The Hidden Truth - A Multimedia UFO/Paranormal/Sci-Fi/Science Encyclopedia
Thank you for downloading the Hidden Truth preview pack 1. In here, you'll
find several bits of artwork, and screen grabs of the CDROM. You'll find
both the front and back covers, and several examples of the menus, so you
have an idea what is included on the CD.
After well over a year in production, we are pleased to annouce that
'THE HIDDEN TRUTH' is now available, and ready for dispatch!!
This is a brand new high-quality CDROM title, created over the past 18 months in
conjunction with some of the World's leading UFO and paranormal experts.
It includes over 640MB of information about UFOs, Aliens, the Paranormal and
Science-Fiction etc.
It is compatible with ALL major computer platforms, as the CD is entirely
constructed in HTML3+ and the CD is in ISO9660 format. This format is
compatible with most computers (Mac owners will have to make sure they
have 'ISO9660' Extension in their extensions drawer to be able to read the CD).
Amiga owners are especially well catered for, by the inclusion of specially
set-up browser software.
If you would like to read more about the CD, please visit our site:
Macintosh - 8meg RAM min, ISO9660 Extension, and System7 or later.
IBM/PC - 8meg RAM min, Windows95 recommended.
Amiga - 4meg RAM min, Workbench 3 or later.
Others - Any machine with a Browser, that is able to read ISO9660 CD's.
Web Browsers are supplied for Mac/PC/Amiga's.
£25.00 UK Pounds Sterling (special Internet price - a saving of 5 Pounds off
the recommended price!) available to people who
We are now able to ship this CDROM World-Wide. The price for The Hidden Truth
is only £25.00 (25.00 British Pounds Sterling) which INCLUDES Postage/Shipping
and packaging anywhere in the World.
If you would like to see what £25.00 UK Pounds Sterling is in your currency,
I recommend you visit:
To see the latest exchange rates from any currency.
We accept orders in a number of ways, which include:
On-Line Orderform:
This is the prefered and easiest method! If you have a major credit card
(VISA, Access, Mastercard etc.) Please feel free to use our on-line
orderform and fill in all your relevant details. The address for the
orderform is:
Email your Card details:
You can also email your credit card details to us at:
Telephone your order with your credit card:
Telephone us on +44 (0)1263 722169 (United Kingdom)
Snail Mail/Postal:
If you would like to order via good old-fashioned snail mail with your credit
card details, cheque for Pounds Sterling or an International Money Order etc,
here are our details:
SAdENESS Software
13 Russell Terrace,
NR11 8LJ
If you have any questions or problems, please do not hesitate to contact us!
Thanks for the interest you have shown in our products, and I hope you enjoy
this preview pack!
Kristian Phillips / SAdENESS Software.