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Short:Covert Bitops C64 Tools
Author:Covert Bitops, port by uploader
Uploader:polluks sdf lonestar org (Stefan Haubenthal)
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Covert Bitops C64 tools collection, now all (except GoatTracker) in one

The graphical tools use now SDL and all utilities have been verified to
compile both under MinGW (Win32), Linux, AmigaOS4 and MorphOS. For filesize
reasons, precompiled binaries exist only for MorphOS.

Use makefile.mos to recompile for MorphOS.
Use makefile.aos4 to recompile for AmigaOS4.
Use makefile to recompile for Linux
and to recompile for MinGW

Commandline utilities for C64 crossdevelopment

Utilities written by Lasse Öörni (loorni()

CovertBitOps C64 page:


Usage: PRG2BIN infile outfile [bytes to strip, default 2]

This program removes a certain amount of bytes from the beginning of the
input file and saves it as the output file. With the default setting
of 2 bytes, it converts PRG files into raw binary files.

Usage: PRG2D64 diskimage c64filename dosfilename [interleave]

This program reads the file indicated by dos filename, and writes it to 
the D64 diskimage given, with the desired c64 filename. Use the 
underscore _ to represent blanks in the c64 filename.

Interleave can be given as a parameter. By default it's 10.

Usage: D642PRG diskimage c64filename dosfilename

This program does the opposite, it extracts the c64 file from the diskimage
and writes it to a file indicated by dos filename. Like above, use the
underscore _ to represent blanks in the c64 filename.

Usage: D64REN diskimage oldname newname

This program renames one file on a D64 diskimage. Use the underscore _ to
represent blanks in the filenames.

Usage: MAKEDISK diskimage commandfile [diskname] [interleave]

This program creates a D64 diskimage from scratch, reading dos filename
c64 filename pairs from the commandfile and writing those files on the image.
A disk name and the sector interleave (10 is the default) can be optionally
given. Fiddling with the interleave is nice when trying to find the optimal
loading speed (minimal sector read waiting time) for an IRQ-loader. Use the
underscore _ to represent blanks in the c64 filenames.

Example of a commandfile: (from the BOFH game)
bofh.pak BOFH_V1.0
instr.pak BOFH_MANUAL
hiscore.bin BOFH_HISCORE

So, bofh.pak is written on the image as BOFH V1.0, instr.pak as BOFH MANUAL
and hiscore.bin as BOFH HISCORE.

Usage: C64PACK infile outfile [switches]
       -r Raw input and output file (no start address)

Packs a C64 file using my quite ineffective string-pack algorithm. (the only
good side is that the depacker is short). The input and output file can even
be same, because input file is first totally stored in memory.

If the -r switch is given, the input file is assumed to be a raw binary file
without the 2-byte starting address (like in PRG files) and the output file
will be raw binary also. Otherwise, the output file contains the same start
address as the input file.

Usage: C64UNP infile outfile

This program reverses the compression done by above program. NOTE: this
program can only handle files with startaddress!

Usage: PACKPRG infile outfile execution address in hexadecimal

This program packs an executable PRG file with the above mentioned
algorithm and adds a depacker, making the file startable with a RUN
command. The depacker will start the executable with a JMP to the
execution address, with the value $37 in memory location $01 (enable
Basic ROM, Kernal ROM and I/O area)

This program needs the file DEPACK.S (depacker source code in DASM
source code format) in the current directory and DASM.EXE in the
path, because it invokes DASM to assemble the depacker and link it
with the packed executable data.

Usage: BENTON64 infile outfile [switches]
       -hXX Clip picture height to XX
       -wXX Clip picture width to XX
       -bXX Set background ($D021) color to XX
     By default it's the most used color.
       -sXX Set picture start address in hex (default a000)
       -r   Raw save (no .PRG start address included)
       -o   Optimal save (do not align bitmap & screen data to page boundary)
       -c   Save color data before bitmap

This is Benton Invertor 64 (named traditionally like my other LBM convertors,
in honor of Glen Benton), a C64 multicolor picture conversion program.

The input file has to be in Deluxe Paint IFF/LBM format. Switches determine
what portion of the picture will be converted, and to what format.

By default a 320x200 picture would be saved like:

2 bytes startaddress
8192 bytes of bitmap data
1024 bytes of screen memory data
1024 bytes of color memory data
As you see, the bitmap/screen/color data lengths are rounded to the next
page (256 bytes) boundary.

By using the /o switch it would be:
2 bytes startaddress
8000 bytes of bitmap data
1000 bytes of screen memory data
1000 bytes of color memory data
(no wasted bytes)

Note that the background color isn't saved with the picture!

Usage: PIC2CHR infile outfile [switches]
       -fXX First char to use. Default 0
       -bXX Set background ($D021) color to XX. Default 0.
       -mXX Set multicolor 1 to XX.
       -nXX Set multicolor 2 to XX.
       -xXX Set Xsize to XX. (default 40)
       -yXX Set Ysize to XX. (default 25)
       -d   Don't search for duplicates
       -c   Don't save colormap
       -s   Don't save screendata
       -t   Don't save chars
       -1   Singlecolor

Converts a LBM picture into character (not bitmap) data + screen data. The
output file is always in raw binary format (no startaddress) and it's as

xsize*ysize chars of screen memory data
xsize*ysize chars of color memory data, if not disabled
as many chars of chardata as needed

To rebuild MW1 cutscene pictures, replace CUTSCENE.EXE calls with calls to
this program and add parameter /f64 (start from char 64)

Usage: PIC2SPR infile outfile [switches]
       -hXX Clip picture height to XX sprites
       -wXX Clip picture width to XX sprites
       -bXX Set background color to XX. Default 0.
       -mXX Set sprite multicolor 1 to XX.
       -nXX Set sprite multicolor 2 to XX.
       -sXX Set data start address in hex (default a000)
       -r   Raw save (no .PRG start address included)
       -1   Singlecolor

This is the customized graphics conversion program for MW2, that uses sprites
in its cutscene graphics. Basically, an IFF/LBM picture will be converted into
sprites, the sprites going left-right and top-bottom in the like this: (example
has 4 sprites horizontally)

  1 2 3 4
  5 6 7 8

The sprites are saved in the .SPR format, which means raw sprite data with
the 64th byte in each sprite defining the sprite color.

Usage: SPRRIP ramdumpfile banknumber outfile [spritecolor]

This program takes a 64KB dump file containing the C64 RAM, such as C64.RAM
used by old versions of CCS64, and rips all 256 sprites from a certain
videobank. The bank numbers are the same that are written to the low 2 bits
of $dd00 (3 = $0000-$3fff, 2 = $4000-$7fff etc.). Output file will be in
the format of SPREDIT.EXE and the optional spritecolor parameter is what to 
put in the 64th byte of each sprite.

Usage: SYMBOLS dasm-symboldumpfile outputfile [listfile]

Builds an "include"-file or "extern-file" out of DASM symbol dump output, to
be used in compiling a multi-part program, or using game engine symbols in a
CovertScript program. If listfile is present, only the symbols listed in it
will be included, otherwise all.

Usage: FILEJOIN src1+src2+src3 .. dest

I wrote this because "COPY src1+src2 .. dest /B" didn't work reliably for
me. Simply, joins many binary files into the destination file.

Usage: CS infile [switches]
        -c       Don't automatically import constants from extern file
        -d       Enable debugging output (ugly-looking :))
        -e<name> Externfile name
        -h       Build chunk-datafile with header
        -l<name> Listfile name
        -o<name> Output to one file, instead of page files (infile.000,
                 infile.001 etc.)
        -p<val>  Page size in hex. Default 0400.
        -v<val>,<val> Variable area start & length in hex. Default 0334,100.

Compiles CovertScript programs into bytecode for execution by the VM contained
in the old MW4 engine. Can also be used to create raw datafiles and chunk-

Usage: CPACK infile outfile
       CDEPACK infile outfile

Replacement of C64PACK & C64UNP with slightly better compression algorithm.
Used to compress datafiles for old version of MW4 engine

Usage: PACK infile outfile

These are used in MW4 to make exomizer-packed datafiles that can be loaded to
any address of memory. Requires fairly new version of Exomizer (invokes it)

PCHUNK and PMAP are specific to the "Covertengine chunk-datafile" system that
was only in use in the old MW4 engine. They compress chunk-datafiles and old
MW4 levelfiles respectively - likely not useful.

Contents of dev/cross/c64tools_mos.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[generic]                 3967   11680  34.0% -lh5- 5d4f Dec 13  2008 c64tools/bgedit.txt
[generic]                 3461    8920  38.8% -lh5- eea3 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/cmdline.txt
[generic]               119440  391824  30.5% -lh5- 7530 Mar 17 19:35 c64tools/mos/aomedit
[generic]                96089  287864  33.4% -lh5- e855 Mar 17 19:36 c64tools/mos/aomedit2
[generic]                 9066   20332  44.6% -lh5- 8b92 Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/benton64
[generic]               154127  476948  32.3% -lh5- 5215 Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/bgedit3
[generic]                 2649    7020  37.7% -lh5- d17f Mar 17 19:48 c64tools/mos/bin2hex
[generic]               186795  609656  30.6% -lh5- d843 Mar 17 19:48 c64tools/mos/bofhedit
[generic]                 3696    8872  41.7% -lh5- dead Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/c64pack
[generic]                 3300    8204  40.2% -lh5- 5472 Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/c64unp
[generic]                 3141    8152  38.5% -lh5- ea75 Mar 17 19:48 c64tools/mos/cdepack
[generic]                 3289    8140  40.4% -lh5- a773 Mar 17 19:48 c64tools/mos/cpack
[generic]                29488   69532  42.4% -lh5- 4c3e Mar 17 19:48 c64tools/mos/cs
[generic]                 3251    8128  40.0% -lh5- 1825 Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/d64ren
[generic]                 3820    9264  41.2% -lh5- c9ff Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/d642prg
[generic]                 2874    7604  37.8% -lh5- 97ba Mar 17 19:48 c64tools/mos/filejoin
[generic]                 2731    7264  37.6% -lh5- 9bf5 Mar 17 19:48 c64tools/mos/filespli
[generic]                51945  116922  44.4% -lh5- 86b2 Feb  8 13:42 c64tools/mos/libbme.a
[generic]                 9462   20356  46.5% -lh5- 52e6 Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/makedisk
[generic]                 2725    7224  37.7% -lh5- 7360 Mar 17 19:48 c64tools/mos/pack
[generic]                 3709    9012  41.2% -lh5- 0695 Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/packprg
[generic]                 2840    7472  38.0% -lh5- e0ad Mar 17 19:48 c64tools/mos/pchunk
[generic]                 6765   15184  44.6% -lh5- b70f Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/pic2chr
[generic]                 6179   13720  45.0% -lh5- 93e1 Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/pic2spr
[generic]                 2874    7540  38.1% -lh5- 21d4 Mar 17 19:48 c64tools/mos/pmap
[generic]                 2814    7444  37.8% -lh5- 1754 Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/prg2bin
[generic]                 6012   13884  43.3% -lh5- 377a Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/prg2d64
[generic]                40923  106048  38.6% -lh5- 1a11 Mar 17 19:34 c64tools/mos/spredit
[generic]                43300  112276  38.6% -lh5- 49ce Mar 17 19:48 c64tools/mos/spredit2
[generic]                 2807    7348  38.2% -lh5- 897e Mar 17 19:41 c64tools/mos/sprrip
[generic]                 3149    7836  40.2% -lh5- a992 Mar 17 19:48 c64tools/mos/symbols
[generic]               178963  599080  29.9% -lh5- 682e Mar 17 19:45 c64tools/mos/tbgedit
[generic]                  258     425  60.7% -lh5- 91ca Dec 13  2008 c64tools/README-SDL.txt
[generic]                  332     539  61.6% -lh5- 8b0d Dec 13  2008 c64tools/readme.txt
[generic]                  646    1545  41.8% -lh5- 6ebb Dec 13  2008 c64tools/spredit.txt
[generic]                10688   62350  17.1% -lh5- b7d7 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/aomedit.c
[generic]                14544   81460  17.9% -lh5- 6edb Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/aomedit2.c
[generic]                 3816   15513  24.6% -lh5- 97b0 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/benton64.c
[generic]                 7433   41546  17.9% -lh5- d6de Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bgedit3.c
[generic]                  238     417  57.1% -lh5- 59f1 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bin2hex.c
[generic]                 2082    6477  32.1% -lh5- 4fda Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bison.hairy
[generic]                 5715   17089  33.4% -lh5- dbdc Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bison.simple
[generic]                  142     352  40.3% -lh5- 86b7 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme.h
[generic]                  274     468  58.5% -lh5- 3aa4 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_cfg.h
[generic]                  220     443  49.7% -lh5- 924a Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_err.h
[generic]                  503    1608  31.3% -lh5- e3c0 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_gfx.h
[generic]                  216     502  43.0% -lh5- 1c46 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_io.h
[generic]                  119     161  73.9% -lh5- ea82 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_joy.h
[generic]                  153     296  51.7% -lh5- 9b19 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_kbd.h
[generic]                 1397    5543  25.2% -lh5- d4ea Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_main.h
[generic]                  312     845  36.9% -lh5- 6db3 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_map.h
[generic]                  136     235  57.9% -lh5- b924 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_mou.h
[generic]                  557    2011  27.7% -lh5- c5ca Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_snd.h
[generic]                  146     259  56.4% -lh5- f4c8 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_tbl.h
[generic]                  177     467  37.9% -lh5- 442a Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_txt.h
[generic]                  345     871  39.6% -lh5- 6f9c Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bme_win.h
[generic]                 6815   36823  18.5% -lh5- 436b Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/bofhedit.c
[generic]                 1212    3937  30.8% -lh5- 3131 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/c64pack.c
[generic]                  838    2267  37.0% -lh5- 19ac Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/c64unp.c
[generic]                  681    1894  36.0% -lh5- d81c Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/cdepack.c
[generic]                 4457   20931  21.3% -lh5- 13e7 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/codegen.c
[generic]                  451    1498  30.1% -lh5- a1af Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/codegen.h
[generic]                  981    3581  27.4% -lh5- b4af Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/cpack.c
[generic]                 1319    3804  34.7% -lh5- 2114 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/cs.l
[generic]                 2649   12660  20.9% -lh5- ddc4 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/cs.y
[generic]                13771   55089  25.0% -lh5- d033 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/cs_tab.c
[generic]                  499    1298  38.4% -lh5- e8d1 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/cs_tab.h
[generic]                  900    2415  37.3% -lh5- 294a Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/d64ren.c
[generic]                 1091    3401  32.1% -lh5- be5e Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/d642prg.c
[generic]                  770    3075  25.0% -lh5- 99ef Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/depack.s
[generic]                 3360   43230   7.8% -lh5- 6531 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/editdata.c
[generic]                 1560    6798  22.9% -lh5- c52c Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/editfont.lbm
[generic]                  966    4446  21.7% -lh5- b769 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/editfont.spr
[generic]                  231     722  32.0% -lh5- 320d Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/editio.h
[generic]                 1477    7082  20.9% -lh5- 6195 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/editor.dat
[generic]                  380    2764  13.7% -lh5- 716a Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/editor.lbm
[generic]                   65     766   8.5% -lh5- 0f04 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/editor.pal
[generic]                  365    1797  20.3% -lh5- 7b3a Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/editor.spr
[generic]                  280    1151  24.3% -lh5- bed9 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/fileio.c
[generic]                   90     286  31.5% -lh5- 2e0f Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/fileio.h
[generic]                  469    1099  42.7% -lh5- fea7 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/filejoin.c
[generic]                   35      35 100.0% -lh0- ef10 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/filelist
[generic]                  336     831  40.4% -lh5- 2cd7 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/filespli.c
[generic]                14187   50956  27.8% -lh5- a27d Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/lex.yy.c
[generic]                 2892   15921  18.2% -lh5- 8b1e Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/makedisk.c
[generic]                  987    3539  27.9% -lh5- c266 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/makefile
[generic]                 1058    3673  28.8% -lh5- fbfb Mar 17 20:20 c64tools/src/makefile.mos
[generic]                  929    3408  27.3% -lh5- 72fb Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/
[generic]                  328     596  55.0% -lh5- 7019 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/pack.c
[generic]                 1180    3672  32.1% -lh5- 6569 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/packprg.c
[generic]                  394    1013  38.9% -lh5- a709 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/pchunk.c
[generic]                 3422   13970  24.5% -lh5- 7bc4 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/pic2chr.c
[generic]                 3232   13146  24.6% -lh5- 97fa Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/pic2spr.c
[generic]                  404    1111  36.4% -lh5- d7b4 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/pmap.c
[generic]                  380     863  44.0% -lh5- 98a7 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/prg2bin.c
[generic]                 2702   15676  17.2% -lh5- e62b Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/prg2d64.c
[generic]                 4423   21879  20.2% -lh5- 2566 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/spredit.c
[generic]                 6069   30110  20.2% -lh5- d5c9 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/spredit2.c
[generic]                  444    1168  38.0% -lh5- 2258 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/sprrip.c
[generic]                  591    2890  20.4% -lh5- 1c6c Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/symbol.c
[generic]                  157     417  37.6% -lh5- f970 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/symbol.h
[generic]                  744    1791  41.5% -lh5- f20a Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/symbols.c
[generic]                 5682   31089  18.3% -lh5- fcb7 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/tbgedit.c
[generic]                 5645   38438  14.7% -lh5- 30bf Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/tree.c
[generic]                  184     547  33.6% -lh5- b497 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/tree.h
[generic]                  897    3102  28.9% -lh5- 1a36 Dec 13  2008 c64tools/src/types.h
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total       106 files 1149079 3724827  30.8%            Mar 17 21:21

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