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dev/cross/HideurMakeur.lha |
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Hideur Maikeur 2.0 by Aittahar Mounir.
MorphOS build by Philippe Rimauro.
Available in english & french versions.
Original source package can be found in the src/ directory.
See included original README/ALIRE for more information.
__ __ _
_________/ / / /__________/ /_______________________________________________
_ _ / /_// / / / / / _ _ _
/ ___ / / __ _/ / / ___ _ _ ___
_/ / / / / / / / / / / _/ //_// / _/
|__/ /_/_/ /_/_/ /___/_/ _\/ /___/_/ /_/\/
__ ___ __ _ _ _
_ _ _ / _/ / _ _ _ / /
_ _ _ / _ __ / / __ __ / __/ ___ _ _ ___
/ / / / / / / / / / / _/ / _/ //_// / _/
/_/_/ /_/_/ /____ /_/_/ /_/_ _\/ /___/_/ /_/\/ 2.0
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _
AITTAHAR Mounir/Downwater (c) 2002
Released Sunday, March 25th at 23:00
What's New ?
- source code entirely rewriten (cleaner code)
- conform to c-ansi rules
- command line instead of interactive mode
- more intuitive use (in my opinion :P)
- CPC rules
- PC stinks
See INSTALL for compiling instructions.
Conversion : hideur fichierDos -o fichierAms [-u user] [-t type]
[-x adrexe] [-l adrload] [-v]
Info : hideur -info fichier
Help : hideur -h
Have you ever used a cross assembler for Z80 system ? Or one of
picture converter like Graphics Wizard ? When you want to load them with
a LOAD or a SAVE command, or else amsdos routines, you get an error
message. Oh dear ! What's happening ?
Your file misses an amsdos HEADER. An amsdos header is just 80 bytes
added before the file data which containing useful informations like user,
size file, address of loading (when you invoke LOAD on a binary file),
address of execution (when you invokes RUN on a binary file)...
Hideur Maikeur is a small util which allows you to add this header. His use
is simple, and yo can use it in a batch script because is a command line
util. The syntax looks like a famous GNU C compiler :).
Hideur Maikeur uses ansi codes in verbose mode. If you are under MS-DOS
or Windows, you should add this line in your file C:CONFIG.SYS :
If C:WINDOWSCOMMAND is the path of the file ansi.sys. Then, reboot :(.
Hideur Maikeur has the following options.
* DosFile The dos file you want to convert
* -o AmsFile The amsdos file you want to get
* -u user user of the amsdos file(0-255)
* -t type file type 0 : Basic
1 : Protected Basic
2 : Binary
3 : Protected Binary
* -x adrexe : address of execution
* -l adrload : address of loading
Well the options describe themselves better than I could, no ? :)
Thanks to
* Roudoudou for advises and advertisements ;)
* Overflow for giving me reasons to make this version
* OffseT for the Amiga test of HM and his funny trolls
* All CPC sceners and users
* And all others
I apologize if there were some (or many) fault language, english isn't my
mother tongue...
Website : http://downwater.free.fr
Contents of dev/cross/HideurMakeur.lha
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown] 5293 14160 37.4% -lh5- bec7 Jun 14 2011 HideurMaikeur/hideur.english
[unknown] 5354 14408 37.2% -lh5- 38d5 Jun 14 2011 HideurMaikeur/hideur.franíÂis
[unknown] 1781 4290 41.5% -lh5- 6e4b Jun 14 2011 HideurMaikeur/hideur.readme
[unknown] 346 873 39.6% -lh5- 7970 Jun 14 2011 HideurMaikeur/src/aff.h
[unknown] 1783 4414 40.4% -lh5- 6f76 Jun 14 2010 HideurMaikeur/src/ALIRE
[unknown] 7016 18011 39.0% -lh5- 85dd Jun 14 2010 HideurMaikeur/src/COPYING
[unknown] 132 328 40.2% -lh5- 6605 Jun 14 2011 HideurMaikeur/src/debug.h
[unknown] 2316 6897 33.6% -lh5- 9777 Jun 14 2011 HideurMaikeur/src/header.c
[unknown] 363 908 40.0% -lh5- f063 Jun 14 2011 HideurMaikeur/src/header.h
[unknown] 275 426 64.6% -lh5- 560c Jun 14 2010 HideurMaikeur/src/INSTALL
[unknown] 271 459 59.0% -lh5- 6342 Jun 14 2010 HideurMaikeur/src/INSTALLFR
[unknown] 1037 3509 29.6% -lh5- 99b9 Jun 14 2011 HideurMaikeur/src/main.c
[unknown] 458 889 51.5% -lh5- 5369 Jun 14 2011 HideurMaikeur/src/Makefile
[unknown] 399 750 53.2% -lh5- 4f6f Jun 14 2010 HideurMaikeur/src/Makefile-msdos.eng
[unknown] 410 764 53.7% -lh5- 4955 Jun 14 2010 HideurMaikeur/src/Makefile-msdos.fr
[unknown] 533 1070 49.8% -lh5- 2685 Jun 14 2010 HideurMaikeur/src/Makefile-unix.eng
[unknown] 524 991 52.9% -lh5- 4a36 Jun 14 2010 HideurMaikeur/src/Makefile-unix.fr
[unknown] 524 991 52.9% -lh5- 4a36 Jun 14 2010 HideurMaikeur/src/Makefile-unix.french
[unknown] 1677 7896 21.2% -lh5- 6c4e Jun 14 2011 HideurMaikeur/src/messages.h
[unknown] 1596 4002 39.9% -lh5- 18f3 Jun 14 2010 HideurMaikeur/src/README
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
Total 20 files 32088 86036 37.3% Jun 19 2011
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