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Version 1.2
In this archive are 3 utils: updatedb, locate and locategui. Their purpose
is to allow quick searches for lost files with pattern matching.
To install, copy all the files somewhere like C: or don`t.
updatedb [database] [quiet]
locate filenamepattern
locategui filenamepattern [viewer]
To begin with you should run updatedb. This will create a database file.
This file may be pretty large depending on the size of your harddrive. On
my system it`s about 3Meg and updatedb takes about 10Mins to create it. By
default the file is stored as s:locatedb. You can name it whatever you want
however with the option on the command line.
eg: updatedb SYS:prefs/sillynameforafile
updatedb creates an env variable called LOCATEDBNAME to point to this file.
The only other option is QUIET which stops output to stdout.
Now you can use locate. This takes one argument; an AmigaDos pattern to
identify the file you are looking for. This should be a simple file name
with no path but may include AmigaDOS wildcards. Locate then scans the
database pointed to by LOCATEDBNAME for matches and prints the full path of
any matches to stdout. (ie. The shell it was run from or an indirection
file if one is supplied.) Locate responds to CTRL-C.
Locategui functions in exactly the same way as locate but opens a window on
the default public screen with a listview to display the results. Items in
the listview can be clicked to show them with an external viewer. It takes
an additional cli argument to determine what viewer should be used to show
the file. The default is multiview. To stop any further searching click the
window`s close icon.
This of course is not a new idea and there are several progs available for
the amiga that do the same thing. The only advantages this one has is that
it`s easy to install and use it can be run from anywhere and will work
under fairly low memory.
Bug reports to the address above.
This archive is jokeware. If you use the product regularly you are morally
obliged to send me an email containing at least one joke.
Distribution via CD is ok as long as you send me a copy.
A bug came to my attention directly after sending the first archive. The
file patterns were case sensitive. Plainly useless on the Amiga. This is
now fixed.
Added the ability to view files selected in listview.
Changed to ExAll() to get file list in updatedb. Should fix the problem with
hard/soft links.
Changed TagItem data to GT_SetGadgetAttrs() from 0L to ~0L. This stops the
listview from flickering when a new item is added.
Sorted out the soft link problem, hopefully once and for all.
The last version may have had a bug which caused intermitent lock ups when
used with a viewer arguement. This is now fixed.
Contents of disk/misc/dblocate.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1503 2952 50.9% -lh5- f3bb Nov 19 2000 Locate/dblocate.readme
[generic] 6326 11596 54.6% -lh5- d1d0 Nov 19 2000 Locate/locate
[generic] 10020 18360 54.6% -lh5- e57e Nov 19 2000 Locate/locategui
[generic] 5143 9000 57.1% -lh5- 9371 Nov 19 2000 Locate/updatedb
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 22992 41908 54.9% Nov 20 2000
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