84782 packages online
dev/gui/TextWin.lha |
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A new tool for DOS script writers
Requirements: MagicUserInterface (MUI)
WB 2.x and up
(not tested on 3.1)
For AmigaDOS script use only
Description: When called from a script, TextWin will open a scrolling,
sizeable window on the screen. The window displays text
from a text file on the disk.
Usages: TextWin is a quick, convenient way for script writers to
display help text on the screen, while their script is
running. It can also be used as a general purpose file
reader. The window iconifies to the WB screen for instant
Distribution: Freeware, copyright 1994 by BOTH Software.
AmigaGuide documentation, demonstration scripts, and the source
files are included. TextWin was written as an adjunct to MUInt,
a program that defines, displays and controls a MUI GUI from a
DOS Script. MUInt will be released in December 1994.
LhA Evaluation V1.38 - Copyright (c) 1991,92 Stefan Boberg.
All rights reserved. Not for commercial use.
Listing of archive 'TextWin.lha':
Original Packed Ratio Date Time Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- -------- -------------
9441 1560 83.4% 05-Dec-94 21:34:18 TextWin.info
1303 582 55.3% 06-Dec-94 22:23:38 +demo.body
324 241 25.6% 06-Dec-94 22:35:38 +demo.example.scp
315 244 22.5% 06-Dec-94 22:35:52 +demo.example1.scp
2052 734 64.2% 06-Dec-94 23:12:46 +Masters.info
5554 2281 58.9% 02-Dec-94 23:19:08 +signs.txt
114 74 35.0% 06-Dec-94 02:25:42 +.depend
7870 2788 64.5% 06-Dec-94 02:25:28 +main.c
1870 932 50.1% 06-Dec-94 02:24:04 +makefile
1419 626 55.8% 06-Dec-94 02:25:28 +textwin.c
310 177 42.9% 06-Dec-94 02:24:04 +textwin.h
10676 5851 45.1% 06-Dec-94 02:31:12 +TextWin
8674 3663 57.7% 06-Dec-94 22:40:56 +TextWin.guide
3638 433 88.0% 05-Dec-94 21:34:18 +TextWin.guide.info
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
53560 20186 62.3% 06-Dec-94 23:18:32 14 files
Operation successful.
Contents of dev/gui/TextWin.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic] 1560 9441 16.5% -lh5- d1f7 Dec 5 1994 TextWin.info
[generic] 582 1303 44.7% -lh5- 1381 Dec 6 1994 TextWin/demo.body
[generic] 241 324 74.4% -lh5- 609d Dec 6 1994 TextWin/demo.example.scp
[generic] 244 315 77.5% -lh5- 9ff8 Dec 6 1994 TextWin/demo.example1.scp
[generic] 734 2052 35.8% -lh5- 292c Dec 6 1994 TextWin/Masters.info
[generic] 2281 5554 41.1% -lh5- 8087 Dec 2 1994 TextWin/signs.txt
[generic] 74 114 64.9% -lh5- 9726 Dec 6 1994 TextWin/src/.depend
[generic] 2788 7870 35.4% -lh5- e82f Dec 6 1994 TextWin/src/main.c
[generic] 932 1870 49.8% -lh5- 9ee9 Dec 6 1994 TextWin/src/makefile
[generic] 626 1419 44.1% -lh5- 0433 Dec 6 1994 TextWin/src/textwin.c
[generic] 177 310 57.1% -lh5- 6b97 Dec 6 1994 TextWin/src/textwin.h
[generic] 5851 10676 54.8% -lh5- 1581 Dec 6 1994 TextWin/TextWin
[generic] 3663 8674 42.2% -lh5- 2426 Dec 6 1994 TextWin/TextWin.guide
[generic] 433 3638 11.9% -lh5- adb7 Dec 5 1994 TextWin/TextWin.guide.info
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
Total 14 files 20186 53560 37.7% Dec 7 1994
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