  2018 Anaiis/bin/info_13
[Amiga]                  21844   43164  50.6% -lh5- 6a41 Mar 10 18:23 Anaiis/bin/massive
[Amiga]                    314     913  34.4% -lh5- 967f Sep 30 20:14 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                    340     948  35.9% -lh5- 3ea8 Sep 30 20:16 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                    332     943  35.2% -lh5- b55a Sep 30 20:16 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                    311     928  33.5% -lh5- 3c2a Sep 30 20:16 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                  18824   36632  51.4% -lh5- 5f66 Feb 16 19:23 Anaiis/bin/playhid
[Amiga]                    391     831  47.1% -lh5- 724f Feb  2 19:06 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                    350     983  35.6% -lh5- af72 Oct 29  2022 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                   6201   10268  60.4% -lh5- ee9b Jan  1 13:14 Anaiis/bin/unmount
[Amiga]                   7321   11932  61.4% -lh5- 427a Jan 18 20:46 Anaiis/bin/usbctrl
[Amiga]                   9396   15516  60.6% -lh5- 062d Mar 11  2013 Anaiis/bin/usbprint
[Amiga]                    325     608  53.5% -lh5- 1fed Jan 25 13:04 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                    323     576  56.1% -lh5- c50c Nov  7  2022 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                   3350    5524  60.6% -lh5- d078 Jan  5 18:01 Anaiis/bin/usbscsi.device
[Amiga]                    238     480  49.6% -lh5- c6e8 Nov  7  2022 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                    322    1919  16.8% -lh5- dd5d Nov  7  2022 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                   7175   11348  63.2% -lh5- cbc9 Sep 20 20:05 Anaiis/bin/usbtrace
[Amiga]                    225     604  37.3% -lh5- 3324 Sep 20 20:05 Anaiis/bin/
[Amiga]                     69      84  82.1% -lh5- f821 May 24  2024 Anaiis/CopyPrefs
[Amiga]                    305     430  70.9% -lh5- 0315 May 24  2024 Anaiis/
[Amiga]                    259     628  41.2% -lh5- f342 Mar 13  2023 Anaiis/
[Amiga]                   2884    5176  55.7% -lh5- 7b78 Mar 16  2003 Anaiis/fd/bootkeyboard.usbfd
[Amiga]                   2030    3536  57.4% -lh5- 249b Mar 16  2003 Anaiis/fd/bootmouse.usbfd
[Amiga]                  10971   20876  52.6% -lh5- 0401 Jun  1  2003 Anaiis/fd/hid.usbfd
[Amiga]                  20987   42544  49.3% -lh5- 5d78 Mar 10 19:20 Anaiis/fd/rMassstorage.usbfd
[Amiga]                    314     406  77.3% -lh5- 3155 Mar 10 19:20 Anaiis/fd/
[Amiga]                   2265    3880  58.4% -lh5- e551 Aug 23  2024 Anaiis/fd/rTheGamepad.usbfd
[Amiga]                    183     236  77.5% -lh5- 7ca7 Sep 22 20:59 Anaiis/fd/
[Amiga]                   2280    3872  58.9% -lh5- 5bbc Aug 23  2024 Anaiis/fd/rThrustMaster.usbfd
[Amiga]                    189     236  80.1% -lh5- 8609 Sep 22 20:59 Anaiis/fd/
[Amiga]                    109     141  77.3% -lh5- e60f Jul 11  2023 Anaiis/fdclasses/bootkeyboard.fdclass
[Amiga]                    104     134  77.6% -lh5- 072b Mar 16  2003 Anaiis/fdclasses/bootmouse.fdclass
[Amiga]                     90     108  83.3% -lh5- 52b7 Jul 11  2023 Anaiis/fdclasses/hid.fdclass
[Amiga]                     98     124  79.0% -lh5- b294 Mar 16  2003 Anaiis/fdclasses/hub.fdclass
[Amiga]                     89     115  77.4% -lh5- 4188 Jan  1 19:08 Anaiis/fdclasses/rMassstorage.fdclass
[Amiga]                    334     900  37.1% -lh5- 8935 Mar 10 19:20 Anaiis/
[Amiga]                    334     900  37.1% -lh5- 8935 Nov  7  2022 Anaiis/icons/
[Amiga]                    364     572  63.6% -lh5- f889 Jan 13 20:58 Anaiis/icons/WB1.3/
[Amiga]                    280     608  46.1% -lh5- 422a Jan 25 13:05 Anaiis/icons/WB1.3/
[Amiga]                    252     576  43.8% -lh5- 87a9 Dec 22 19:14 Anaiis/icons/WB1.3/
[Amiga]                    180     480  37.5% -lh5- c179 Dec 30 19:03 Anaiis/icons/WB1.3/
[Amiga]                    242     575  42.1% -lh5- bd88 Dec 22 19:17 Anaiis/icons/WB1.3/
[Amiga]                    254     628  40.4% -lh5- 2c31 Nov  7  2022 Anaiis/icons/
[Amiga]                    394     572  68.9% -lh5- 4d5b Nov  7  2022 Anaiis/icons/WB2.0/
[Amiga]                    325     608  53.5% -lh5- 1fed Jan 25 13:04 Anaiis/icons/WB2.0/
[Amiga]                    323     576  56.1% -lh5- c50c Nov  7  2022 Anaiis/icons/WB2.0/
[Amiga]                    238     480  49.6% -lh5- c6e8 Nov  7  2022 Anaiis/icons/WB2.0/
[Amiga]                    322    1919  16.8% -lh5- dd5d Nov  7  2022 Anaiis/icons/WB2.0/
[Amiga]                   3141    7424  42.3% -lh5- 543b Oct 29  2022 Anaiis/Install.readme
[Amiga]                    517    2159  23.9% -lh5- b6de Jan 13 21:05 Anaiis/install_drivers
[Amiga]                    198     834  23.7% -lh5- eda0 Jul 31  2023 Anaiis/
[Amiga]                    670    2832  23.7% -lh5- 40b3 Dec 16 21:22 Anaiis/install_me
[Amiga]                    198     834  23.7% -lh5- eda0 Nov 20  2022 Anaiis/
[Amiga]                    922    1739  53.0% -lh5- 18e0 Mar 24  2013 Anaiis/playhid.readme
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 Total        79 files  257130  506055  50.8%            Mar 10 23:25
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