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Short:OktaPussy - New Driver set for Oktagon, etc.
Author: olli at (Oliver Kastl)
Uploader:olli elaborate-bytes com (Oliver Kastl)
Requires:OS 2.04
Download:disk/misc/oktapus.lha - View contents



- New drivers for ALF-III, Oktagon 508/2008/4008, TandemCD,
  AlfaPower, AT-Bus 2008

- Installs in the RDSK Blocks of your Harddisk - super fast boot!

- 4 methods of installation:
  RDSK-Blocks, Reset-Resident(with LoadIDE),
  Expansion driver, Direct-Start.
- All devices support the TD64 command set. Drives >4GB shouldn't
  be a problem any more!

A new release of the ancient HDInstTools program can be found in a different
archive (hdinst.lha).


2.1 (final)

Removed beta alert.

AutoParkPrefs: Changed inactivity time from seconds to minutes.

1.9 (beta)

ALF3 and Oktagon: Odd length SCSI direct transfers didn't work. This caused
some Scanner Software to fail (and probably other Software, too?)

OktagonPrefs: Changing TaskPri didn't work, if RETURN wasn't pressed in the
TaskPri Gadget.

Updated Documentation.

1.8 (beta)

Removed time limit on all drivers.

1.7 (beta)

Improved Data Transfer Speed on ALF3 and Oktagon.
Increased Beta Testing time on all drivers.

1.6 (beta)

Fixed bug in BlockTransfer code, which didn't work on sector sizes, which are
not evenly dividable by 16.
As a result, burning of CDs in MODE2/FORM2 didn't work.

1.5 (beta)

Some CD-Writer models got accidently mounted as Super-Floppies.
Completely reworked DriveInit mechanism, the new device is now
patched into the system "on the fly".
WARNING: The DriveInitCode MUST be installed on the FIRST drive
having RDSK Blocks! (Usually unit 0)
If you don't follow this rule, your computer WILL crash!

1.4 (beta)

Greatly improved data transfer routines for Oktagon and ALF3 drivers.
Reworked support for variable blocksizes. CD reading/writing works
like a charm (Tested with MakeCD, CDD-2000 Writer, Pioneer 12x CD-ROM)!
Improved disconnect/reconnect capabilities. Disconnect should now work
with the strangest devices like CD-Writers and Streamers.
Removed LUN adding into CDB.
Now always sends an Identify message, regardless of disabled reconnect
(WARNING: This might break the operation of the Kodak/Verbatim Floppy!
Does anyone has such a beast?)
Added SlowTransfer mode for SONY SDT-9000 DAT. Might help others, too.
OktagonPrefs got a SlowTransferMode switch.
Removed obsolete SYNCH switch in OktagonPrefs.
TD_GETGEOMETRY now always calculates a nice, logical Geometry.

1.3 (beta)

Drivers now have a timed display alert, which will automatically enable
OktaPussy after about 10 seconds.

DriveInit now gives an error code, if writing of RDSK blocks failed.
Error codes are:

rdbERROR_IOERROR        1001 (Exec device I/O error)
rdbERROR_BADHARDBLOCK   1002 (Weird hardblocks, checksums invalid, etc.)
rdbERROR_RDSKNOTFOUND   1003 (No RDSK blocks found)
rdbERROR_NOTIMPLEMENTED 1004 (Unimplemented feature called! You found a bug!)
rdbERROR_TOOMANYBLOCKS  1005 (No space on harddisk to save DriveInit)

Improved strategy for getting drive's sector size, as TD_GETGEOMETRY fails
with older versions of oktagon.device.
(Do these old versions support drive init at all?
I can't remember, but I believe Version 4 or better of oktagon.device
supports it)

1.2 (beta)

Removed annoying nag requester with a nice, less annoying DisplayAlert.
Fixed bug in initialisation of AT driver.

1.1 (beta)

Fixed stupid typo in ALF3 driver which rendered it useless.

1.0 (beta)

Initial release

OktaPussy is copyrighted software. © 1997 Elaborate Bytes, Oliver Kastl.
This software is freely distributable, if NO profit, except reasonable charges
covering the cost of the distribution, is made with it.
You may NOT bundle this software with hardware, if you wish to do so, please
contact me.
License is granted to distribute this Software on AmiNet and AmiNet CDs.
This software is provided "as is", without any warranties.

Contents of disk/misc/oktapus.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  269     628  42.8% -lh5- 99f0 Oct  6  1998
[generic]                 2980    4660  63.9% -lh5- e1f2 Dec 29  1997 OktaPussy/C/DriveInit
[generic]                 1261    1820  69.3% -lh5- 4e85 Dec 24  1997 OktaPussy/C/LoadIDE
[generic]                  870    1228  70.8% -lh5- 2671 Dec 24  1997 OktaPussy/C/MountIDE
[generic]                  263     628  41.9% -lh5- 0d67 Dec 27  1997 OktaPussy/
[generic]                 2140    4080  52.5% -lh5- 07c0 Nov 24  1998 OktaPussy/Docs/oktapus.readme
[generic]                  337    1105  30.5% -lh5- 08ae Dec 27  1997 OktaPussy/Docs/
[generic]                 2997    6921  43.3% -lh5- 8847 Jun 14  1998 OktaPussy/Docs/OktaPussy.doc
[generic]                  339    1105  30.7% -lh5- 4e3b Dec 27  1997 OktaPussy/Docs/
[generic]                  267     628  42.5% -lh5- 57f6 Jan  1  1998 OktaPussy/
[generic]                14027   23284  60.2% -lh5- a966 Nov 24  1998 OktaPussy/Expansion/ALF3
[generic]                  182     478  38.1% -lh5- 0278 Jan  1  1998 OktaPussy/Expansion/
[generic]                13540   22072  61.3% -lh5- 6998 Nov 24  1998 OktaPussy/Expansion/at
[generic]                  187     478  39.1% -lh5- 5f3a Jan  1  1998 OktaPussy/Expansion/
[generic]                11783   19548  60.3% -lh5- 9be5 Nov 24  1998 OktaPussy/Expansion/NoLoginALF3
[generic]                  187     478  39.1% -lh5- ac14 Jan  1  1998 OktaPussy/Expansion/
[generic]                11323   18336  61.8% -lh5- 01b8 Nov 24  1998 OktaPussy/Expansion/NoLoginAT
[generic]                  184     478  38.5% -lh5- b9ff Jan  1  1998 OktaPussy/Expansion/
[generic]                12388   20820  59.5% -lh5- 79e5 Nov 24  1998 OktaPussy/Expansion/NoLogInOktagon
[generic]                  185     478  38.7% -lh5- f1bc Jan  1  1998 OktaPussy/Expansion/
[generic]                14581   24556  59.4% -lh5- 1ab0 Nov 24  1998 OktaPussy/Expansion/Oktagon
[generic]                  187     478  39.1% -lh5- 5611 Jan  1  1998 OktaPussy/Expansion/
[generic]                  356     724  49.2% -lh5- 0847 Dec 24  1997 OktaPussy/
[generic]                 4603    7928  58.1% -lh5- f4d0 Aug 26  1998 OktaPussy/Prefs/AutoParkPrefs
[generic]                  496     891  55.7% -lh5- 37e9 Nov 24  1998 OktaPussy/Prefs/
[generic]                 7697   14968  51.4% -lh5- aaa3 Jun 14  1998 OktaPussy/Prefs/OktagonPrefs
[generic]                  460     852  54.0% -lh5- 2254 Nov 24  1998 OktaPussy/Prefs/
[generic]                  276     628  43.9% -lh5- b655 Dec 24  1997 OktaPussy/
[generic]                 1816    2924  62.1% -lh5- ad29 Dec 23  1997 OktaPussy/Tools/Eject
[generic]                  224     500  44.8% -lh5- c147 Dec 24  1997 OktaPussy/Tools/
[generic]                  187     517  36.2% -lh5- 4612 Dec 24  1997 OktaPussy/Tools/
[generic]                  196     526  37.3% -lh5- 2154 Dec 24  1997 OktaPussy/Tools/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        32 files  106788  184745  57.8%            Nov 25  1998
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