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Short:Check if your HD setup is 4GB-ready
Author: thomas-rapp at (Thomas Rapp)
Uploader:thomas-rapp web de (Thomas Rapp)
Download:disk/misc/check4gb.lha - View contents

New in this release

- fixed "phase mismatch" bug in SCSI test
- compiled with VBCC (does not crash on OS4)


Amiga  Computers  with  Kickstart  3.1  and below cannot handle hard drives
greater  than  4GB. Although there are many solutions and even OS3.5+ claim
to  be  compatible  with large hard drives, it is sometimes difficult to be


The  standard  interface  between  a device driver (e.g. scsi.device) and a
file  system  (e.g. FastFileSystem) addresses blocks on a drive by a 32 bit
address. With 32 bits you can address 2^32 bytes = 4GB.

There are three solutions to expand this border:

- TD64 is a 64 bit command set invented by Phase5.
- NSD is a new style to communicate with a device driver. It also adds
  64 bit commands similar to TD64.
- Direct-SCSI is a method to send raw device commands directly to the
  SCSI bus. Most IDE drivers understand and emulate these commands, too.

To  bypass  the  4GB border you need a device driver and a file system that
both support the same command set out of the above.


The  program can be run from a Shell window or from the Workbench. When run
from Workbench or without Shell parameters, the GUI opens.

It checks every partition that is mounted in the system if it resides above
the  4GB  border  or  overlaps  it,  and  if yes, compares the command sets
available with those supported by the file system used.

The window lists all partitions found along with the informations inquired.
The last column is the most important: it reads either "ok" or "***". If it
is  ***,  this  partition must not be used ! After the *** the command sets
supported by the device driver are listed.

If  the  last  column is "ok?" this means that the partition lies partially
above  the  128  GB border. Check4GB is not yet able to test if a device is
IDE  or  SCSI  and if IDE if it supports LBA 48 for drivers larger than 128


It is not possible to test which command set a file system uses. Because of
this, Check4GB needs a configuration file that lists the file systems along
with the supported command sets.

The  configuration  file  is called check4gb.filesys and is searched in the
current directory, in Check4GB's program directory and in S:.

Every file system not listed in the configuration file is considered to not
support any of the new command sets.

The config file looks as follows:

<filesystem> <version> <command set 1> <set 2> <set 3> <comment>

One line for each file system.

filesystem     the  first  three  characters  of  the  DosType. E.g. if the
               DosType is 444f5303 (DOS\3) the filesystem column is DOS.

version        the  lowest  version  that supports the listed command sets.
               If  the  same  file  system  is  listed  multiple times with
               different  version  numbers,  the higher versions must apear
               before the lower ones.

command set    Up to three command sets this file system supports.  Options
               are one of TD64, NSD and SCSI.

comment        Everything after the third command set is ignored.

The example check4gb.filesys contains all modern file systems that I know.

Shell Parameters

When  started  from  the  Shell with parameters, it can test either one DOS
device or an Exec device driver.

Usage:       check4gb <drive|device> [unit]

Examples:    check4gb scsi.device 0
             check4gb scsi.device
             check4gb dh0:

Parameters:  drive    The name of the DOS device to test.

             device   The name of the Exec device driver of your hard drive.

             unit     The unit number (or SCSI id) of your hard drive.
                      If no unit is given, all units of <device> are checked.

Output:     xxx.device unit y supports NSD commands
            xxx.device unit y supports TD64 commands
            xxx.device unit y supports SCSI-Direct commands
            xxx.device unit y does not support harddisks larger than 4GB

             Self explaning, I hope

            cannot open xxx.device unit y

             The device/unit combination you specified is invalid.


This  program  was only tested on my machine with my harddisks. There is no
guarantee  that it runs on others. I am not responsible for any damage. Use
them on your own risk.

Contents of disk/misc/check4gb.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                13895   28532  48.7% -lh5- e02a Jul 12 19:46 Check4GB
[generic]                  410    1049  39.1% -lh5- 30dd Apr 19  2005 Check4GB.filesys
[generic]                 1387    3292  42.1% -lh5- b1a4 May 15  2005
[generic]                 1789    2543  70.3% -lh5- 5955 Apr 23  2005
[generic]                 2008    4641  43.3% -lh5- 7cf4 Jul 12 19:48 Check4GB.readme
[generic]                 2076    3439  60.4% -lh5- c6b9 Apr 23  2005
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total         6 files   21565   43496  49.6%            Jul 12 21:07
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