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>Well, here is something for you "DiskSpare device" users. Have you ever
>been bored with formatting DSx: floppies and having to filecopy all your
>little data files... It's long and boring !
>The solution is RDS (RAD Disk Spare) it is a simple manipulation of the
>official RAD disk which allows you to copy (small) files directly to this
>device and then whole-diskcopy the result to DSx: disks.
>Advantage, it's faster : the time you'll spend diskcopying the RDS over
>your DSx: floppies, you would have only done a single format over a DSx:
>disk (and still would have to file-copy the stuff).
>Disadvantage, it only support Double Density disks.
well, I "updated/fixed" this version to work with hd-drives. It was
just the double of the size of the bytespersector. To be sure I included
the diskspare.device and the ProFileSystem with its dosdrivers.
>Well, anyway this should be of any use... I guess so !
>INSTALLATION : simply copy to your SYS:Storage/DosDrivers directory and
> double-click on it.
DiskSpare.device v3.0 (c) Klaus Deppisch
ProFileSystem 9.6 (c) Michiel Pelt
PS0 (c) Dosdriver with ProFileSystem on Diskspare-Disks
PS0.info (c) its icon
DB0 (c) Dosdriver for Diskspare-Disks
DB0.info (c) its icon
Just for testing I clicked on RDS and on DB0. After that I compared the
size of both devs - there were equal. But after that I diskcopied the
RDS to DB0 and it worked. So if you use this icons and the devices with
filesystem, you won't get any probs any more.
Greets, Finn
P.S.: Just a hint : If you have diavolo-backup then search with a disktool
for trackdisk.device. Replace all entries in the file with
diskspare.device (both names have the same length) and you use the
diskspare with diavolo (each disk can carry ca. 300k more with hd-
Contents of disk/misc/rds_update.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 647 2657 24.4% -lh5- 10a0 Feb 4 1997 RDS.info
[generic] 306 462 66.2% -lh5- 917a Feb 4 1997 rds/db0
[generic] 876 1524 57.5% -lh5- 7c32 Feb 4 1997 RDS/DB0.info
[generic] 3690 5928 62.2% -lh5- 4fea Nov 13 1994 RDS/devs/diskspare.device
[generic] 16804 28656 58.6% -lh5- bd03 Feb 14 1995 RDS/l/ProfFileSystem
[generic] 502 865 58.0% -lh5- 2d11 Oct 6 1995 RDS/PS0
[generic] 878 1524 57.6% -lh5- 98be Feb 4 1997 RDS/PS0.info
[generic] 502 807 62.2% -lh5- a777 Feb 4 1997 rds/rds
[generic] 303 853 35.5% -lh5- cfac Feb 4 1997 RDS/RDS.info
[generic] 1089 2116 51.5% -lh5- 8793 Feb 4 1997 RDS/RDS.readme
[generic] 539 986 54.7% -lh5- a483 Dec 28 1992 RDS/RDS_old.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 11 files 26136 46378 56.4% Feb 5 1997
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