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disk/misc/FilecopyVerifyRetry-1.1.lha |
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If you've been struggling with unreliable harddrive-controllers, devices,
network protocols, or file-systems which tend to have a much too high rate
of errors, this tool may be for you.
It is an enhanced "Copy"-command, in that is is able to verify the
data written to the target file, and retry writing the data if differences
are found.
This can be especially useful when trying to copy large sized files of
100MB, 1GB or more, when small differences of a few bytes would otherwise mean
having to copy the complete file again, but this tool will only correct/append
the mismatching/missing sections of the file.
[Usage:] FilecopyVerifyRetry <sourcefile> <targetfile> [<buffer-size>] [<numberofretrys>] [<numretrysfromstart>]
This tool copys a file like the standard copy command, but
performs a compare of the written data and retrys writing it
if it mismatches with the source file.
- If the target file exists this tool will merely append the
remaining data.
- If the target file exists with equal size of the source file,
the tool will compare the data and write to the target file as
Optional parameters:
<buffer-size> (default: 100000) - Size in Bytes of the memory to use
for reading/writing. Set this to a small size (e.g. 10000) if
errors persist.
<numberofretrys> (default 100) - Number of attempts to write data of
a buffer again if it is mismatching
<numretrysfromstart> (default 0) - Number of repeats of the complete
process if mismatches were found. Use this if the target media is
very very unreliable.
1.0 Release date 30 Jan 2008
1.1 Release date 26 Jul 2010
- fixed verify with large files >1GB
The tool is Freeware, with Sourcecode included.
There is no permanent support or warranty provided for this tool.
If you discover problems, feel free to correct them in the supplied
sourcecode and release it.
Contents of disk/misc/FilecopyVerifyRetry-1.1.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 10943 18792 58.2% -lh5- fc7a Jul 26 21:19 FilecopyVerifyRetry
[generic] 1069 2167 49.3% -lh5- 45ea Jul 30 14:50 FilecopyVerifyRetry-1.1.readme
[generic] 2470 9979 24.8% -lh5- aa0a Jul 26 21:18 src/FilecopyVerifyRetry.c
[generic] 189 355 53.2% -lh5- 612f Jan 27 2008 src/Smakefile
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 4 files 14671 31293 46.9% Jul 30 21:30
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