HDToolBox Patch for Optical Drives 1.1 (22-Feb-99)
Copyright © 1999 by Mark Knibbs
HDToolBox cannot be properly used with SCSI devices that are set to "optical
memory device" mode, as opposed to "direct access device", which is normal for
hard disks. This applies to magneto-optical drives and Panasonic's PD
rewriteable drive. It may also apply to DVD-RAM drives. For more information
on magneto-optical drives, see my Amiga Magneto-Optical Drive FAQ, on Aminet as
This patch modifies HDToolBox to work with both devices of type 0 and type 7,
i.e. both hard disks and optical drives. Patch information is supplied for
HDToolBox versions 2.2, 2.22, 39.12, 40.3 and 40.4. If you have another version
of HDToolBox, please contact me.
Version History
1.0 16-Jan-99, first public release
1.1 22-Feb-99, second public release
· Added patch information for HDToolBox versions 39.12 and 40.3.
· Various minor changes.
-- Mark