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Short:BOOPSI pop-up, cycle and button gadget
Author: tanti at (Massimo Tantignone)
Uploader:tanti intercom it (Massimo Tantignone)
Requires:AmigaOS 3.0+
Download:dev/gui/select_gc.lha - View contents

select.gadget 40.18 (7.1.2001) by Massimo Tantignone

The select.gadget is a shared library which, when opened, adds to the system
a public BOOPSI gadget class called "selectgclass". This class implements a
button-like selection gadget, with features similar to those of a traditional
GadTools cycle gadget, but with the additional ability to open, when pressed,
a pop-up menu which allows the user to pick his choice more easily.

The look and behavior of the gadget and its pop-up menu can be configured
using the attribute tags of the class.

The library is freeware; if you use it, you are allowed to distribute it
with your software.

Some highlights:

- A delay can be set for the appearance of the pop-up menu, allowing for a
  gadget which reacts like a normal cycle gadget upon "quick" clicks, and
  like a pop-up gadget if the mouse button is kept pressed a little longer.

- The pop-up menu can appear and disappear with a vertical "zoom" effect
  whose duration is configurable.

- The gadget can be programmatically activated, for instance to make it
  react to a keypress.

- Once opened, the pop-up menu can be controlled by keyboard.

- It is optionally possible to have a "sticky" pop-up menu which remains
  open when the mouse button is released.

- The gadget can be made "quiet", that is, the currently selected item can be
  not displayed. Useful to attach a small pop-up button to string gadgets.

- The gadget can be configured to always behave like a cycle gadget, and
  even like a plain button gadget.

- The gadget can broadcast changes in its value to target objects via the
  BOOPSI notification system.

- All changes done with SetGadgetAttrsA() to the gadget's position, size
  and look are visually executed in real-time.

- The gadget's dispatcher is able to swap the stack when needed.

- The gadget can be added to requesters and window borders.

- The pop-up menu can have a drop shadow.

- The gadget's "pop-up" symbol can be placed at the left side, at the right
  side, or it can also not appear at all; its width is also configurable.
  The gadget's default imagery for the symbol is fully scalable, and it can
  be replaced by the application with a custom image.

- The default values for unspecified attributes can be globally set by the
  user with an ASCII preferences file; the changes are applied in real-time
  (to gadgets created afterwards) via file notification.

Furthermore, the library offers some functions which allow to "transform"
a normal gadget into a custom gadget having (almost) the same features of
the "selectgclass" gadgets.

This way it's possible, for example, to create GadTools GENERIC_KIND gadgets
and turn them into pop-up gadgets, obtaining all the benefits of this type
of gadgets while also keeping the benefits of the GadTools automatic gadget
creation (and deletion) system.

Lastly, this gadget class supports VisualPrefs and takes full advantage of
the graphic enhancements it brings to the system.

Changes since version 40.17:

· Added support for some new V44 tags: GA_ReadOnly, GA_ActivateKey,
  GA_TextAttr and GA_Underscore.

· Now the gadget can be programmatically activated via ActivateGadget().

· Now the pop-up menu can be controlled by keyboard.

· Since many people asked for this, now the gadget no longer adjusts
  the pop-up menu's vertical position when the user clicks on its top
  or bottom edge (used to do this in order to always place the active
  item under the mouse pointer).

· Now the disabled ghosting pattern also covers the gadget's edges.

· Fixed an horrible bug that caused the gadget's image to be drawn at
  a completely wrong position when the gadget had a negative vertical

· Fixed a bug which caused pop-up panels using direct bitmap rendering
  to appear incomplete and/or corrupted when opening near to the upper
  left corner of the screen.

· Fixed a bug which caused the disabled dithering to sometimes erase
  the underlying gadget label.

· Improved the example programs with support for keyboard selection
  and for the new read-only feature.

· Oops, it seems I never bothered to state who I am in the guide... ;-)
  Now finally added some author information.

Changes since version 40.16:

· Now the pop-up menu panel shows a real drop shadow (not dithered)
  on hicolor and truecolor screens.

· Now the pop-up menu panel can have a transparency effect on hicolor
  and truecolor screens.

· The background is visible again through corners of the menu panel
  when the "round edges" option of VisualPrefs is active.


Massimo Tantignone
Via Campagnoli, 4
28100 Novara (NO)


Contents of dev/gui/select_gc.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                15934   26868  59.3% -lh5- 65cf Jan 21  2001 select_gc/Classes/Gadgets/select.gadget
[generic]                  161     270  59.6% -lh5- 03e0 Jun 15  2000 select_gc/Env-Archive/Gadgets/select.prefs
[generic]                  287     715  40.1% -lh5- c4bf May 12  1998 select_gc/include/clib/selectgadget_protos.h
[generic]                  717    2266  31.6% -lh5- 1e2d Jun 15  2000 select_gc/include/gadgets/select.h
[generic]                  177     462  38.3% -lh5- 3bb5 May 12  1998 select_gc/include/pragmas/selectgadget_pragmas.h
[generic]                  139     210  66.2% -lh5- 0fc9 May 12  1998 select_gc/include/proto/selectgadget.h
[generic]                 1425    4810  29.6% -lh5- 99dd May 26  1998 select_gc/Install
[generic]                  344     681  50.5% -lh5- a2fc May 26  1998 select_gc/
[generic]                 1032    2552  40.4% -lh5- b3a5 Jan 19  2001 select_gc/ReadMe.user
[generic]                  213     464  45.9% -lh5- fa59 May 26  1998 select_gc/
[generic]                15055   49437  30.5% -lh5- 8ef4 Jan 22  2001 select_gc/select.doc
[generic]                  212     464  45.7% -lh5- d1c3 May 16  1998 select_gc/
[generic]                15737   52649  29.9% -lh5- f1b4 Jan 22  2001 select_gc/
[generic]                  226     468  48.3% -lh5- 4040 May 26  1998 select_gc/
[generic]                  207     324  63.9% -lh5- 4b78 May 12  1998 select_gc/selectgadget_cl.fd
[generic]                 4091    6732  60.8% -lh5- 3539 Jan 22  2001 select_gc/SelGadgTest
[generic]                 3065   12745  24.0% -lh5- 26a0 Jan 22  2001 select_gc/SelGadgTest.c
[generic]                  227     464  48.9% -lh5- 7624 May 26  1998 select_gc/
[generic]                  188     454  41.4% -lh5- 6879 May 26  1998 select_gc/
[generic]                 4152    6608  62.8% -lh5- ca80 Jan 22  2001 select_gc/SGCustomTest
[generic]                 2986   10613  28.1% -lh5- 7f94 Jan 22  2001 select_gc/SGCustomTest.c
[generic]                  223     464  48.1% -lh5- 6d26 May 26  1998 select_gc/
[generic]                  191     454  42.1% -lh5- 5764 May 26  1998 select_gc/
[generic]                  411    1220  33.7% -lh5- 93c8 Jan 22  2001
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        24 files   67400  182394  37.0%            Jan 23  2001
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