Complete distribution of OptyCDPlayer V2.0
- V1.0 (Jun-96)
·Initial public release.
- V1.1 (Jun-96)
·VOLTYPE tooltype added to correct problems with some exotic CD drives.
·Added 600(!) CD descriptions.
·German catalog added.
- V1.2 (Jul-96)
·Icons was in Newicon style, now they are real icons
·Rewritten some functions in assembler
·Reduced code size significantly
·Added MUI Gadget disappearing feature: when the window is too small, some
gadgets start to disappear according to their importance
·Added possibility to choose the sample file by requester
·Added preview button in sampler window, it plays CD according sliders of the
sampler window
·Rewritten randomize function (more randomized)
·Editor,Program, & sampler pages are allocated only when needed. Replacing
Register style with a Cycle was necessary for this feature.
·Fixed stupid bug with 'at start' prog: first title was played twice
- V1.3 (Jul-96)
·Now there is 1368 CD descriptions
·Added ASYNCBUFFER to suppress glitches when sampling
·Removed some scsi command failure check at initialisation and termination of
sampling function because of some drive that can but refuse these command
·Added my E-Mail address in 'About' window (Requested)
·Added config autosave, some tooltypes are now obsolete, please remove
·Added Drive Subcode in prefs
·Added Volume prefs. Note that volume is not initialized anymore to 127 ateach
start except if no config (first start)
·Added slider in player part for fast search in song
·Finally, as suggested by a lot of users, I have added possibility to put disk
descriptions in a Database, mainly because the little cd description files are
very diskspace consuming. But be careful, as it's an archive database style, I
have splitted it in many files for faster access. BTW, if HD space doesn't
really matter for you, old format is still recognized (load,save,...) and will
never be removed as it's a standard...
·Added button for 'Disk to DataBase' conversion
·Added button for 'DataBase to Disk' conversion
·Added gauge progression for DataBase manipulation and Sample save
·Added BUFMEMTYPE for DMA controllers, value: 0=ANY, 512=24BITDMA, ...
·Added possibility to ear *in real time* the sampling preview/process thru the
amiga audio channels. The replay is always 8 bits even if 16 bits save was
selected but you can play at 44.1khz if you have a screenmode with horizontal
freq >15khz, so if you use OptyCD on a PAL or NTSC screen, don't try 44100 !
Keep in mind that this mode is very cpu consuming and will give bad result on
low powered system since sampling can only be done at ~150 k/s. By the way,
you will notice that channel are not always synchronised, it's because I don't
know how to sync the 4 voices. Anybody can help me ?
·Added cycle and pref saving of the output mode (in sampling part)
·Added icons from Rudy Top
- V1.4 (Jul-96)
·Included greek catalog
·Included finnish catalog
·Catalog description is now compatible with catedit
·Included italian catalog
·Added DISKIDPATH to specify the path for disk id files
·Fixed VOLTYPE, It was not activated...
·Now value outside 1..3 range for VOLTYPE mean software volume disabled
·Removed this ugly Eject lock, I found a workaround to detect 'hard' insertion
and ejection while using my special routine for universal CDDA autodetection.
In fact, only CD drive that continue to give CD directory of the last ejected
CD will still have some problems...
·Removed skip track bug introduced with fast search bar
·Now, 'Repeat All' works for programs too
·Possibility to make 'repeat' the 'random' mode (Random must be selectedfirst)
·Now 'Start Prog' start at launch of program AND at CD insertion too
·The documentation is now in AmigaGuide format
·OptyCDPlayer should now work (specially programs) iconified, even whenstarted
·Found a way to synchronize Amiga voices, there should be no more distortion
·It is now *really* possible to insert a disk with player page not the active
·Math ieee library for AIFF not more needed...
·Possibility to start Random while playing (will be randomized at the next
track played)
·Now if ASYNCBUFFER as a value lower than 2048 then synchronous write will be
·Database now contains 1389 CD descriptions
- V1.5 (Aug-96)
·If VOLTYPE is equal to 0 then there is no volume button
·Added "Project" menu with "About", "About MUI", and "Quit"
·About button has been removed
·Added "Preferences" menu with "Save", and "MUI"
·Player configuration saving is not made at the end of program anymore, please
use Preferences/Save menu to save config
·"Introscan" & "Random" gadgets are now checkmark type gadgets
·"Repeat" is now a cycle gadget
·All combinations between Repeat, Introscan, and Random should now be possible
·"A-B" button changed
·Optimized a little bit the sampling routine
·Added Atapi sampling command, please report me if you drive works with it(try
it even if it's an SCSI...)
·Status bar removed and replaced by graphical items
·The first page of the player now react to up/down keys, they play next/prev
title in the list by changing the list active title
·Play/Stop/Next/Previous/Forward/Rewind/Eject commands react to shortkeys
defined by tooltypes (see tooltypes part).
·Changed a little bit the .guide location for online help and multiple
·Included Danish catalog and documentation
·Added DiskNote.rexx (c) by Niels Bache
·Added FILENOTE tooltype to add filecomment with diskfiles when saved
·Database now contains 1499 CD descriptions
- V1.6 (Sep-96)
·IFF8SVX STEREO saving should now works with Amiga output activated
·Included Polish catalog
·Updated Italian catalog
·Updated German catalog
·Updated Norvegian catalog
·Updated Finnish catalog
·Fixed a bug while saving 8bits with Output switched to CD
·Added Italian guide
·New Disknote.rexx
·Repeat, Random, and IntroScan now reflect the config correctly
·Added capability to configure position of gadget groups at the player page by
using 'Preferences/Edit Mode' menuitem and drag&drop.
·Now OptyCDPlayer test if it's a real CDRom drive on the selected unit
·Reworked the guide a little bit
·Included more informations about me
·Included Swedish catalog
·Database now contains 2464 CD descriptions
- V1.7 (Oct-96) (Not Released!)
·Forgot to mention for the precedent version that the sampling routine hasbeen
a little bit modified in the expectation of more tolerance with somedrives,
unfortunately this significantly slow down the sampling...
·Asynchronous write routine enhanced
·Removed Disknote.rexx (obsolete, use FILENOTE tooltype instead)
·Added support for YACDP diskfiles format (see YACDP tooltype), unfortunately
there is no possibility to convert from this format to MCD format or the
database format excepted when the corresponding CD is inserted, to say that
'YACDPDisks->DB' and 'DB->YACDPDisks' can't be made.
·Added in the About window the number of CDs contained in the database
·Forgot to close Catalog file at exit
·Added function to merge 2 DataBases (TitleEditor/MergeDB)
·Added Database viewer (TitleEditor/DBViewer)
·Added STOP Tooltype for stop command alternative
·Added INVERTEDTIME Tooltype for those who don't have a correct time count
·Removed Subcode choice in Sampling part because I got no report about value
other than zero
·Added GADGETPATH tooltype, now you're able to use your own gadgets for Play,
Eject, Stop, ...
·Added "Tiny" gadgets (use GADGETPATH=progdir:gadgets/tiny)
·Added full support for "cd.device" from commodore, but this device has some
severe limitations:
.Playing must be stopped when exiting
.Sampling is not supported
.Can't do my hack for controllers that ignore diskchanges (like mine)
.Volume is global (no balance)
.Can't verify the device type due to a big bug in the squirrel/cd.device
Use CDDEVICE tooltype to activate it
·Added time field in the title lists
·Lists are now NLists (with horizontal scrollbar)
·Playlist weight is now saved in prefs
·Database contains 2518 CD descriptions
- V1.8 (Nov-96)
·All tooltypes options can now be configured thru the new preferences page
·Error messages are displayed in requester wherever possible
·Player can be started even with an unvalid device, in this case it
automatically switch to the preference page
·Preferences can be changed at run time
·Removed ALL tooltypes because they are not more needed
·Added german guide
·Fixed path bug with play16
·Now, when pressing play button, and there is an active track in the list,
playing will be started at this track
·Data tracks are shown in a different way in the lists
·Added AREXX interface
·Entirely reworked this guide, added smartwrapping, indentation, fx, ...
Should still render well with 2.0 but not (yet) with HTDS!
·Added AREXX script examples
·ShortKeys are now possible (thru catalogs) with buttons and togglebuttons
·Added Slovak catalog
·Database contains 2525 CD descriptions
- V1.9 (Dec-96)
·AHI device is now used for realtime audio output! It's slower than my original
routine but now there is support for 14bits output and 16bits soundcards...
·Removed RAW formats
·Removed Stereo 8SVX (too compulsive)
·Forgot the LUN and SCSI card number possibility in the preference page...
·DB2Disk did not work properly, only the first id of each DB files was
extracted (very stupid mistake)
·Data tracks was not correctly detected in some circumstance
·OptyCDPlayer is now able to know the actual volume status and the affected
channels of your drive (if your drive can support volume). So that, voltype is
not more needed, excepted to disable volume control...
·Format of the DataBase files has changed, it's now an IFF file
·Made an external tool to convert the old database format to the new IFF one
·Added 'ADDR' chunk to the database format. It contains the start block of
each tracks + the end block of the CD. This chunk will be useful to know the
duration time of each CD track in the Database viewer...
·Removed some enforcer hits from the Database viewer
·Added Mono and Stereo AIFC
·I figured out that Play16 don't recognize AIFC format, so I've to handle it
by myself then give it as a raw sample to play16
·Added spanish catalog
·Added another useful tool called 'CDIDRepair' made for repairing all mutant
diskID files
·Corrected 'edit mode' checkmark-menu behaviour
·Config search/creation tries are made in these directories: "ProgDir:",
"ENVARC:", "S:", "ENV:"
·Added CDID field onto the Title editor page
·Actual playing title field is updated when changing its name
·Started another project: OptyFileManager
·Added ATO information guide
·Database contains 2841 (corrected) CD descriptions
- V2.0 (May-97)
·Added 'Replace' option when adding to Database an already existing ID, if off
the already existing entry will not be overwritten. Not replacing significantly
increase ID addition speed...
·The default name for device is now ????.device (was: scsi.device)
·Added AutoShow option: when an *Audio* CD is inserted the interface is
·Added AutoPlay option: when an *Audio* CD is inserted, it will play
·Memtype was not correctly saved
·Play list become the default object (ie: controlable even if there is no
active object)
·Added the choice to different PLAY commands, if your drive support PLAY12
then please use it, because it fit best with the player...
·Added a patch to volume function for the drives that are failing when the
volume is lowered...
·Added 'Tolerant' option, when activated the player will not take care about
some things (mainly readerrors) returned by your CD drive...
·Replaced String gadget for shortkeys by popkey gadgets in the prefs page
·Added 'Alarm' option
·Introscan has now the possibility to start from a certain position on the
·asyncio.library is now used instead of my own IO functions
·Audio realtime can again be disabled while saving
·Reintroduced PCM (raw) format saving
·Added MPEG2 Layer2 (mono/stereo) saving
·Audio realtime is automatically disabled while saving MPEG files, because
MPEG take approx 30x realtime (30s for 1s) with mono saving on 68030/82/50
·Added AIFF-ADPCM4 saving (AudioConvert by S.Tavenard included and needed)
·MPEG and ADPCM4 samples are replayed thru SongPlayer (not included) by
Stéphane Tavenard.
·Docs and catalogs updated. History is now outside the guides.
·Features of AHI4 are now used (so AHI4 is needed), audio prefs are now set
thru AHI prefs...
·Tolerant mode work better when desactivated: it now retries when encounting an
error instead of automatically aborting sampling
·Suppressed 'clicks' sampling bug.
·Negative cd counts work better (pause between tracks).
·No traductions in this release (excepted french catalog) since ATO doesn't
·MPEG encoder is 030/FPU more versions will follow...
·Database contains 4250 CD descriptions
- V2.1 (Sep-97)
·Here are the 040 and 060 versions
·Catalogs and Guides are back!
·My snail mail address and tel. are no more valid, removed!
·E-Mail still valid...
·Database contains 5352 CD descriptions
·Don't expect further dev. on this program since I've other projects