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New in version 1.12:
- freeware version for all Amigans
- some bugfixes
- new email address :-))
- last and most complete non-MUI version
- miscellaneous display and SCSI related bug fixes and minor refinements
- included Swedish, Spanish and Italian catalogs
New in version 1.08:
- English and Hungarian install scripts included
- main font redrawn completely
- Danish and Polish catalogs added (thanks to Philip Marquard and Marcin
- catalog description file included -> various translations are welcome :)
- improvement: asynchronous eject/load implemented (you can now open the door
when it hasn't even closed yet!!!)
- bugfix: fade out is logarithmic, if Log. volume is set in prefs
(thanks, Catboy :-)
- minor bug fixed in OpenGroovyPlayerCatalog() function
- minor bugfix in tape code (data tracks are not displayed any longer)
- two Enforcer hits fixed - these would occur when an unknown disc
is inserted :((
- multimedia CD bugs fixed (SCSI ERROR was sent sometimes when trying
to play a data track -> now GroovyPlayer completely ignores any
data tracks)
- quit signaling mechanism fixed (sigh... this system will change
completely in V2.0)
- bugfix: Mac HFS discs are not recognized as audio CD's any longer
- bugfix: process semaphore handling (some race conditions resolved).
Some features:
· Supports standard SCSI-2 and ATAPI drives
· All standard CD player functions including play/pause, skip, search,
stop, eject and random track access
· Nice front-end that adapts to your screen depth and palette (a la Empy...)
· Track list including name of author, CD title and track titles,
compatible with MCDPlayer (so you can use your saved list files)
· Double-clicking on a track name in the List window will start playing
that track
· 'Smart List' switch enables the user to program the player from the
list window, which appears and disappears automagically as discs are
· List window shows the number and length of the track selected/being
· Support for multimedia CD's (compact discs with data track(s) and
at least one audio track)
· Adjustable volume (256 levels) and balance (left/right 0% to 100%)
· Logarithmic volume option (for smoother and faster control)
· Mute function (3 selectable gain levels)
· Random shuffle
· Repeat mode (repeat all tracks, programmed tracks or tape selection)
· Intro mode (listen to the first x seconds of each track)
· Fade out (immediately or at the end of the intro)
· Program mode (max. 100 tracks; recall button for retrieving finished
· Tape mode (selectable/user definable tape length (like C-60 or C-90),
layout tracks to side A/B of tape)
· Adjustable preferences with various settings
· Informative LCD-like display including current track and index, track
numbers, titles, several time counters and a status indicator LED
· Programmed entirely in MC68020 assembly (fast!)
Listing of archive 'GroovyPlayer.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
129201 99918 22.6% 07-Dec-98 22:04:16 GroovyPlayer_reg/CDTitles.lzx
2104 1046 50.2% 07-Dec-98 22:04:20 GroovyPlayer_reg/ENVARC/GroovyPlayer.info
264 40 84.8% 07-Dec-98 22:04:20 GroovyPlayer_reg/Fonts/GroovyPlayerLCD.font
404 215 46.7% 07-Dec-98 22:04:20 GroovyPlayer_reg/Fonts/GroovyPlayerLCD/8
264 41 84.4% 07-Dec-98 22:04:20 GroovyPlayer_reg/Fonts/GroovyPlayerMain.font
3324 1714 48.4% 07-Dec-98 22:04:20 GroovyPlayer_reg/Fonts/GroovyPlayerMain/12
8158 1925 76.4% 13-Jan-99 14:49:12 GroovyPlayer_reg/Groovy_Install_E
8169 2057 74.8% 13-Jan-99 14:49:44 GroovyPlayer_reg/Groovy_Install_M
145788 33610 76.9% 13-Jan-99 14:27:42 GroovyPlayer_reg/GroovyPlayer
2104 1059 49.6% 13-Jan-99 14:27:40 GroovyPlayer_reg/GroovyPlayer.info
34469 13570 60.6% 13-Jan-99 15:48:32 GroovyPlayer_reg/GroovyPlayer_E.guide
38052 15811 58.4% 13-Jan-99 15:47:58 GroovyPlayer_reg/GroovyPlayer_M.guide
1289 546 57.6% 07-Dec-98 22:04:18 GroovyPlayer_reg/Install GroovyPlayer.info
1125 670 40.4% 13-Jan-99 14:36:42 GroovyPlayer_reg/Itt a GroovyPlayer!
2118 1105 47.8% 07-Dec-98 22:04:18 GroovyPlayer_reg/Itt a GroovyPlayer!.info
1780 890 50.0% 07-Dec-98 22:04:20 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/Dansk/GroovyPlayer.catalog
1868 953 48.9% 07-Dec-98 22:04:20 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/deutsch/GroovyPlayer.catalog
1830 906 50.4% 07-Dec-98 22:04:20 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/ESPANOL/GroovyPlayer.catalog
1834 904 50.7% 07-Dec-98 22:04:20 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/français/GroovyPlayer.catalog
8270 1434 82.6% 07-Dec-98 22:04:18 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/GroovyPlayer.cd
1892 938 50.4% 07-Dec-98 22:04:18 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/italiano/GroovyPlayer.catalog
1832 951 48.0% 07-Dec-98 22:04:18 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/magyar/GroovyPlayer.catalog
1790 886 50.5% 07-Dec-98 22:04:18 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/nederlands/GroovyPlayer.catalog
1874 979 47.7% 07-Dec-98 22:04:18 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/polski/GroovyPlayer.catalog
1810 910 49.7% 07-Dec-98 22:04:18 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/Svenska/GroovyPlayer.catalog
8270 1434 82.6% 07-Dec-98 22:04:18 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/GroovyPlayer.cd
198 154 22.2% 13-Jan-99 15:39:02 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/README.ESPANOL
422 83 80.3% 13-Jan-99 14:28:38 GroovyPlayer_reg/Prefs/GroovyPlayer.prefs
1288 543 57.8% 07-Dec-98 22:04:18 GroovyPlayer_reg/Telepítsd a GroovyPlayert.info
1246 714 42.6% 13-Jan-99 14:46:36 GroovyPlayer_reg/Welcome to GroovyPlayer!
2118 1104 47.8% 07-Dec-98 22:04:18 GroovyPlayer_reg/Welcome to GroovyPlayer!.info
5887 2543 56.8% 17-Jan-99 20:02:20 GroovyPlayer.readme
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
421042 189653 54.9% 17-Jan-99 20:02:28 32 files
Contents of disk/cdrom/GroovyPlayer.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 2538 6589 38.5% -lh5- c8c5 Jan 17 1999 GroovyPlayer.readme
[generic] 173347 173347 100.0% -lh0- 11b2 Jan 21 1999 GroovyPlayer_reg/CDTitles.lha
[generic] 1046 2104 49.7% -lh5- 5027 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/ENVARC/GroovyPlayer.info
[generic] 40 264 15.2% -lh5- 124f Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Fonts/GroovyPlayerLCD.font
[generic] 215 404 53.2% -lh5- fdf9 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Fonts/GroovyPlayerLCD/8
[generic] 41 264 15.5% -lh5- bc22 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Fonts/GroovyPlayerMain.font
[generic] 1714 3324 51.6% -lh5- edcc Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Fonts/GroovyPlayerMain/12
[generic] 1843 7921 23.3% -lh5- 1ad3 Jan 21 1999 GroovyPlayer_reg/Groovy_Install_E
[generic] 1976 7944 24.9% -lh5- bc4c Jan 21 1999 GroovyPlayer_reg/Groovy_Install_M
[generic] 33610 145788 23.1% -lh5- 4c2c Jan 13 1999 GroovyPlayer_reg/GroovyPlayer
[generic] 1059 2104 50.3% -lh5- 5aa2 Jan 13 1999 GroovyPlayer_reg/GroovyPlayer.info
[generic] 13570 34469 39.4% -lh5- a3d8 Jan 13 1999 GroovyPlayer_reg/GroovyPlayer_E.guide
[generic] 15811 38052 41.6% -lh5- defb Jan 13 1999 GroovyPlayer_reg/GroovyPlayer_M.guide
[generic] 546 1289 42.4% -lh5- bc79 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Install GroovyPlayer.info
[generic] 670 1125 59.6% -lh5- 1291 Jan 13 1999 GroovyPlayer_reg/Itt a GroovyPlayer!
[generic] 1105 2118 52.2% -lh5- 9289 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Itt a GroovyPlayer!.info
[generic] 890 1780 50.0% -lh5- 8408 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/Dansk/GroovyPlayer.catalog
[generic] 953 1868 51.0% -lh5- b03d Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/deutsch/GroovyPlayer.catalog
[generic] 906 1830 49.5% -lh5- d3d9 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/ESPANOL/GroovyPlayer.catalog
[generic] 904 1834 49.3% -lh5- e6eb Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/français/GroovyPlayer.catalog
[generic] 1434 8270 17.3% -lh5- a006 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/GroovyPlayer.cd
[generic] 938 1892 49.6% -lh5- e740 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/italiano/GroovyPlayer.catalog
[generic] 951 1832 51.9% -lh5- b22d Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/magyar/GroovyPlayer.catalog
[generic] 886 1790 49.5% -lh5- 5a64 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/nederlands/GroovyPlayer.catalog
[generic] 979 1874 52.2% -lh5- fbb5 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/polski/GroovyPlayer.catalog
[generic] 910 1810 50.3% -lh5- 2763 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/Catalogs/Svenska/GroovyPlayer.catalog
[generic] 1434 8270 17.3% -lh5- a006 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/GroovyPlayer.cd
[generic] 154 198 77.8% -lh5- 2ae1 Jan 13 1999 GroovyPlayer_reg/Locale/README.ESPANOL
[generic] 83 422 19.7% -lh5- ba5a Jan 13 1999 GroovyPlayer_reg/Prefs/GroovyPlayer.prefs
[generic] 543 1288 42.2% -lh5- b2b5 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Telepítsd a GroovyPlayert.info
[generic] 714 1246 57.3% -lh5- f872 Jan 13 1999 GroovyPlayer_reg/Welcome to GroovyPlayer!
[generic] 1104 2118 52.1% -lh5- a2b8 Dec 7 1998 GroovyPlayer_reg/Welcome to GroovyPlayer!.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 32 files 262914 465428 56.5% Jan 22 1999
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