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Short:Mtools V2.0.7 for AmigaDOS
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Mtools 2.0.7 for AmigaDOS

Why use Mtools instead of CrossDOS?

CrossDOS is nice in most cases, but inusable in others:

- you cannot correctly write to MS-DOS partitions > 30MB
  with CrossDOS, Mtools allow you this.

- CrossDOS is VERY SLOW when writing large files to devices such
  as MO-Drives, it seems to be lacking reasonable write-caching.
  Mtools are magnitudes faster in those cases.

  (but CrossDOS is much faster than Mtools in writing many
   small files)

What do you need to use Mtools on your Amiga?

- You need to have the ixemul.library (by Markus Wild)
  installed, you may find it where other PD-Soft, especially
  gcc, is available.
  You may use the command "ixconfig -i" to speed the
  startup of the programs (ixemul.library else scans
  all the environment variables...)

- If the media you'd like to access via Mtools differs from
  the ones I have available (and preconfigured), you'll
  need to edit the first structure in devices.c a little,
  then compile the programs by saying "make" again, you'll
  need gcc and the C=-includes to do this.
  (see also the config-notes below)

Are there any problems with Mtools (in comparison to the unix-version)?

Yes, there are. But nothing really serious: The command "mcopy"
determines the direction of the copy (from/to MS-DOS) by looking
at the destination name. Since MS-DOS also uses the colon to separate
a device-name, mcopy will think you want to copy from AmigaDOS to
MS-DOS if you give for example the command

mcopy t:

... so avoid the colon in the destination path, and use the unix-syntax:

mcopy /t/

... which will do what you wanted it to do.

You may also use (AmigaDOS-)wildcards in the source-name(s), if you
want to copy from AmigaDOS to MS-DOS, e.g.:

mcopy #?.bar a:

*BUT* if you want to copy in the opposite direction, from MS-DOS to
AmigaDOS, you need to use a different syntax:

mcopy "a:*.bar" /t/


ADOS->MSDOS:  AmigaDOS-wildcards, no double-quotes needed
MSDOS->Amiga: MSDOS-wildcards, double-quotes around the source-name(s) needed

IMPORTANT: Due to the limitations of the CLI-parameter length you
shouldn't use the wildcard expansion on the Amiga-side with very
large numbers of matching files - an error may occur.

Are Mtools able to format MS-DOS media?

HIGH-LEVEL: SOMETIMES... you may use mformat to write the
            FAT etc. to a low-level-formatted (floppy-)disk,
            but mformat is unable to write the FAT on great

I've included an archive with the compressed initial data
for an 128MB MO-medium, you may "format" such an medium
by writing the data directly to appropriate device.

If you've got a copy of "dcp" for example, you may say

lha e MSDOS_128MB_FAT.lha
dcp MSDOS_MO_BLOCKS <your device:>

You can create archives with appropriate FATs for your media
by formatting them with an PeeeCeee, then read the FAT-blocks
from the device (for example with dcp, too).

How can I customize Mtools to work with my special hardware?

Read the file src/Configure, then you'll be able to change the
src/devices.c file as you need it. But you'll also need to know
a few additional things:

- In the unix-version, all the I/O is done via (special-)files.
  You may do this, too, by using the "flat:"-device (was
  published on fish-disks), and the appropriate filename
  in devices.c.
  But there's a better I/O method, which is only available
  in this Amiga-version of the Mtools: You may also specify the
  name and the unit of a device, then this device will be used

  device->name  then holds the name of the device,
  device->mode  holds the unit-number,
  device->heads must be set to -1 for a device (rather than a file)

- The device->tracks, heads and sectors are optional parameters,
  you may set them to 0 if you don't know them. If you know them for sure,
  set them, this will make the read & write caching more efficient.
  If you're using a device (thus device->heads == -1), you may set
  the sector-number to the number of blocks you wish to fit into the caches.
  If you don't, a default-value of 128 blocks is the size of the caches.


The Amiga-specific changes to Mtools were applied by
  Lutz Vieweg <>

The device-access code was taken from the "device-streams.tar.gz"
  archive by Christian E. Hopps


Contents of disk/misc/Mtools207.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                12739   21984  57.9% -lh5- 0b86 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mattrib
[generic]                 7286   12720  57.3% -lh5- c1fb May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mcd
[generic]                 2505    4136  60.6% -lh5- 3bf3 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mcopy
[generic]                13124   22792  57.6% -lh5- d092 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mdel
[generic]                 8220   14336  57.3% -lh5- c532 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mdir
[generic]                 8688   14324  60.7% -lh5- 449d May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mformat
[generic]                 1487    2264  65.7% -lh5- 126b May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mkmanifest
[generic]                11968   20612  58.1% -lh5- 117e May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mlabel
[generic]                13544   23660  57.2% -lh5- bd35 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mmd
[generic]                13143   22952  57.3% -lh5- c546 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mrd
[generic]                12871   21728  59.2% -lh5- c3d0 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mread
[generic]                12717   21992  57.8% -lh5- e0d2 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mren
[generic]                 7943   13616  58.3% -lh5- d3d5 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mtype
[generic]                14975   26424  56.7% -lh5- 96e2 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_executables/mwrite
[generic]                  683    1470  46.5% -lh5- d833 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mattrib.doc
[generic]                  533    1068  49.9% -lh5- 99f2 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mcd.doc
[generic]                  862    1941  44.4% -lh5- 4721 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mcopy.doc
[generic]                  524    1007  52.0% -lh5- a6d0 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mdel.doc
[generic]                  572    1156  49.5% -lh5- ad0f May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mdir.doc
[generic]                  497    1077  46.1% -lh5- 2514 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mformat.doc
[generic]                  793    2008  39.5% -lh5- 0492 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mkmanifest.doc
[generic]                  383     761  50.3% -lh5- dfb4 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mlabel.doc
[generic]                  610    1241  49.2% -lh5- fa10 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mmd.doc
[generic]                  450     853  52.8% -lh5- 7b4e May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mrd.doc
[generic]                  702    1515  46.3% -lh5- d513 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mread.doc
[generic]                  656    1387  47.3% -lh5- 7060 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mren.doc
[generic]                 1370    3114  44.0% -lh5- b107 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mtools.doc
[generic]                  548    1081  50.7% -lh5- 6a79 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mtype.doc
[generic]                  824    1835  44.9% -lh5- d89f May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/docs/Mwrite.doc
[generic]                  830     830 100.0% -lh0- 8ef2 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/MSDOS_128MB_FAT.lha
[generic]                 1362    3863  35.3% -lh5- cddf May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/amiga_devices.c
[generic]                  913    2146  42.5% -lh5- 4414 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/amiga_devices.h
[generic]                  711    1410  50.4% -lh5- d914 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/amiga_devices.o
[generic]                  828    2255  36.7% -lh5- 76bc May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/buf_read.c
[generic]                  651    1363  47.8% -lh5- d3c3 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/buf_read.o
[generic]                 1203    3587  33.5% -lh5- deed May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/buf_write.c
[generic]                  987    2194  45.0% -lh5- 8306 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/buf_write.o
[generic]                 2289    6255  36.6% -lh5- c87a May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Configure
[generic]                 1227    5081  24.1% -lh5- 77c3 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/devices.c
[generic]                  118     222  53.2% -lh5- 0f39 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/devices.o
[generic]                  908    2038  44.6% -lh5- 594f May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/dir_make.c
[generic]                  709    1336  53.1% -lh5- 7c8a May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/dir_make.o
[generic]                 1271    3350  37.9% -lh5- 16b3 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/dir_read.c
[generic]                 1084    2152  50.4% -lh5- 5bf3 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/dir_read.o
[generic]                 1634    4191  39.0% -lh5- 4136 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/dir_write.c
[generic]                 1355    2481  54.6% -lh5- 4f3e May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/dir_write.o
[generic]                  845    1738  48.6% -lh5- ed1e May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/expand.c
[generic]                  517     839  61.6% -lh5- 4c47 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/expand.o
[generic]                  405     728  55.6% -lh5- 0a75 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/fat_free.c
[generic]                  258     431  59.9% -lh5- 1451 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/fat_free.o
[generic]                 1203    3244  37.1% -lh5- f36c May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/fat_read.c
[generic]                  602    1092  55.1% -lh5- cfcf May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/fat_read.o
[generic]                  938    2524  37.2% -lh5- 9b57 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/fat_write.c
[generic]                  503     917  54.9% -lh5- 36df May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/fat_write.o
[generic]                  773    1823  42.4% -lh5- 745a May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/file_read.c
[generic]                  553     896  61.7% -lh5- 548e May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/file_read.o
[generic]                  954    2343  40.7% -lh5- 057c May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/file_write.c
[generic]                  679    1188  57.2% -lh5- 713d May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/file_write.o
[generic]                 3402    9468  35.9% -lh5- 5f64 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/init.bak
[generic]                 3408    9474  36.0% -lh5- 2258 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/init.c
[generic]                 2690    5427  49.6% -lh5- a507 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/init.o
[generic]                  469     907  51.7% -lh5- f5cd May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/is_dir.c
[generic]                  273     434  62.9% -lh5- 39bd May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/is_dir.o
[generic]                 1815    7599  23.9% -lh5- 54e0 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Makefile
[generic]                  622    1657  37.5% -lh5- 9fc3 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/match.c
[generic]                  276     356  77.5% -lh5- a3dc May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/match.o
[generic]                  667    1294  51.5% -lh5- cee9 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mattrib.1
[generic]                 1444    3632  39.8% -lh5- bf3c May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mattrib.c
[generic]                 1083    1933  56.0% -lh5- df6a May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mattrib.o
[generic]                  524     967  54.2% -lh5- 5e1f May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mcd.1
[generic]                 1145    2639  43.4% -lh5- 63c1 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mcd.c
[generic]                  975    1989  49.0% -lh5- d5c0 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mcd.o
[generic]                  839    1736  48.3% -lh5- eaf8 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mcopy.1
[generic]                 1848    4617  40.0% -lh5- 05f9 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mcopy.c
[generic]                 1528    2803  54.5% -lh5- 8be9 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mcopy.o
[generic]                  528     906  58.3% -lh5- 1dfc May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mdel.1
[generic]                 1601    3823  41.9% -lh5- ae19 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mdel.c
[generic]                 1228    2304  53.3% -lh5- 3863 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mdel.o
[generic]                  571    1044  54.7% -lh5- 8690 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mdir.1
[generic]                 2564    7059  36.3% -lh5- cc8b May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mdir.c
[generic]                 2029    4036  50.3% -lh5- b1b4 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mdir.o
[generic]                  498     918  54.2% -lh5- 59ce May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mformat.1
[generic]                 2153    6144  35.0% -lh5- 67e1 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mformat.c
[generic]                 1843    3623  50.9% -lh5- aa83 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mformat.o
[generic]                  744    1570  47.4% -lh5- 4282 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mkmanifest.1
[generic]                 1086    2306  47.1% -lh5- d797 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mkmanifest.c
[generic]                  843    1386  60.8% -lh5- 3056 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mkmanifest.o
[generic]                  379     701  54.1% -lh5- 0e16 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mlabel.1
[generic]                 1356    3079  44.0% -lh5- ece2 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mlabel.c
[generic]                 1164    2186  53.2% -lh5- c3dc May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mlabel.o
[generic]                  603    1124  53.6% -lh5- 3b34 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mmd.1
[generic]                 2071    5375  38.5% -lh5- 108d May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mmd.c
[generic]                 1567    3003  52.2% -lh5- a742 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mmd.o
[generic]                  456     783  58.2% -lh5- db4e May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mrd.1
[generic]                 1835    4544  40.4% -lh5- 08cb May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mrd.c
[generic]                 1344    2575  52.2% -lh5- dfce May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mrd.o
[generic]                  696    1371  50.8% -lh5- d353 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mread.1
[generic]                 2965    8159  36.3% -lh5- d10b May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mread.c
[generic]                 2245    4002  56.1% -lh5- e0a5 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mread.o
[generic]                  651    1268  51.3% -lh5- f85c May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mren.1
[generic]                 1338    3089  43.3% -lh5- 85f6 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mren.c
[generic]                 1088    2118  51.4% -lh5- c299 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mren.o
[generic]                  814    2049  39.7% -lh5- adc6 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/msdos.h
[generic]                 1344    2798  48.0% -lh5- 75e4 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mtools.1
[generic]                  553     981  56.4% -lh5- 15b8 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mtype.1
[generic]                 1360    3157  43.1% -lh5- b291 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mtype.c
[generic]                 1056    1856  56.9% -lh5- dfd5 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mtype.o
[generic]                  809    1649  49.1% -lh5- cc9f May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Mwrite.1
[generic]                 2886    7991  36.1% -lh5- 54e8 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mwrite.c
[generic]                 2264    4511  50.2% -lh5- 854a May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/mwrite.o
[generic]                  792    2194  36.1% -lh5- e8ec May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/parse.c
[generic]                  626    1109  56.4% -lh5- 6ab6 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/parse.o
[generic]                   48      48 100.0% -lh0- 2d1b May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/patchlevel.h
[generic]                 1415    2745  51.5% -lh5- d9e1 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Readme
[generic]                 1678    3938  42.6% -lh5- a273 May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/Release.notes
[generic]                  955    2167  44.1% -lh5- 3b4d May 26  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/subdir.c
[generic]                  650    1065  61.0% -lh5- 8de0 May 27  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/src/subdir.o
[generic]                 2176    4765  45.7% -lh5- 116c May 28  1994 Mtools-2.0.7/Amiga_Mtools.ReadMe
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total       118 files  255407  506022  50.5%            May 29  1994
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