84782 packages online
dev/gui/gui4cli-update.lha |
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A few words from the uploader
For some reason or another, the last known version
of Gui4Cli has never been uploaded to Aminet. So I
really thought it was high time this was done.
Here's what to do with the included file(s):
As a User: Just copy the Gui and Gui4Cli files to
the C: directory of your system partition.
As a Developer: For creating your own G4C programs,
I will suggest that you first download & install the
full Gui4Cli package, then copy the included newer
Gui4Cli executable into the main Gui4Cli drawer (so
that it overwrites the old file). The full package
can be found here on Aminet: dev/gui/gui4cli.lha
Amiga G4C site: http://gui4cli.com/ami/gcmain.htm
Main changes for Version 3.8.5 (June 2000)
- New BRANCH command (like GOSUB, but it does not return)
- New LVDel SELECTED keyword
- xAppIcon space character bugfix
- LVGo, LVSearch & LVFind now sets the listview's variable
Program description :
Gui4Cli is an easy interpreted language for constructing
great looking GUIs with which you can (among many other
things) control other programs by issuing AmigaDos and
ARexx commands.
You just write a text file, and run it - No compilers,
libraries, or programming knowledge are needed.
Gui4Cli remains in memory and runs these GUIs that you
construct. You can run as many GUIs as your memory
allows, all from one instance of Gui4Cli.
The GUIs are visually editable, and the language has
powerful features such as Directory and DataBase
listviews, maths abilities, C extensions, many types of
variables, and much much more..
Gui4Cli is FreeWare.
D. Keletsekis
Highlights of previous versions
Version 3.8.4
- The MAKESCREEN specification has been extended
- New internal variables
- Various bugfixes
Version 3.8.3
- New LVPOS command
- Some bugfixes
Version 3.8.2
- Compound variables
- A few improvements and bugfixes
Version 3.8.1
- Nine bugfixes
- Check out the main Gui4Cli archive..
About this readme file
The information included in this file is based upon
various documentation written by D. Keletsekis
Contents of dev/gui/gui4cli-update.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic] 272 628 43.3% -lh5- fd11 Feb 21 01:14 Gui4Cli.info
[generic] 2757 6761 40.8% -lh5- 63e7 Jun 27 2000 Gui4Cli/Changes
[generic] 3001 4528 66.3% -lh5- bae9 Jun 15 1999 Gui4Cli/Gui
[generic] 93400 162800 57.4% -lh5- 6312 Jun 27 2000 Gui4Cli/Gui4Cli
[generic] 1291 2894 44.6% -lh5- 5af9 Feb 21 00:41 Gui4Cli/Gui4Cli-update.readme
[generic] 1275 2705 47.1% -lh5- cfd7 Jan 18 2000 Gui4Cli/VarVar
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 6 files 101996 180316 56.6% Feb 21 16:23
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