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Short:GNU gettext package.
Author:Ulrich Drepper, Peter Miller,Bruno Haible & Diego Casorran
Uploader:dcr8520 amiga org
Download:dev/gg/gettext-0.11.2.lha - View contents


        This  package  comes  from


This  is  the  GNU  gettext  package.   It  is  interesting  for authors or
maintainers   of  other  packages  or  programs  which  they  want  to  see
internationalized.   As  one  step  the  handling  of messages in different
languages  should  be  implemented.  For this task GNU gettext provides the
needed tools and library functions.

Users  of  GNU  packages should also install GNU gettext because some other
GNU  packages  will  use  the  gettext  program included in this package to
internationalize the messages given by shell scripts.

Another  good  reason  to  install  GNU  gettext  is  to make sure the here
included   functions  compile  ok.   This  helps  to  prevent  errors  when
installing  other  packages  which  use this library.  The message handling
functions  are not yet part of POSIX and ISO/IEC standards and therefore it
is  not possible to rely on facts about their implementation in the local C
library.    For   this   reason,  GNU  gettext  tries  using  the  system's
functionality  only  if  it  is  a  GNU  gettext implementation (possibly a
different version); otherwise, compatibility problems would occur.

We  felt  that  the Uniforum proposals has the much more flexible interface
and, what is more important, does not burden the programmers as much as the
other possibility does.

Please  share  your  results  with us.  If this package compiles ok for you
future GNU release will likely also not fail, at least for reasons found in
message handling.  Send comments and bug reports to

The goal of this library was to give a unique interface to message handling
functions.   At  least  the  same  level  of  importance  was  to  give the
programmer/maintainer  the  needed  tools to maintain the message catalogs.
The interface is designed after the proposals of the Uniforum group.

The homepage of this package is at


The primary FTP site for its distribution is


The configure script provides two non-standard options.  These will also be
available  in  other packages if they use the functionality of GNU gettext.


if  you  absolutely  don't  want  to have messages handling code.  You will
always  get  the  original  messages  (mostly English).  You could consider
using  NLS  support even when you do not need other tongues.  If you do not
install  any  messages  catalogs or do not specify to use another but the C
locale you will not get translations.

The  set  of  languages  for which catalogs should be installed can also be
specified  while  configuring.   Of  course  they must be available but the
intersection  of these two sets are computed automatically.  You could once
and for all define in your profile/cshrc the variable LINGUAS:

(Bourne Shell)		LINGUAS="de fr nl"; export LINGUAS

(C Shell)		setenv LINGUAS "de fr nl"

or specify it directly while configuring

	env LINGUAS="de fr nl" ./configure

Consult the manual for more information on language names.

The second configure option is


This  forces  to use the GNU implementation of the message handling library
regardless  what  the local C library provides.  This possibility is useful
if the local C library is a glibc 2.1.x or older, which didn't have all the
features the included libintl has.

Other files you might look into:

`ABOUT-NLS' -	current state of the GNU internationalization effort
`COPYING' -	copying conditions
`INSTALL' -	general compilation and installation rules
`NEWS' -	major changes in the current version
`THANKS' -	list of contributors

Some points you might be interested in before installing the package:

1.  If your system's C library already provides the gettext interface
    and its associated tools don't come from this package, it might be
    a good idea to configure the package with

    Systems affected by this are:
        Solaris 2.x

2.  Some system have a very dumb^H^H^H^Hstrange version of msgfmt, the
    one which comes with xview.  This one is *not* usable.  It's best
    you delete^H^H^H^H^H^Hrename it or install this package as in the
    point above with

3.  The locale name alias scheme implemented here is in a similar form
    implemented in the X Window System.  Especially the alias data base
    file can be shared.  Normally this file is found at something like


    If you have the X Window System installed try to find this file and
    specify the path at the make run:

    make aliaspath='/usr/lib/X11/locale:/usr/local/lib/locale'

    (or whatever is appropriate for you).  The file name is always
    In the misc/ subdirectory you find an example for an alias database file.

4.  The msgmerge program performs fuzzy search in the message sets.  It
    might run a long time on slow systems.  I saw this problem when running
    it on my old i386DX25.  The time can really be several minutes,
    especially if you have long messages and/or a great number of
       If you have a faster implementation of the fstrcmp() function and
    want to share it with the rest of us, please contact me.

LhA Freeware Version 2.2
Copyright © 1991-94 by Stefan Boberg.
Copyright © 1998-2000 by Jim Cooper and David Tritscher.

Listing of archive 'gettext-0.11.2.lha':
Original  Packed Ratio    Date     Time    Name
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------  -------------
22691840 14535360 35.9% 25-Jun-02 20:40:32  !-to-gg.tar
   22132    5970 73.0% 24-Apr-02 15:51:36  ABOUT-NLS
     386     242 37.3% 09-Mar-01 16:22:52  AUTHORS
     284     177 37.6% 04-Dec-01 19:20:06  BUGS
   47335   13124 72.2% 24-Apr-02 17:38:58  ChangeLog
   18007    7009 61.0% 16-Jun-00 07:49:22  COPYING
    2314    1025 55.7% 29-Sep-01 13:46:32  DISCLAIM
   10956    4394 59.8% 22-Apr-02 18:26:54  NEWS
    3205     944 70.5% 12-Mar-02 19:50:48  PACKAGING
    5142    2297 55.3% 07-Jan-02 17:51:26  README
   20408    8278 59.4% 09-Mar-01 16:27:16  README.gemtext
      69      63  8.6% 31-Dec-02 23:59:58  source
    3941    2302 41.5% 15-Jan-02 11:52:10  THANKS
     277     179 35.3% 05-Mar-02 14:03:30  TODO
-------- ------- ----- --------- --------
22826296 14581364 36.1% Operation successful.

.Readme created with:  MRea  \

Contents of dev/gg/gettext-0.11.2.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
[generic]              14535360 22691840  64.1% -lh5- 4cd1 Jun 25  2002 !-to-gg.tar
[generic]                 5970   22132  27.0% -lh5- 6325 Apr 24  2002 about-nls
[generic]                  242     386  62.7% -lh5- 6980 Mar  9  2001 authors
[generic]                  177     284  62.3% -lh5- 4e50 Dec  4  2001 bugs
[generic]                13124   47335  27.7% -lh5- cab2 Apr 24  2002 ChangeLog
[generic]                 7009   18007  38.9% -lh5- fa00 Jun 16  2000 copying
[generic]                 1025    2314  44.3% -lh5- 1c5c Sep 29  2001 disclaim
[generic]                 4394   10956  40.1% -lh5- 1c9f Apr 22  2002 news
[generic]                  944    3205  29.5% -lh5- 6e08 Mar 12  2002 packaging
[generic]                 2297    5142  44.7% -lh5- c619 Jan  7  2002 readme
[generic]                 8278   20408  40.6% -lh5- 84f7 Mar  9  2001 README.gemtext
[generic]                   63      69  91.3% -lh5- 4a8f Dec 31  2002 source
[generic]                 2302    3941  58.4% -lh5- d7bc Jan 15  2002 thanks
[generic]                  179     277  64.6% -lh5- d17a Mar  5  2002 todo
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------------
 Total        14 files 14581364 22826296  63.9%            Sep 15  2002
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