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This is freeware, but PLEASE E-Mail me if you use it frequently.
SoftRaid! You dont have to backup your data anymore! With MIRRORed partitions there
is never a dataloose.
With this short (<8k) device (fully written in assembler) you can "connect"
your little or big harddrives.
You can choose between safety or speed.
Do you know that problem ? You have "old" "little" harddrives and are rid of choosing
a drive to witch you write your data ? SoftRaid is your solution!
You can choose between these options (or mix it):
1. MIRROR Mirror your data up to 8 units (partitions)
Never loose your data again!
2. CHAIN Connect your partitions and access up to 8 partition as one.
3. RAID Interleave up to 8 partitions. The speedup is 1.5-3. (Depends on
your Hardware). Its like a real partition, you can use it with
Movieshop or Shapeshifter too.
There is no installer script. You have to copy the "SoftRaid.device" to you "devs:"
directory. (Amiga Shell: "copy SoftRaid.device to devs:")
If you want to use SmartFilesystem, then you have to unpack and install the "SFS_BETA.lha".
There are also demonstration mountlists and env variables in the archive. PLEASE be
careful! You could destroy your data !
In this archive included:
SoftRaid.device Device itself
SoftRaid.readme Want you reading now
ExampleMountList The three example mountlists
Raid0 Example EnvArc configfiles.
SFS_BETA.lha SmartFilesystem (c) 1998 by John Hendrikx (on AmiNet too)
DevInfo Tool to get info from your partitions for SoftRaid.
CheckMirror Check Mirrors for differences (Script witch ses dd command)
CopyMirror Copy from one to another partition. (To create a mirror form a
existing partition (with data).
dd Like Unix dd command (c) by Bruno Costa.
cmp Compares to files. By
For each "pseudo" partition, you need a mountlist and a file called "Envarc:RaidX".
(X stands for the partition [0-7])
There is a tool named "DevInfo" in the archive. With this tool you can get the data
of your partitions for SoftRaid.
Example of DevInfo:
8.Work:SoftRaid> Devinfo raid1
Search raid1..
AmigaDOS information on device `raid1':
Boot Priority: 0
Filesystem: 0x444F5305
Block size: 128 longwords
Sectors per Block: 1
Blocks per track: 236
Number of heads: 1
Interleave: 0
Starting cylinder: 2
Ending cylinder: 2240
Blocks reserved at start: 2
Blocks reserved at end: 0
Number of buffers: 128
Memory Type for Buffers: 0x1
Max bytes transferred: 16777215
Address Mask: 0x7FFFFFFC
Try to open Device cybscsi.device Unit 5.
DEVICE cybscsi.device Info:
Sector Size: 512
Total Sectors: 528879
Cylinders: 528879
Number of Heads: 1
Sectors per Track: 1
Memory Type for Buffers: 0x1
Flags: 0x0
Info for SoftRaid:
Offsetsector : 472
Length in sectors : 528404
The data you need is "Offsetsector" (in this example 472) and
"Length in sectors" (example 528404).
Syntax: CheckMirror DevName1,offset,length,DevName2,offset2
Compares device with name "DevName1" on offset "offset1" with "DevName2"
with offset "offset2". This is a dosscript witch need PIPE: to be mounted and
the dos command "dd" and "cmp". (included in this archive)
Syntax: CopyMirror DevName1,offset,length,DevName2,offset2
Copy from "DevName1" with offset "offset1" to DevName2 with offset "offset2".
This is a dosscript witch need PIPE: to be mounted and
the dos command "dd". (included in this archive)
Syntax for the Envarc files:
"offset" is the offset of the partition in sectors (512 bytes).
"length" is the length of the partition in sectors (512 bytes).
Chainmode uses all Length parameters.
Mirrormode uses only the first length.(The others will be ignored)
Raidmode ignores all length parameters. (Its on you to make the mountlist right)
"x:y:z..." are the interleave blocks per partition in sectorsize (512 bytes)
The geometry of the "pseudo" SoftRaid partition isnt important.
The only important thing is the SIZE, given with the mountlist, and that the start
is allways at 0. (LowCyl=0)
Now some EXAMPLES:
Example 1:
echo >EnvArc:Raid0 "MIRROR,cybscsi.device,4,472,528404,cybscsi.device,5,472,528404"
Mirror: Device = SoftRaid.device
Unit = 0
LowCyl = 0
HighCyl = 2238
Surfaces = 1
BlocksPerTrack = 236
BufMemType = 0
StackSize = 8192
Filesystem = l:SmartFilesystem
Flags = 0
Reserved = 2
Interleave = 0
GlobVec = -1
DosType = 0x53465300
Buffers = 256
Mask = 0x7ffffffc
Maxtransfer = 0x7fffffff
Makes a pseudo partition "Mirror:" with
(2238[HighCyl]-0[LowCyl]+1)*236[BlocksPerTrack]= 528404 sectors= /2048= 258MB
Example 2:
echo >EnvArc:Raid1 "CHAIN,cybscsi.device,4,472,528404,cybscsi.device,5,472,528404,cybscsi.device,3,4518,824894"
Chain: Device = SoftRaid.device
Unit = 1
LowCyl = 0
HighCyl = 7973
Surfaces = 1
BlocksPerTrack = 236
BufMemType = 0
StackSize = 8192
Filesystem = l:SmartFilesystem
Flags = 0
Reserved = 2
Interleave = 0
GlobVec = -1
DosType = 0x53465300
Buffers = 256
Mask = 0x7ffffffc
Maxtransfer = 0x7fffffff
Makes a pseudo partition "Chain:" with
(7973[HighCyl]-0[LowCyl]+1)*236[BlocksPerTrack]=1881864 sectors= /2048= 918.9MB
Example 3:
exho >EnvArc:Raid2 "RAID64:128,cybscsi.device,4,472,264202,cybscsi.device,5,472,528404
Raid: Device = SoftRaid.device
Unit = 2
LowCyl = 0
HighCyl = 3357
Surfaces = 1
BlocksPerTrack = 236
BufMemType = 0
StackSize = 8192
Filesystem = l:SmartFilesystem
Flags = 0
Reserved = 2
Interleave = 0
GlobVec = -1
DosType = 0x53465300
Buffers = 256
Mask = 0x7ffffffc
Maxtransfer = 0x7fffffff
Makes a pseudo partition "Raid:" with 64 sectorblocks (32kByte) on cybscsi.device Unit 4
and 128 sectorblocks (64kByte) on cybscsi.device Unit 5.
(3357[HighCyl]-0[LowCyl]+1)*236[BlocksPerTrack]=792488 sectors= /2048= 387MB
The use sectors on Units will be
792488/(64[SectorBlocksUnit4]+128[SectorBlocksUnit5[)=4127 (104 rest)
4127*64[SectorBlocksUnit4]= 264128 sectors on Unit 4
4127*128[SectorBlocksUnit5]= 528256 sectors on Unit 5
We have 104 rest, so we have to split it between 64[Unit4] and 128[Unit5].
This is 32 sectors for Unit4 and (104-32)=72 on Unit 5. We have the sum of
264128+32=264160 for Unit 4 and
528256+72=528328 for Unit 5.
Example 4:
Just for fun... A HD-Disc and a Hardrive in raidmode. It realy works... but
the speed improofment isnt to high.
exho >EnvArc:Raid3 "RAID1:128,trackdisk.device,0,0,1760,cybscsi.device,4,472,225280
RaidDisc: Device = SoftRaid.device
Unit = 2
LowCyl = 0
HighCyl = 5159
Surfaces = 1
BlocksPerTrack = 44
BufMemType = 0
StackSize = 8192
Filesystem = l:SmartFilesystem
Flags = 0
Reserved = 2
Interleave = 0
GlobVec = -1
DosType = 0x53465300
Buffers = 256
Mask = 0x7ffffffc
Maxtransfer = 0x7fffffff
Makes a pseudo partition "RaidDisc:" with 1 sectorblocks (0.5kByte) on
trackdisk.device Unit 4 and 128 sectorblocks (64kByte) on cybscsi.device Unit 4.
(5159[HighCyl]-0[LowCyl]+1)*44[BlocksPerTrack]=227040 sectors= /2048= 110.9MB
I hope this wasnt so complex..
If you want to use FastFilesystem or AFS then you have to replace the Filesystem name
and the DosType. (for Fastfilesystem 0x444f5305)
Enjoy it....
TRZIL Bernhard
Inital release.
Bug in DevInfo. Dint multiply with Heads(surfaces).
This program is copyrighted by Trzil Bernhard. It may be freely distributed
if and only if the documentation and the executables are provided in
original form. It may be included in Public Domain/Shareware compilations,
as long as no fee is charged, and may also be uploaded to BBS's or network
services like BIX and CompuServe if the author will be contacted.
The author makes no warranty of any kind with respect to this product and
explicitly disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness
for any particular purpose.