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Short:Fixed ZIP mount scripts (FFS,AFS,MAC,PC)
Author: namek at (Alberto M. Ordóñez)
Uploader:namek freenet hut fi (Alberto M Ordóñez)
Download:disk/misc/NewZipMount.lha - View contents

This is a mount scripts collection for ZIP drives.

Bug fixes:

* "FileSystem=L:FastFileSystem" removed because is not needed.

* "Flags=1" in ZP0C mount script changed to "Flags=0" more compatible.

* SectorsPerBlock definition removed, more compatibility with older OS
  versions and the ZIP works without problems.

* The PC ZIP mount script name must finish with the letter "C". (F*cking PCs)

* To sucessfully format a PC ZIP disk you must use QuickPrep from the
  CROSSDOS commercial distribution package. (reported by Venom)


* More compatible FFS sctructure with all programs using it. (DiskSalv,
  QuarterBack Tools, Reorg, etc...)

* More available free space in AFS format.

* More compatible and fast formatable MAC & PC ZIP disks.

Why another mount scripts collection for ZIP drive? Well, I actually have a
ZIP drive, and all mount scripts I've seen don't work properly.

The mount script from HiSoft for Amiga using FFS, have a correct number of
sectors defined but some programs thinks that the number of sectors are
greater than the real number of sectors, there aren't reserved blocks, and
for this reason, there are problems with disk checking or optimization

HDToolBox from OS 3.0+ recognices a ZIP disk like a hard disk with 2891
cylinders, 68 sectors per block and 1 surface, this definitions are wrong,
a ZIP disk have a total of 196608 sectors and with this configuration we
have 68 * 2891 = 196588 sectors (a little less). ZIPMount_12.lha and
ZipAFS.lha both from Aminet have the same definitions reported by HDToolBox,
with ZipAFS there isn't big problems, but with ZIPMount we can't access to
all possible information in a ZIP disk in MAC or PC format.

Other mount scripts I have found for MAC or PC ZIP disks have definitions
like 196608 cylinders with only a sector on each one, this will work without
any problems but if you want to format a ZIP disk in MAC or PC format, this
will take about 2 hours to complete.


Copy the icons to your "SYS:Storage/DOSDrivers" folder, or to
"DEVS:DOSDrivers" if you want the drive to automount, and modify the icon
tooltype "DEVICE=YOURscsi.device" to show the name of your real scsi device

Definitions of the mount scripts:

ZIP disk = 196608 sectors

196608 sectors / 2 sides = 98304 sector by side.

98304 sectors by side / 64 blocks per track = 1536 cylinders

Why 64 blocks per track? Well this is because the greater number factor of 2
to divide 98304 is 64.

Why the lowest possible number of cylinders? (1536) This is because the
format command is faster with less cylinders.


The new ZIP0 & ZAFS0 mount scripts are incompatible with a ZIP disk formated
with another ZIP mount scripts for the same FileSystem, the PC & MAC scripts
are totally compatible with any ZIP in one of these formats.

This scripts work ok on 1230scsi.device and squirrel.device using only
FastFileSystem, AmyFileSafe, CrossMacFileSystem and CrossDosFileSystem.

Known bugs:

I can't format a ZIP disk in PC format using CrossDosFileSystem with any
PC mount script, but if the disk is already PC Formated the format work ok.
Is this a problem of CrossDos? If you can format a non PC formated ZIP disk
in PC format, please e-mail me.

Contents of disk/misc/NewZipMount.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                  255     628  40.6% -lh5- 2352 Feb 17  1997
[generic]                  347     527  65.8% -lh5- 46eb Mar  4  1997 DOSDrivers/ZAFS0
[generic]                  303     533  56.8% -lh5- 1c37 Feb 17  1997 DOSDrivers/
[generic]                  329     500  65.8% -lh5- b325 Jun 28  1997 DOSDrivers/ZIP0
[generic]                  304     533  57.0% -lh5- ecf2 Feb 17  1997 DOSDrivers/
[generic]                  346     541  64.0% -lh5- cc8c Mar  4  1997 DOSDrivers/ZMAC0
[generic]                  306     533  57.4% -lh5- 6c3b Feb 17  1997 DOSDrivers/
[generic]                  345     539  64.0% -lh5- 2468 Jul 12  1997 DOSDrivers/ZP0C
[generic]                  303     533  56.8% -lh5- f8b4 Feb 17  1997 DOSDrivers/
[generic]                 1560    3413  45.7% -lh5- 3b6c Oct  6  1997 NewZipMount.readme
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        10 files    4398    8280  53.1%            Oct 11  1997
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