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Short:Gnu Readline library
Author:Chet Ramey & Diego Casorran
Uploader:dcr8520 amiga org
Download:dev/gg/readline-4.2a.lha - View contents


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This is the Gnu Readline library, version 4.2a.

The Readline library provides a set of functions for use by applications
that allow users to edit command lines as they are typed in.  Both
Emacs and vi editing modes are available.  The Readline library includes
additional functions to maintain a list of previously-entered command
lines, to recall and perhaps reedit those lines, and perform csh-like
history expansion on previous commands.

The history facilites are also placed into a separate library, the
History library, as part of the build process.  The History library
may be used without Readline in applications which desire its

The Readline library is free software, distributed under the terms of
the [GNU] General Public License, version 2.  For more information, see
the file COPYING.

To build the library, try typing `./configure', then `make'.  The
configuration process is automated, so no further intervention should
be necessary.  Readline builds with `gcc' by default if it is
available.  If you want to use `cc' instead, type

        CC=cc ./configure

if you are using a Bourne-style shell.  If you are not, the following
may work:

        env CC=cc ./configure

Read the file INSTALL in this directory for more information about how
to customize and control the build process.

The file rlconf.h contains C preprocessor defines that enable and disable
certain Readline features.

The special make target `everything' will build the static and shared
libraries (if the target platform supports them) and the examples.


There are several example programs that use Readline features in the
examples directory.  The `rl' program is of particular interest.  It
is a command-line interface to Readline, suitable for use in shell
scripts in place of `read'.

Shared Libraries

There is skeletal support for building shared versions of the
Readline and History libraries.  The configure script creates
a Makefile in the `shlib' subdirectory, and typing `make shared'
will cause shared versions of the Readline and History libraries
to be built on supported platforms.

Configure calls the script support/shobj-conf to test whether or
not shared library creation is supported and to generate the values
of variables that are substituted into shlib/Makefile.  If you
try to build shared libraries on an unsupported platform, `make'
will display a message asking you to update support/shobj-conf for
your platform.

If you need to update support/shobj-conf, you will need to create
a `stanza' for your operating system and compiler.  The script uses
the value of host_os and ${CC} as determined by configure.  For
instance, FreeBSD 4.2 with any version of gcc is identified as

In the stanza for your operating system-compiler pair, you will need to
define several variables.  They are:

SHOBJ_CC	The C compiler used to compile source files into shareable
		object files.  This is normally set to the value of ${CC}
		by configure, and should not need to be changed.

SHOBJ_CFLAGS	Flags to pass to the C compiler ($SHOBJ_CC) to create
		position-independent code.  If you are using gcc, this
		should probably be set to `-fpic'.

SHOBJ_LD	The link editor to be used to create the shared library from
		the object files created by $SHOBJ_CC.  If you are using
		gcc, a value of `gcc' will probably work.

SHOBJ_LDFLAGS	Flags to pass to SHOBJ_LD to enable shared object creation.
		If you are using gcc, `-shared' may be all that is necessary.
		These should be the flags needed for generic shared object

SHLIB_XLDFLAGS	Additional flags to pass to SHOBJ_LD for shared library
		creation.  Many systems use the -R option to the link
		editor to embed a path within the library for run-time
		library searches.  A reasonable value for such systems would
		be `-R$(libdir)'.

SHLIB_LIBS	Any additional libraries that shared libraries should be
		linked against when they are created.

SHLIB_LIBSUFF	The suffix to add to `libreadline' and `libhistory' when
		generating the filename of the shared library.  Many systems
		use `so'; HP-UX uses `sl'.

SHLIB_LIBVERSION The string to append to the filename to indicate the version
		of the shared library.  It should begin with $(SHLIB_LIBSUFF),
		and possibly include version information that allows the
		run-time loader to load the version of the shared library
		appropriate for a particular program.  Systems using shared
		libraries similar to SunOS 4.x use major and minor library
		version numbers; for those systems a value of
		`$(SHLIB_LIBSUFF).$(SHLIB_MAJOR)$(SHLIB_MINOR)' is appropriate.
		Systems based on System V Release 4 don't use minor version
		numbers; use `$(SHLIB_LIBSUFF).$(SHLIB_MAJOR)' on those systems.
		Other Unix versions use different schemes.

SHLIB_STATUS	Set this to `supported' when you have defined the other
		necessary variables.  Make uses this to determine whether
		or not shared library creation should be attempted.

You should look at the existing stanzas in support/shobj-conf for ideas.

Once you have updated support/shobj-conf, re-run configure and type
`make shared'.  The shared libraries will be created in the shlib

Since shared libraries are not created on all platforms, `make install'
will not automatically install the shared libraries.  To install them,
change the current directory to shlib and type `make install'.  Running
`make install-shared' from the top-level build directory will also work.


The documentation for the Readline and History libraries appears in the
`doc' subdirectory.  There are two texinfo files and a Unix-style manual
page describing the programming facilities available in the Readline
library.  The texinfo files include both user and programmer's manuals.

Reporting Bugs

Bug reports for Readline should be sent to:

When reporting a bug, please include the following information:

        * the version number and release status of Readline (e.g., 4.2-release)
        * the machine and OS that it is running on
        * a list of the compilation flags or the contents of `config.h', if
        * a description of the bug
        * a recipe for recreating the bug reliably
        * a fix for the bug if you have one!

If you would like to contact the Readline maintainer directly, send mail

Since Readline is developed along with bash, the mailing
list (mirrored to the Usenet newsgroup gnu.bash.bug) often contains
Readline bug reports and fixes. 

Chet Ramey

LhA Freeware Version 2.2
Copyright © 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg.
Copyright © 1998-2000 by Jim Cooper and David Tritscher.

Listing of archive 'readline-4.2a.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
    3592    1129 68.5% 02-Feb-01 16:37:12 +hist.texinfo
   19725    6022 69.4% 24-Jul-01 20:42:22 +hstech.texinfo
   15063    5131 65.9% 22-Nov-00 17:42:50 +hsuser.texinfo
     141     102 27.6% 09-Oct-01 19:06:20 +manvers.texinfo
    3681    1152 68.7% 02-Feb-01 16:49:16 +rlman.texinfo
   76600   23181 69.7% 01-May-01 16:53:54 +rltech.texinfo
   60153   18756 68.8% 09-Oct-01 19:05:52 +rluser.texinfo
    3366    1023 69.6% 02-Feb-01 16:59:00 +rluserman.texinfo
  200195   64386 67.8% 02-Nov-00 14:50:52 +texinfo.tex
   20836    7270 65.1% 12-Mar-01 10:38:08 +history.3
   48812   13896 71.5% 09-Oct-01 19:08:06 +history.dvi
  106841   39779 62.7% 09-Oct-01 19:08:12
   35619   12132 65.9% 09-Oct-01 19:06:08 +readline.3
  228484   61676 73.0% 09-Oct-01 19:08:04 +readline.dvi
  323810  109210 66.2% 09-Oct-01 19:08:12
   60460   22246 63.2% 09-Oct-01 19:08:08 +rluserman.dvi
  126163   48186 61.8% 09-Oct-01 19:08:12
   21073    8167 61.2% 28-Sep-99 19:36:52 +texi2dvi
  141756   42211 70.2% 05-Oct-01 18:30:14 +texi2html
   29402    8555 70.9% 16-Apr-01 14:53:06 +history.0
   72458   12728 82.4% 09-Oct-01 19:08:10 +history.html
   31600    8952 71.6% 09-Oct-01 19:08:02
   54147   15175 71.9% 09-Oct-01 19:08:12 +readline.0
  277875   52145 81.2% 09-Oct-01 19:08:10 +readline.html
  143213   41315 71.1% 09-Oct-01 19:08:02
   71710   26035 63.6% 09-Oct-01 19:08:12
   82863   18393 77.8% 09-Oct-01 19:08:12 +rluserman.html
   46574   14587 68.6% 09-Oct-01 19:08:02
  921600  331109 64.0% 24-Jun-02 12:56:04  !-to-gg.tar
   14939    5211 65.1% 02-Nov-01 16:42:08  CHANGELOG
   22556    8032 64.3% 07-Nov-01 22:00:32  CHANGES
   18008    7010 61.0% 05-Aug-99 14:46:22  COPYING
   42842   15707 63.3% 16-Apr-01 14:53:06
    1910     693 63.7% 24-Sep-01 12:40:52  MANIFEST
    6695    2746 58.9% 22-Aug-01 17:47:42  README
      69      63  8.6% 31-Dec-02 23:59:58  source
    2025     855 57.7% 23-Jul-99 14:09:36  USAGE
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
 3336856 1054966 68.3% Operation successful.

.Readme created with:  MRea  \

Contents of dev/gg/readline-4.2a.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]                 1129    3592  31.4% -lh5- 1585 Feb  2  2001 doc/hist.texinfo
[generic]                 6022   19725  30.5% -lh5- 6df4 Jul 24  2001 doc/hstech.texinfo
[generic]                 5131   15063  34.1% -lh5- 06a6 Nov 22  2000 doc/hsuser.texinfo
[generic]                  102     141  72.3% -lh5- fd9c Oct  9  2001 doc/manvers.texinfo
[generic]                 1152    3681  31.3% -lh5- 8b16 Feb  2  2001 doc/rlman.texinfo
[generic]                23181   76600  30.3% -lh5- ed3d May  1  2001 doc/rltech.texinfo
[generic]                18756   60153  31.2% -lh5- 5bbc Oct  9  2001 doc/rluser.texinfo
[generic]                 1023    3366  30.4% -lh5- 247f Feb  2  2001 doc/rluserman.texinfo
[generic]                64386  200195  32.2% -lh5- 48af Nov  2  2000 doc/texinfo.tex
[generic]                 7270   20836  34.9% -lh5- ea40 Mar 12  2001 doc/history.3
[generic]                13896   48812  28.5% -lh5- e8a5 Oct  9  2001 doc/history.dvi
[generic]                39779  106841  37.2% -lh5- 1d51 Oct  9  2001 doc/
[generic]                12132   35619  34.1% -lh5- ff07 Oct  9  2001 doc/readline.3
[generic]                61676  228484  27.0% -lh5- ae93 Oct  9  2001 doc/readline.dvi
[generic]               109210  323810  33.7% -lh5- 4e90 Oct  9  2001 doc/
[generic]                22246   60460  36.8% -lh5- d328 Oct  9  2001 doc/rluserman.dvi
[generic]                48186  126163  38.2% -lh5- f129 Oct  9  2001 doc/
[generic]                 8167   21073  38.8% -lh5- 59ce Sep 28  1999 doc/texi2dvi
[generic]                42211  141756  29.8% -lh5- b155 Oct  5  2001 doc/texi2html
[generic]                 8555   29402  29.1% -lh5- 1a32 Apr 16  2001 doc/history.0
[generic]                12728   72458  17.6% -lh5- 03bf Oct  9  2001 doc/history.html
[generic]                 8952   31600  28.3% -lh5- 8705 Oct  9  2001 doc/
[generic]                15175   54147  28.0% -lh5- 28e7 Oct  9  2001 doc/readline.0
[generic]                52145  277875  18.8% -lh5- 705b Oct  9  2001 doc/readline.html
[generic]                41315  143213  28.8% -lh5- 66a7 Oct  9  2001 doc/
[generic]                26035   71710  36.3% -lh5- 16b8 Oct  9  2001 doc/
[generic]                18393   82863  22.2% -lh5- fb34 Oct  9  2001 doc/rluserman.html
[generic]                14587   46574  31.3% -lh5- 9462 Oct  9  2001 doc/
[generic]               331109  921600  35.9% -lh5- caf8 Jun 24  2002 !-to-gg.tar
[generic]                 5211   14939  34.9% -lh5- 21a7 Nov  2  2001 changelog
[generic]                 8032   22556  35.6% -lh5- 4268 Nov  7  2001 changes
[generic]                 7010   18008  38.9% -lh5- b857 Aug  5  1999 copying
[generic]                15707   42842  36.7% -lh5- 2257 Apr 16  2001 doc/
[generic]                  693    1910  36.3% -lh5- 00a0 Sep 24  2001 manifest
[generic]                 2746    6695  41.0% -lh5- df4e Aug 22  2001 readme
[generic]                   63      69  91.3% -lh5- 4a8f Dec 31  2002 source
[generic]                  855    2025  42.2% -lh5- 5f19 Jul 23  1999 usage
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        37 files 1054966 3336856  31.6%            Sep 15  2002
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