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InstallBBFromFile is a little ShellCommand with which a BootBlock
that was saved in a File can be written to several Drives in one step.
USAGE : InstallBBFromFile [r] DFa[,DFb,DFc,DFd] <BB_File>
The CommandLine must be in that format, always
at least one blank or exactly one comma.
Start from Workbench is not possible.
[r] : this is optional ; if it is set, a WorkBenchRequester
will appear which asks if the Drives really should be
installed ; without that option the BootBlock is written
to the Drives immediately after start
(must be lowercase)
DFa[,....] : max. 4 Drives (at least one) to which the BootBlock
is written if a Disk is inserted (the old Bootblock
is overwritten !) ; case insensitive
<BB_File> : Filename (optional with path) of the File where the
BootBlock to be installed was saved (the first 1024 Bytes
are considered as BootBlock, the checksum must already be
correct !) ; default directory is the directory from which
was started
example : InstallBBFile r DF2,DF0,DF1 ram:BB_Dat
A BootBlock that was saved in the File RAM:BB_Dat is installed
to the Disks in DF0,DF1 and DF2 after the Requester has been
Freeware. Requires KickOS 2.04 or higher.
Use of all programs in the instBBFile-Archive is at one`s own risk.
Contents of disk/misc/instbbfile.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 271 628 43.2% -lh5- 9e0a Jan 11 1996 instBBFile.info
[generic] 1698 3260 52.1% -lh5- 5801 Jan 3 1996 instBBFile/InstallBBFromFile
[generic] 807 1752 46.1% -lh5- c27b Jan 11 1996 instBBFile/instBBfile.readme
[generic] 227 482 47.1% -lh5- 60ff Jan 11 1996 instBBFile/instBBfile.readme.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 3003 6122 49.1% Dec 24 1997
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