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UPDATED: 29-JAN-97. (Happy birthday to me!) :-)
Hi, this is something I dug out after I got hold of PD Soft's
Card Games CD, and saw they claimed the cardsets could be played
directly off CD.. WRONG!! It's OK if you play it with their
version on CD, but try playing it with your own version. No go.
Anyway, I've dug out the docs for the original Klondike fix and
I decided to write a standard Commodore installer script, to make
things as easy as possible for people to use. I also changed it
a little bit so that you shouldn't have to change a thing once you
install this fix (for people who run it off a launcher like
Task Bar, Tools Daemon, whatever)....
What now follows is the original documentation from the version
I sent down to Active Software as it was destined for their
Klondike Gold, but seeing as there was some dispute between PD Soft
and Active Software and the cardsets ended up being used on their
Card Games CD, I don't think that's going to be seeing the light
of day :-( (Oh, and according to other authors of cardsets on
the CD, it's actually Chris from Active who is the baddie here,
not PD Soft... I got told otherwise by Chris.. Believe who you
like, I'm sure it'll all come out in the end!).
OK folks, just a quicky here... This is a small patch
I wrote for myself almost as soon as I got the HD version
of KLONDIKE III (ages ago in other words). It was only ever
meant for my ease of use, so I'm sorry it's a bit crap, but
I don't even pretend to be a programmer....
Anyway, what this does is a hacked-up way of letting you
use the file requester in Klondike PROPERLY! You see, at the
moment the file requester is a bit crap (sorry REKO).. It
only lets you point to the CARDS directory in the REKO dir.
But, what if you want to play the cardsets from CD? For
have cardsets unpacked on the CD. But you have to go through
the hassle of copying the cardset to the CARDS DIR on your HD.
Now you don't.
(Oops.. Had to change this bit heheh)...
All you do is run the intall script, and answer the simple
questions.... Basically you just show the installer where you
have the old version of Klondike installed, then say if you want
the old one backed up (just in case).
The only other thing it asks is if you want to have your CARDS:
and MUSIC: assigns pointing to the default locations (ie the
music and cards directories in the Klondike program directory),
and if not it asks you to pick the new directories.
Once you have done this, you will be able to play the game as
normal, but say you get a new CD with cardsets and you don't want
to have to copy them over to your HD to play them?
Well, just run the game, then point an assign to the directory
with the new cardsets in them.
For example, if you wanted to point it to the new cards on PD SOFT's
Card Games CD, you would run the game, pop back to Workbench and
game and press F to bring up the file requester.
Oh yes, this fix also applies to the music file-requester as well,
so you don't have to copy the MED tunes over to the MUSIC DIR..
I hope that makes sense?
You get the idea? Hope so..
Like I said before, I'm sorry it's a bit crap, but with REKO
apparently leaving the Amiga (NO!!!!!), it's the only way this
bug is gonna get fixed by the looks of things.. Unless some
cool programmer wants to fix it so it uses a REAL file requester?
Incidentally, in case anyone I know is wondering, I haven't bothered
releasing this through the normal channels because it's a simple fix
for an old game, so I just released it to ACTIVE SOFTWARE..
(Well, that was sort of the original docs - about 2 sentences of it!
If you don't believe me, the only other copy is lying somewhere at
Active Software heheheheheheheh)...
None that I know of. I have tested the game extensively since day one,
and the only problem I can see is if you re-assign either CARDS: or
MUSIC: and then try and use the built in prefs file (ie pressing
1-0 or shift 1-0), as it will try and load the music/cards file
based on what is set in your prefs file... Not a lot I can do about
that.. You have to re-assign the offending assign back to normal.