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Short:AIO software to handle ADF/ADZ/DMS/HFE
Author: at
Uploader:Krzysztof Donat (bitplan pl gmail com)
Version:3.1.1 build 6221
Download:disk/misc/GoADF.lha - View contents

Floppy disk images are often distributed as ADF files (Amiga Disk Format). 
Working with these files on the Amiga is for some people too complicated 
or not comfortable enough. This is what GoADF! is trying to change. 

The tool comes with a GUI and allows to mount ADFs in virtual drives. 
In addition, the disk images can be browsed at file system or block level. 
In addition, ADFs can be easily transferred back to real disks. 
Furthermore GoADF! delivers many informations about ADFs. 

Main features of GoADF:
    - Reading information about the ADF file through reading and interpretation
      of all types of Amiga's disks blocks OFS/FFS:
        is bootable
        is DOS disk (or NDOS)
        type of filesystem (OFS / FFS (INTL/DC/LNFS))
        disk label
        dates of modification and creation disk
        disk size
        disk usage
        and many others

    - Support for many formats:
        ADF - plain uncompressed Amiga Disk Format
        ADZ - ADF compressed with gzip
        DMS - Disk Masher Image files
        HFE - images for the SD HxC Floppy Emulator hardware

    - File exploration mode - (only ADF from DOS disks) - allows to browse
      the content of the files in ADF file, similarly to the file manager 
      Also, details about files and folders (type, date, size and properties) 
      are viewed. It is possible to enter deep into folders structure 
      and extract the files directly       from ADF file to the hard disk.
    - Block exploration mode - based on disk editors, allows to browse 
      content of the ADF file, block after block - each block of the disk 
      is presented as HEX and ASCII board.
    - Antivirus module - GoADF! will detect any virus hidden in the image 
      bootblock that is in the XVS library database.
    - ADF files to physical disks recording mode - intuitive GUI with drive 
      choice and disc formatting / verifing options. The operation is presented
      on the original graphical and logical floppy disk image (based on XCopy).
    - Disk to ADF file creating mode - intuitive GUI with drive choice 
      and verifing option.
    - ADF files to one of four virtual drives (ADO to AD3) mounting mode - 
      allows to mount DOS and NDOS disks to the virtual drives. In this way 
      ADF files appear to the operating system as normal disks put into 
      the disk drive, from where they can be operated, for example, 
      by the Directory Opus.
    - Quick access to all ADF files in one folder - easy access to ADF 
      stored on the hard disk by uploading the list of ADF files from 
      the selected folder to the list in GoADF! app.
	- GoADF! is now localised. Available languages:
	     - english
		 - polish 
		 - italian (by Samir Hawamdeh)
         - spanish (by Ignacio Gully)
         - french (by Mickael 'BatteMan' Pernot)
         - greek (by Nikos Pagonis)
         - russian (by Mikhail Malyshev)
         - finnish (by Joona Palaste)
         - german (by Frank Brandis)
         - czech (by Predseda)
         - norwegian (by Kolbjorn Barmen)
         - danish (by Michael Englyst)
         - dutch (by Folkert de Gans)
		 - turkisch (by Oguzhan Oguz)

App Requirements:
    Any Amiga 68k with:
        - CPU 68000 (68020+ is needed to use virtual drives)
        - 2 MB RAM
        - Kickstart 2.0+
        - HDD
        - xvs.library
GoADF! is shareware and costs 30 PLN (approx. 7 EUR/6 GBP/7 USD),
if you use it, please register at


Contents of disk/misc/GoADF.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[Amiga]                   4459    6936  64.3% -lh5- 517a Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/ADF_Device_v1.3/adf.device
[Amiga]                    578    6114   9.5% -lh5- 735f Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/ADF_Device_v1.3/
[Amiga]                   1994    4671  42.7% -lh5- 2d3b Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/ADF_Device_v1.3/
[Amiga]                   1356    1881  72.1% -lh5- 2414 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/ADF_Device_v1.3/
[Amiga]                    263     412  63.8% -lh5- 6e2a Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/ADF_Device_v1.3/IMPORTANT.readme
[Amiga]                    224     353  63.5% -lh5- c780 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/ADF_Device_v1.3/Insert.script
[Amiga]                   2395    3776  63.4% -lh5- 35b8 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/ADF_Device_v1.3/InsertDisk
[Amiga]                    156     234  66.7% -lh5- ffd9 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/ADF_Device_v1.3/Remove.script
[Amiga]                   2372    3732  63.6% -lh5- bba5 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/ADF_Device_v1.3/RemoveDisk
[Amiga]                   9519   16868  56.4% -lh5- 2286 Feb  3 10:04 GoADF/bin/checkhfe
[Amiga]                  34468   34468 100.0% -lh0- c677 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/bin/gunzip
[Amiga]                  34849   61332  56.8% -lh5- 8c67 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/bin/gzip
[Amiga]                   1041    1476  70.5% -lh5- 29a3 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/bin/stderr
[Amiga]                  17000   31572  53.8% -lh5- 23c9 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/bin/xdms
[Amiga]                      0       0 100.0% -lh0- 0000 Feb 19 16:18 GoADF/conf/directories.conf
[Amiga]                      0       0 100.0% -lh0- 0000 Feb 19 16:18 GoADF/conf/fonts.conf
[Amiga]                      0       0 100.0% -lh0- 0000 Feb 19 16:18 GoADF/conf/screen.conf
[Amiga]                  63399  216832  29.2% -lh5- 9c14 Feb 19 16:18 GoADF/GoADF
[Amiga]                    765    2449  31.2% -lh5- 1efe Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/
[Amiga]                    765    2449  31.2% -lh5- 1efe Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/icons/DonRafito/
[Amiga]                   1354    3601  37.6% -lh5- 3f79 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/icons/DonRafito/
[Amiga]                   7565    7595  99.6% -lh5- 0a24 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/icons/DonRafito/
[Amiga]                   2633    3101  84.9% -lh5- e62c Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/icons/DonRafito/
[Amiga]                   4366    4379  99.7% -lh5- ee04 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/icons/DonRafito/
[Amiga]                    146     179  81.6% -lh5- 8d71 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/icons/DonRafito/info.txt
[Amiga]                    275     722  38.1% -lh5- 9010 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/icons/Hexmage/
[Amiga]                    801    5238  15.3% -lh5- 5fb9 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/icons/Hexmage/
[Amiga]                    150     184  81.5% -lh5- 1b17 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/icons/Hexmage/info.txt
[Amiga]                    372    1078  34.5% -lh5- 8ee6 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/icons/Peceha/
[Amiga]                    130     150  86.7% -lh5- 209c Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/icons/Peceha/info.txt
[Amiga]                  30624   46148  66.4% -lh5- 52f3 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/Libs/reqtools.library
[Amiga]                  62280   62280 100.0% -lh0- dedf May 16  2004 GoADF/Libs/xvs.library
[Amiga]                    152     152 100.0% -lh0- 988e May 16  2004 GoADF/Libs/xvs.library.sig
[Amiga]                   2920    6937  42.1% -lh5- 1880 Feb 19 16:17 GoADF/ReadMe.txt
[Amiga]                    279     835  33.4% -lh5- b0f3 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/
[Amiga]                   1063    3018  35.2% -lh5- 74ca Nov 16 18:27 GoADF/splash/splash.iff
[Amiga]                      0       0 100.0% -lh0- 0000 Nov 15 16:07 GoADF/T/
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        37 files  290713  541152  53.7%            Feb 20 21:34
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