84782 packages online
dev/gui/gtdrag3_5.lha |
No screenshot available
Short: | Enhances gadtools/boopsi with Drag&Drop |
Author: | axeld bigfoot.de (Axel Dörfler) |
Uploader: | adoerfle uni-osnabrueck de (Axel Dörfler) |
Type: | dev/gui |
Architecture: | m68k-amigaos |
Date: | 1999-09-04 |
Replaces: | dev/gui/gtdrag3_4.lha |
Download: | dev/gui/gtdrag3_5.lha - View contents | Readme: | dev/gui/gtdrag3_5.readme |
Downloads: | 683 |
The gtdrag.library provides the possibility of the
drag&drop-feature for gadtools-applications and
custom gadgets (also called BOOPSI-gadgets).
Version: gtdrag.library 3.5 (25.8.99)
It provides methods to make drag&drop between different
applications possible and simple. Furthermore it includes
additional listview callback hooks and a IFF streaming
Example sources are included.
See the documentation for the whole bunch of changes.
This is a complete rework of the whole library. It's
not really backwards compatible due to design errors
in older versions (prior to v3).
A v2 application won't have drag&drop any more.
Copyright ©1996-99 pinc Software, Axel Dörfler.
All Rights Reserved.
========================= Archive contents ==========================
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
54742 15478 71.7% 02-Sep-99 00:26:42 gtdrag/gtdrag.guide
10260 3530 65.5% 06-Jul-99 23:51:46 gtdrag/include/libraries/gtdrag.i
1494 383 74.3% 02-Jun-99 23:36:26 gtdrag/include/lvo/gtdrag_lib.i
1944 454 76.6% 28-Jun-99 22:08:50 gtdrag/include/pragmas/gtdrag_pragmas.h
20568 11445 44.3% 25-Aug-99 14:29:04 gtdrag/libs/gtdrag.library
624 244 60.8% 07-Jun-99 22:57:38 gtdrag/examples.info
1267 495 60.9% 02-Jun-99 23:33:52 gtdrag/fd/gtdrag_lib.fd
482 240 50.2% 07-Jun-99 22:58:04 gtdrag/gtdrag.guide.info
2643 836 68.3% 06-Jul-99 23:52:02 gtdrag/include/clib/gtdrag_protos.h
10195 3526 65.4% 06-Jul-99 23:51:40 gtdrag/include/libraries/gtdrag.h
180 125 30.5% 20-Oct-96 16:30:16 gtdrag/include/proto/gtdrag.h
306 185 39.5% 07-Jun-99 22:57:36 gtdrag/examples/boopsi.c.info
450 180 60.0% 07-Jun-99 22:57:36 gtdrag/examples/boopsi.info
450 176 60.8% 07-Jun-99 22:57:36 gtdrag/examples/dragtest.info
5916 3798 35.8% 07-Jun-99 23:07:02 gtdrag/examples/treetest
12911 4319 66.5% 07-Jun-99 23:06:58 gtdrag/examples/treetest.c
306 192 37.2% 07-Jun-99 22:57:36 gtdrag/examples/treetest.c.info
624 253 59.4% 01-Jul-99 00:57:58 gtdrag.info
5740 3693 35.6% 03-Jun-99 01:07:24 gtdrag/examples/boopsi
16317 5124 68.5% 07-Jun-99 22:49:44 gtdrag/examples/boopsi.c
5680 3287 42.1% 01-Jul-99 00:55:20 gtdrag/examples/dragtest
11680 3349 71.3% 01-Jul-99 00:55:14 gtdrag/examples/dragtest.c
306 189 38.2% 07-Jun-99 22:57:36 gtdrag/examples/dragtest.c.info
450 178 60.4% 07-Jun-99 22:57:36 gtdrag/examples/treetest.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
165535 61679 62.7% 02-Sep-99 00:29:36 24 files
Contents of dev/gui/gtdrag3_5.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 15478 54742 28.3% -lh5- 6a2d Sep 2 1999 gtdrag/gtdrag.guide
[generic] 3530 10260 34.4% -lh5- 4162 Jul 6 1999 gtdrag/include/libraries/gtdrag.i
[generic] 383 1494 25.6% -lh5- 1dd1 Jun 2 1999 gtdrag/include/lvo/gtdrag_lib.i
[generic] 454 1944 23.4% -lh5- 52f7 Jun 28 1999 gtdrag/include/pragmas/gtdrag_pragmas.h
[generic] 11445 20568 55.6% -lh5- 9cfa Aug 25 1999 gtdrag/libs/gtdrag.library
[generic] 244 624 39.1% -lh5- 154b Jun 7 1999 gtdrag/examples.info
[generic] 495 1267 39.1% -lh5- d99c Jun 2 1999 gtdrag/fd/gtdrag_lib.fd
[generic] 240 482 49.8% -lh5- 6e47 Jun 7 1999 gtdrag/gtdrag.guide.info
[generic] 836 2643 31.6% -lh5- d30b Jul 6 1999 gtdrag/include/clib/gtdrag_protos.h
[generic] 3526 10195 34.6% -lh5- 7d58 Jul 6 1999 gtdrag/include/libraries/gtdrag.h
[generic] 125 180 69.4% -lh5- 66fc Oct 20 1996 gtdrag/include/proto/gtdrag.h
[generic] 185 306 60.5% -lh5- d380 Jun 7 1999 gtdrag/examples/boopsi.c.info
[generic] 180 450 40.0% -lh5- 4630 Jun 7 1999 gtdrag/examples/boopsi.info
[generic] 176 450 39.1% -lh5- 4b96 Jun 7 1999 gtdrag/examples/dragtest.info
[generic] 3798 5916 64.2% -lh5- 1c0b Jun 7 1999 gtdrag/examples/treetest
[generic] 4319 12911 33.5% -lh5- c8b7 Jun 7 1999 gtdrag/examples/treetest.c
[generic] 192 306 62.7% -lh5- 3325 Jun 7 1999 gtdrag/examples/treetest.c.info
[generic] 253 624 40.5% -lh5- 2671 Jul 1 1999 gtdrag.info
[generic] 3693 5740 64.3% -lh5- 2067 Jun 3 1999 gtdrag/examples/boopsi
[generic] 5124 16317 31.4% -lh5- 9ba1 Jun 7 1999 gtdrag/examples/boopsi.c
[generic] 3287 5680 57.9% -lh5- 162b Jul 1 1999 gtdrag/examples/dragtest
[generic] 3349 11680 28.7% -lh5- e565 Jul 1 1999 gtdrag/examples/dragtest.c
[generic] 189 306 61.8% -lh5- 308e Jun 7 1999 gtdrag/examples/dragtest.c.info
[generic] 178 450 39.6% -lh5- b245 Jun 7 1999 gtdrag/examples/treetest.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 24 files 61679 165535 37.3% Sep 3 1999
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